Vaccine Article Links - various sources

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Letter to Health Workers on Flu & Vaccines

- - - - - - Vaccine Controversy

Jonas Salk did not vaccinate his own kids with the polio vaccine. Why ?

- - - - - - Pandemic by Gary C. Ridenour, Ph.D. discussion

- - - - - - Swine Flu Pandemic: The Biggest Scam In History – Virus Hype Will Destroy Economy

- - - - - - The Infowars Flu Pandemic Resource

Many article of current activities to magnify the fear & damage

Mercury & Deadly Vaccines News Archive

October 24, 2007, 4:57 am

Filed under:    Bio   Weapons,   Bird   Flu,   Bird   Flu   Drill,   CDC,   Child   Abuse,   Genocide,   HG   Wells,   HPV,   Larry   King,   Mad   Cow,   Meningitis,   Mercury,   New   World   Order,   Nigeria,   Pandemic   Influenza,   SV40,   Troops,   V520,   aids,   anthrax,   autism,   darwin,   deadly   vaccines,   eugenics,   flu   vaccine,   foot   and   mouth,   galton,   h5n1,   hpv   vaccine,   huxley,   influenza,   innoculation,   jenny   mccarthy,   live   cancer   virus,   malthusian   catastrophe,   man   made   disease,   man   made   diseases,   mandatory   vaccinations,   merck,   polio,   rick   perry,   superbug,   vaccine,   vaccine   virus,   virus   pandemic,   wedgwood  

Mercury & Deadly Vaccine News Archive

Government ADMITS Vaccines Cause AUTISM!

Swine flu vaccine gave nerve disease to soldiers

Baxter To Develop Swine Flu Vaccine Despite Bird Flu Scandal

Government uses swine flu propaganda campaign in 1976

Robert Gallo: The Man That Created AIDS

Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America

FDA and Government allowed Bayer to cell AIDS-contaminated vaccines

Bird Flu found in Flu-Mist Vaccines

Mass Vaccination Drill Puts Health Officials To Practice

Gardasil Linked to Nerve Disorder

Government Scientists Hide Vaccine/Autism Link

The Great Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Hoax Exposed

Vaccine Development Or Bioweapon Trial?

Childhood vaccine linked to convulsions

UK Lawmaker Seeks to Deny Education to Children Who Aren’t Vaccinated

Children as Big Pharma Guinea Pigs: 98% of Drug Trials on Children Have no Safety Checks!

Vaccines Found to Cause Diabetes in Children

85-day-old child dies hours after vaccination

Deadly Vaccine News Archive

GlaxoSmithKline’s experimental vaccine may have killed 14 children

U.S. Soldiers Die From Mystery Vaccination

Nigeria Issues Arrest Warrants For Pfizer Officials After Deadly Drug Experiments Conducted on Children

12 Babies Die During Vaccine Trials

U.S. Government Ignores Flu Vaccine Death

23 people die and 123 are hospitalised after being given flu vaccine

HPV vaccine under scrutiny after complaints

HPV Vaccine Gardasil Kills 2 More Girls

FDA Admits HPV is not linked to cervical cancer

Former Head of NIH Says Link Between Autism & Vaccines Should Be Investigated

“Worst Vaccine Bill Ever” Seeks Compulsory Shots For All Children

CPS Takes Baby After Parents Refuse Injections

Forced Vaccinations Part Of Dark Eugenics Agenda

Parents may be jailed over vaccinations

Parents Speak Out On Vaccine Settlement

Ga. girl helps link autism to childhood vaccines

Agencies Stand Behind Vaccine Safety

Panel: All U.S. Kids Should Get Flu Vaccine

FDA Ties Pneumonia Deaths To Infant Vaccine

Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 – 2007)

Whole new flu vaccine needed next year: WHO

Time for honest assessment of MMR vaccine’s risks

Vaccine Companies Investigated for Manslaughter

American Academy of Pediatrics Unleashes Hysterical Attack on Fictional Television Show about Vaccine / Autism Link

HPV Vaccine Killing School Girls

Don’t Believe the Hype — There’s Much More to Autism Than Genetics

New Flu Vaccine May Not Need Needles

CDC: Too Few Adults Get Vaccines

The Great Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Hoax Exposed

Flu Shots Allow Practice Drills

Parents Should Postpone Child Vaccine Booster: CDC

Drug contaminated with HIV-AIDS distributed in Iraq for second timeAnother Merck Product Recalled

