Vaccines - Not4Me


Present Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Part 1 – Video of Kennedy Speaking in DC Rally


(Here is article refuting this: Robert F. Kennedy Junior’s completely dishonest thimerosal article)


Simpsonwood Memo, secret meeting, between CDC & 75 representatives of vacc. Industry, the Verstratton Study:  100,000 children, looked at the data base,

It’s impossible to cover that Autism & thymarisol in the vaccines..


The best doctors, top people in Pharm, at CDC, not at Atlanta, at Simpsonwood, meeting was designed to be secret, skirt the Freedom of Info law, but the discussion is noted below.

The study shows clear link with whole range of neurology disorders


Regulatory Agencies are captured by the people they are supposed to regulate.

They intended good, but something has corrupted them.

We now have the sickest generation of youth in our country.


It’s Impossible to massage the data to make the obvious go away.

The link to neurological diseases are clear.



Green our Vaccines: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Green Our Vaccines Rally
Washington, DC
June 4th, 2008


There hasn’t been one publication ever published where thymarisol was tested against a living cell, a living animal, where it wasn’t found to be severely toxic—psytotoxic and neurotoxic—and yet you can go in there and they’ll tell you, “Oh, we know it’s not connected.” 

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Other Mainstream Voices Concerned About Vaccines and are For Vaccine Research:

collected By: David Kirby

President Barack Obama –"We've seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Some people are suspicious that it's connected to the vaccines.

Quotes form these also:

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) – Who said last year, "It’s indisputable that (autism) is on the rise amongst children, … there’s strong evidence that … a preservative in vaccines."

Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) – Who told Congress in 2006, "I want to be clear that ... no research avenue should be eliminated, including biomedical research examining potential links between vaccines, vaccine components, and autism.”

Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) – Who concured on the Senate Floor with Senator Enzi’s remarks.

Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) – Who told Congress in 2006 that the Combatting Autism Act should fund "environmental research examining potential links between vaccines, vaccine components and autism. In January, 2008, he called efforts to strip vaccine research from funding, "contrary to the spirit of the (CAA) bill."

CDC's Immunization Safety Office -- As part of its draft research agenda for vaccine safety, this agency last April proposed looking at several clinical outcomes from childhood vaccinations, including "Autoimmune diseases; … disorders including autism."

Scientists at UC San Diego -- They wrote in the journal Autism that children given Tylenol after the MMR shot were several times more likely to develop autism. Tylenol can reduce levels of glutathione - a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier.

Former CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding -- who told CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta: "If a child was immunized, got a fever, had other complications from the vaccines, and if you're predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder, it can certainly set off some damage (and) symptoms that have characteristics of autism.

Drs. Richard I. Kelley, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Margaret L. Bauman, Massachusetts General Hospital, Marvin R. Natowicz, Cleveland Clinic, etc -- "Large, population-based studies will be needed to identify a possible relationship of vaccination with autistic regression in persons with mitochondrial cytopathies."

Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director and current IOM Member Dr. Bernadine Healy –

Former Chief Scientific Officer, UK Department of Health, Dr. Peter Fletcher


So the government scientists are acknowledging that even tiny, infinitesimal amounts of mercury—parts per billion—will cause profound neurological injury in children.

You have them talking about the Verstratten study and saying there’s a clear link not just with autism but with a whole range of neurological disorders:  speech delay, language delay.  All kind of learning disorders:  ADD; hyperactivity disorder and the injection of these vaccines [sic].  And they could tell because, as you know, vaccine protocols were dramatically increased—when I was a little boy, we only got three vaccines.  But my children, five of my six children, got twenty-two vaccines.  Beginning in 1989—that’s the Thimerosal generation.  That’s the vaccine generation, and it’s the sickest generation in the history of this country.  And I looked at these, I read, and I was astonished, because I have worked on environmental issues for twenty-five years, and I know what “captive agency phenomena” is.  It’s the dynamic by which the regulatory agencies become captured by the industries they’re supposed to regulate. 

Robert Kennedy Jr.:

