Top 10 reasons why 200 million Americans FALSELY believe masks and gene therapy injections will SAVE them from Covid:

  1. Mass media is hiding all the carnage caused by the clot shots.
  2. Carbon dioxide poisoning from the masks limits critical thinking and logical reasoning.
  3. Vaccines have always been falsely hailed as the “holy grail” of medicine.
  4. Extremely high levels of mercury in multi-dose flu shots causes mental disorders.
  5. People can’t believe the CDC and FDA would lie to them over something so important to human life and health safety.
  6. Patients can’t fathom that their doctors, nurses, surgeons get major funding and bonuses from treating Covid with deadly methods, including toxic vaccines, kidney decimating Remdesivir and choke-you-to-death-in-4-days-or-less ventilators.
  7. Most Americans have no understanding whatsoever about ongoing population reduction schemes, eugenics and medical plots that destroy human fertility/reproduction.
  8. All natural remedies for Covid (and everything else) are massively suppressed by all major media outlets, including websites, television, newspapers, radio, etc.
  9. Allopathic patients have Stockholm Syndrome where abused victims think positively about their abuser and captor (Big Pharma and the CDC).
  10. The Fear Factor: The media and CDC have absolutely terrified people so badly about the re-branded flu they believe if they don’t wear masks and get vaccinated they face certain death by Covid – Welcome to the Covid Con!