Dr. Rebecca Carley on Vaccinations Published on Sep 10, 2011 on You Tube
immunizations are more
common than many people
Please visit her website:
Rebecca (Roczen) Carley
received her Bachelor's
degree in Diagnostic
Ultrasound, attended medical
school (and received the
Samuel L. Kountz award for
clinical excellence in
surgery at graduation), and
trained to be a general
surgeon at State University
of New York at Downstate
Medical Center in Brooklyn.
Dr. Carley also worked as an
attending Emergency Room
physician at Kings County
Medical Center in Brooklyn
(which is the primary
training affiliate for
Downstate students), and is
the largest hospital (and
busiest trauma center) in
the United States.
Dr. Carley left the practice
of General Surgery and
"allopathic" medicine after
realizing that no one was
actually being healed of
their diseases, and she
started researching
"alternative" medicine while
taking time off to start a
After Dr. Carley's only
child was brain damaged as a
result of inoculations he
received, Dr. Carley learned
how to reverse the damage
with homeopathy and other
natural supplements, and
subsequently realized that
inoculations of disease are
causing the corruption in
the immune system which
leads to all autoimmune
diseases and cancer. Dr.
Carley has developed the
Hippocrates Protocol which
has successfully reversed
all autoimmune diseases
(including autism) and
cancer in over 2,000 clients
(including pets) over the
past 9 years. She has
written the definitive paper
explaining the mechanism
whereby inoculations with
disease are causing VIDS
(Vaccine Induced Diseases),
which has been featured in
multiple publications all
over the world and is
available under the title
"Inoculations: the True
Weapons of Mass Destruction"
on her website at
www.drcarley.com. She has
offered a $10,000 reward for
any vaccine promoter to come
on her internet radio show
and refute the documents she
has authored. No one has
stepped forward to do so.
Dr. Carley has been
qualified in court as an
expert witness in VIDS,
Legal Abuse Syndrome,
Vaccinology, and child
Dr. Carley no longer
"practices medicine", but
instead teaches clients
nationally and
internationally how to
reverse their diseases using
the Hippocrates protocol she
developed. She also goes
into the hospital as a
patient advocate for clients
who are not satisfied with
the care their loved ones
are receiving.
Besides being a guest on
over 200 radio and
television shows, for over 9
years Dr. Carley had her own
weekly public access
television show in Long
Island, followed by a weekly
internet radio show now on
www.bbsradio.com (Station 2)
on Thursdays at 8:30 PM EST
and on
on Wednesdays at 12 noon
EST, all entitled "What's
Ailing America" (archives
are also available for both
internet shows). Dr. Carley
is also available to give
talks to interested groups
to teach what she has
learned about vaccine
induced diseases, and how
they can be reversed; and
has developed a course
through the "Hippocrates
Academy" where interested
students can learn and be
certified how to do the
Hippocrates Protocol
developed by Dr. Carley,
which reverses all
autoimmune diseases and
cancer in people and in pets
using natural therapies.