Dear Edwin,
(Ted's friend, received
March 14, 2020)
Listen carefully! Viruses are NOT what kill and harm us (trillions of them are
in and around us) - rather the overreaction of a weak and dysfunctional immune
system caused by "underlying pre-existing conditions" from a lifetime of poor
choices and exposure to poisoned Air, Water and Food brought to YOU by the
lawyer-lobbyist class and CDC - who have profited with Big Pharma, Big
Agriculture, and Big Academia. Now they exploit Coronavirus faking concern for
"public health" and our seniors and immuno-compromised while continuing business
as usual. Total Frauds!
The CDC can bring Coronavirus to its knees fast and stop deaths of seniors and
immunocompromised by at least equal emphasis - NOW - on specific foods and
supplements to strengthen our Immune Systems. Waiting for a Vaccine
"breakthrough" from Big Pharma is beyond reckless.
Here are three Common Sense actions for ANYONE to protect your Immune Health: 1)
If you are immuno-compromised, don't expose yourself to those with
viruses/infections; 2) Strengthen your immune system by ensuring at least
adequate Vitamin A, D, C; and, 3) Demand Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Food
from those you have elected. The video below will educate you on strengthening
The bottom line
is that the plumber and sanitation worker have done a thousand times more than
pharmacists or doctors to reduce infectious disease. The lawyer-lobbyist class
have destroyed the infrastructure in America - delivering us Dirty Air, Water
and Food.
Unable to address that Real Problem - they love Coronavirus that gives them a
reason to support Big Pharma and rein in more profit.
Until victory,
Scientist. Inventor. Educator. Fighter. MIT PhD. (4 degrees !)