update  05/03/2024


The Science behind Vaccines -


How our bodies respond when we attempt to artificially create immunity
could have more of an impact than you think

By Dr. Christopher Powell

The CDC boasts that we have the highest immunization rate in the world. In fact, over 77% of all children are up to date on their shots by the first day of kindergarten, with most of the remainder only missing a few. The number of vaccines kids get has doubled in the last ten years, and as such, VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System, now receives over 11,000 adverse event reports per year with around 110 deaths. However, these events reflect less than 10% of the yearly total due to parents and doctors not reporting to VAERS.
This is an outrage. Our kids are being poisoned in the name of keeping them healthy, and it has gone on for far too long. This article will present pure scientific facts showing you exactly what happens when we are vaccinated so that you can then make an informed decision for yourself. Let's start by looking at how all this started.
The history of inoculation is fascinating; with attempts going back thousands of years to India, and hundreds of years ago to the Ming Dynasty.   see more at link above ..

.    from NaturalNews readers newsletter:


This is urgent breaking news about the swine flu vaccine:


Health freedom attorney Jim Turner has told NaturalNews he is filing a lawsuit mid-day Friday that seeks to halt the distribution of all swine flu vaccines in America. The lawsuit claims that the FDA approved the vaccines in violation of federal law and that no proper safety testing has ever been conducted on them.


Read more about this breaking news in today's exclusive feature story:



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One of the key researchers who worked on the top cervical cancer vaccines has decided to go public with a warning about their safety. Her name is Dr. Diane Harper, and she was a researcher for both Merck and GlaxoSmithKline. She's now on the record saying these vaccines "...will not decrease cervical cancer rates at all."


This is a highly unusual development. Rarely do Big Pharma's own researchers speak out against the vaccines they've worked on. Read more about this astonishing development in today's feature story:



What's a little mercury in your shot anyway? Ignore these inconvenient facts: A typical flu vaccine shot solution is 50,000 parts per billion of mercury. The EPA classifies any substance with more than 200 parts per billion as hazardous waste. (The EPA limit in drinking water is 2 parts per billion.) Thus, the mercury density in a vaccine is 25,000% higher than the level required to be considered hazardous waste. This is injected directly into the bloodstream of infants, children, expectant mothers and senior citizens.

Prisonplanet.com – Listen to the radio show for updates you will not hear from the mainstream media.


Health officials admit fast tracked shots could cause deaths

Steve Watson  Infowars.net August 10, 2009

Czech Republic Refuses Baxter Swine Flu Vaccine On Safety Grounds

Government health officials in the Czech Republic have refused to buy H1N1 flu vaccines from US pharmaceutical firm Baxter International, citing safety concerns.

According to a report by the Czech News Agency CTK, one of the largest English language news outlets in the country, the Czech Health Ministry has halted talks with Baxter citing “the firm’s inability to guarantee that the vaccine is safe and who will bear the risks for possible side-effects.”

Swine Flu is Deadly Mix of Never-Before-Seen Viruses

Paul Joseph Watson
April 25, 2009

Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus

Helen Branswell
The Canadian Press
March 5, 2009

National Guard Advertises for Internment,Resett...
National Guard .comSunday, July 26th, 2009

Swine Flu Fact Sheet:  

The only way to conquer fear is with information
Australian Vaccination Network, Inc.

on Fox News:    9.30.09

Doctor Explains Swine Flu Vaccine is more Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself, Will Not Give It To His Kids   

The H1N1 Swine Flu vaccines have been specifically prepared to cause wide-spread infertility and profound illness: , ,
What you can Do, or Learn more:

What You Can Do to Prevent
Forced Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations

from Natural Solutions Foundation