somebody provided me with the Simpsonwood memo, which I then published in Rolling StoneSimpsonwood was the transcripts of a secret meeting that was held between CDC and seventy-five representatives of the vaccine industry, in which they reviewed a report that CDC had ordered, the Stratton study of the hundred-thousand children in the United States Vaccine Safety Database.  And when they looked at it themselves, they said, “it is impossible—” this is a quote, “It is impossible to massage this data to make the signal go away.  There is no denying that there is a connection between and Thimerosal in the vaccines.  And they said—this is what they said, I didn’t say this, this is their own scientists, their own conclusion of the best doctors, the top people at CDC, the top people in the pharmaceutical industry.  And, you know, when they had this meeting, they had it not in Atlanta, which was the headquarters of the CDC, but at Simpsonwood, at a private conference center, because they believed that that would make them able to insulate themselves from a court request under the Freedom of Information law, and they would not have to disclose the transcripts of these meetings to the public.  Somebody transcribed the meetings, and we were able to get a hold of it.  You have them talking about the Verstratten study and saying there’s a clear link not just with autism but with a whole range of neurological disorders:  speech delay, language delay.  All kind of learning disorders:  ADD; hyperactivity disorder and the injection of these vaccines [sic].  And they could tell because, as you know, vaccine protocols were dramatically increased—when I was a little boy, we only got three vaccines.  But my children, five of my six children, got twenty-two vaccines.  Beginning in 1989—that’s the Thimerosal generation.  That’s the vaccine generation, and it’s the sickest generation in the history of this country.  And I looked at these, I read, and I was astonished, because I have worked on environmental issues for twenty-five years, and I know what “captive agency phenomena” is.  It’s the dynamic by which the regulatory agencies become captured by the industries they’re supposed to regulate. 

So he loads the study down, the data down, and they tell the public that they’ve lost all the original data.  This is what CDC says to this day, that it does not know what happened to the original data in the Verstratton study.  And they publish this other study that is a corrupt and crooked what we call “tobacco science,” done by a bunch of “biostitutes, of crooked scientists who are trying to fool the American public.  Then Kathleen Stratton, of CDC and IOM,  says, “what we need is, we need some studies that will disprove the link.”  So, they work with the vaccine industry to gin up these four phony European studies that are done by vaccine industry employees, funded by the vaccine industry, and published in the American Academy of Pediatrics magazine, which receives eighty percent of its revenue from the vaccine industry.  And none of these scientists disclose any of their myriad conflicts, which conventional ethics rules require them to do.  It’s not disclosed.  And these studies—and you know, I’ve made a profession of reading phony science, of junk science, of “tobacco science,” because I see it every day.  I’ve sued over four-hundred polluters, and this how they defend themselves.  They hire these phony scientists, “tobacco scientists,” they produce these phony reports—so I know how to read them.  So I did something that not a single member—you see the press here, and all there?—not a single member of this press corps, I can guarantee you, has ever read any of those studies.  It has not happened.  What they read was the CDC’s description of those studies, which has nothing to do with what’s in the studies.  And you need to read these studies—and I’m talking to you guys, and you need to read them critically, and that woman, I called that woman who wrote that TIME magazine article, and I called the editor of The Washington Post when they said, you know, “well, this is the newest mythology, they’ve removed the Thimerisal from the vaccines and autism rates have not gone down.”  How many times have you read that repeated by these people from the press?  That is an industry talking point that the industry knows is a lie—everybody knows that’s a lie.  The amount of Thimerisal today in the flu vaccines is about sixty percent of what they claim to have removed from all the other pediatric vaccines.  So, I looked at these, I read these studies, and I saw studies that weren’t even good—that wasn’t even high-quality fraud.  It is low—these are low quality fraud, the worst—I mean, anybody, you don’t even need a scientist to advise you and tell you where the fraud is.  And I’ll tell you what they—I’ll  just tell you what one of them, the big one that they all rely on, the Danish study, where they said, okay, in 1992, Denmark banned Thimarosal.  And after that, autism rates continued to climb.  Therefore, there is no association between autism and Thimerosal.  That’s the study.  What they didn’t tell you is that in 1992, Denmark was concerned about the connection between Thimerisal and autism, and about this huge rise in autism, and it began for the first time requiring registering autism as a reported illness in Denmark.  So all the people who had autistic children suddenly had to register them for the first time.  Plus, in Copenhagen, they founded a new clinic to treat autistic kids, which gave people a huge financial incentive and health incentive to register their children.  So it’s the registry that went up, not the incidents of autism that went up.  But they didn’t say that in the study.  They never mention the Copenhagen clinic.  They never mention the change in the rules in Denmark.  They just show you the graphs, of Thimerisal is banned here, and autism continues to go up.  Well, the reason the autism rates rose was because—was an artifact of their data collection processes.  It had nothing to do with the reality on the ground of the occurrence of autism.  So, and you’ve heard all of their other studies, and you know, they all have this guy Paul Offit.  You guys know him?  And he is the poster child for the term “biostitute.”  This a man who has made himself the spokesperson for the vaccine industry.  He portrays himself as an independent scientist, he does not disclose the millions of dollars of transactions.

Robert Kennedy Jr.  see the link for full info.


Gary Null Web site: Your Guide to Natural Living

Vaccine Articles:

50 Reasons to Protect Infants from Vaccines: - Jagannath Chatterjee

Vaccine Injury Photos from the CDC

Below is strong information on the dangers from vaccines in general.