US-made children’s vaccine recalled

Mandatory Flu Vaccines For Preschoolers

Financial Interests In Coerced VaccinationsUK: Flu Shots For Everyone

10,000 in Denver given flu-shots in pandemic drill

10,000 try state flu-shot drillParents Kept In Dark About Vaccine Waiver

Vaccine IngredientsGovernment “Gets Tough” with Parents Befuddled by Color of Law Vaccinations

Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced vaccinations as armed police and attack dogs stand guard Brit School Girls to Get Mandatory Illness Producing HPV Vaccination

State Attorney Admits No Law Makes Vaccines Mandatory Vaccines: The Deadly Cure – Research Archive

UK bird flu is H5N1 strain

No Law Says Parents Have To Get Their Children Vaccinated

Vaccine exposes Aussies to AIDS

ENDGAME – Blueprint for Global Enslavement

Poison in the Mouth

The National Electronic Vaccine Tracking Registry

Mercury in Tooth Fillings = Poison Gas

Jenny McCarthy on The View Autism & Vaccines

Larry King Live with Jenny McCarthy

Nationwide Revolt Against Dangerous Vaccines Accelerates

Dr. Dan Speaks on Autism

Polio vaccine caused Nigerian kids to get polio

Officials Say Vaccine Caused Nigeria Polio

Bird flu virus mutating into human-unfriendly form

Absurd Vaccine Marketing – Cervical Cancer Vaccinations for Boys

Pneumonia Vaccine Spurs ‘Superbug’ Infecting Children

CDC Touts Ample Supply Of Flu CDC Touts Ample Supply Of Flu Vaccine

Vaccination – The Hidden Truth

Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda

Cheryl Hall: Vaccine Reactions & Medical Cover-Ups

Polio cases jump in Pakistan as clerics declare vaccination an American plot

Mercury In Vaccines Causes Brain Cell Damage

Moms Against Mercury

K-Eye Report: Mercury Is Good For Your Children

Mercury in Flu Vaccinations five times the CDC’s safe level reccomendation

Bush To Veto Ban On Mercury In Vaccines

Critics ask why flu shot doesn’t match strain: Mercury in vaccine found to be 250 times higher than recommended

Mercury in Childhood Vaccines: What Did the Government Know?

New York bans mercury in vaccines

Study Shows Decline in Neurodevelopmental Disorders After Removal of Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines

New study links mercury to autism

New England families sue over mercury in childhood vaccines

How Mercury Kills the Brain

Michael Wagnitz: Research supports mercury-autism link

Dr. Mary Megson Speaks on Autism Epidemic and Vaccines

No Law To Mandate Dangerous, Untested HPV Vaccine

Three Girls Died, Others Hospitalized, After HPV Vaccine

Merck Ends Push for Mandatory Shots for Girls

An AIDS vaccine in your cereal? It could really happen

Bayer Puts AIDS in Medicine

Vaccine officials knew about MMR risks

SV40, Polio Vaccine, and Cancer: Now Beyond Coincidence?

Polio Vaccines Are Causing Cancer

Soldier faces threats from military after refusing anthrax vaccine

Investigators Probe Whether Government Lab Deliberately Released Virus

More Cattle Culling Ordered Over Disease

UK Foot and Mouth Possible Sabotage

Suspected second case of foot and mouth: Britain

Bird Flu Drill in Government Lab Preceded Foot and Mouth Outbreak

Foot and Mouth Virus Released From Government Lab

Foot and Mouth Returns

FLASHBACK: Stolen foot-and-mouth virus ‘released deliberately’

FLASHBACK: Foot And Mouth Released In Agraterrorism Attack On UK

Contaminated vaccine may cause cancer

Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines

Japan’s Great Lesson: Compulsory flu vaccines reveal no benefit and actually cause more Flu and Vaccine related deaths

Row over autism link to vaccines

Polio Vaccine Contaminated With Cancer Given to Millions of Americans

The AIDS virus: Made in the USA?

Russian Prosecutors Launch Probe Into Vaccine Tests on Children

Three people die after receiving flu vaccinations

Flu shot left executive paralyzed

$75,000 Offered For MD to Publicly Drink Vaccine Additives

Pentagon restarting mass vaccinations despite health fears

UK Government In Secret Payments For Childhood Vaccine Damage

The needle and the damage done

External links to articles about vaccine dangers

Meningitis vaccinations ‘blamed’ for rise in deaths

US Military Finds That Anthrax Shots May Cause Birth Defects

Kenyan Nobel peace laureate claims AIDS virus deliberately created

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