Burgermeister - the swine flu for you ?
Vaccinations at Top O Rock, Sunday 4 Oct. 2-6 pm All Welcome
Seeker Research
Team credit
to Melba Underwood,
. more on flu & vaccinations
The Jane Burgermeister Website - Investigating the Swine Flu Pandemic
Links from Burgermeister's site articles .. www.theFluCase.com/
She has submitted 112+ page report to FBI – from public records of
Globalist Plot to kill millions thru contaminated vaccine –
Elden has reports, links, full report also at www.Scribd.com
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Skip down to the English translation that starts here:
*Depopulation by Inoculation (Part 1):
Motive and Intent*
In September of 2007, I interviewed Dr. Lorraine Day, the former Orthopedic
Chief of Staff at San Francisco General Hospital and the wife of retired
Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, about the evils of the present medical system. The
initial portion of the interview went as expected and was filled with scores of
examples of pharmaceutical and medical insurance company greed and abuse which
has resulted in the deaths of untold numbers of patients. Then Dr. Day dropped a
when, at the conclusion of the interview, she unabashedly stated that the
global elite want to murder 95% of the
Quotes from N.W.O. advocates to reduce population of the world by 95 %.
Inoculation seem to be the fastest, preferred method, over war and disease.
Links from Burgermeister's site ^ ^ ^ top of page
Florida injunction against forced vaccinations reported in local news
Where are the 90 million "swine flu" vaccines a week coming from?
States, Institutions requiring swine flu shots for healthcare workers, writes Emma Hitt
Microchip company announces more work on H1N1 tracking system
Corporate media tries to put own spin on avalanche of injury expected from swine flu shot
Translation of criminal charges filed in France over secret government forced mass vaccination plans
Swedish police, military and Interpol to guard deliveries of GSK "swine flu" vaccine
Leading Finnish doctor Rauni Kilde talks about the "swine flu" conspiracy
CDC experiments on ferrets to make hybrid "swine flu" and "bird flu" virus
WHO [ World Health Organization ] poised for global dictatorship
Finland announces "swine flu" vaccinations to start from October
Baxter distributing "swine flu" vaccines though clinical trials not complete
US, Europe offer "swine flu" vaccines to developping countries in covert biological war
Australian mass "swine flu" vaccination programme to start end September
Canadian govt sends body bags to Indian reserves for 'flu readiness'
Ron Paul reported to be introducing a No Compulsory Vaccine Bill
Why Millions of Americans Don't Need a Swine Flu Vaccine, Mike Adams reports
EMERGENCY UPDATE: US Soldier says Drills underway for Roadblocks for Forced Vaccination or Quaratine
Rockefeller manager in mysterious suicide also involved with biochips
Le Monde reports on the failed 1976 mass "swine flu" vaccination programme in the USA
EU says "swine flu" pandemic will cause social and economic crisis
Criminal charges filed in France over secret forced mass vaccination plan
40,000 "swine flu" warning leaflets letter boxed in Auckland, NZ, alone
German anti corruption watchdog criticises key government vaccine body for links to big pharma
Florida resident develops pandemic control plan using simple hygiene
NZ Health Minister cannot confirm "swine flu" jab safe and uncontaminated: update from Penny Bright
Suit against Bio Terrorism ! - Jane Burgermeister
Vaccinations used as Genocide !
Kurt Nimmo Prison Planet.com Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Canadian doctor Ghislaine Lanctôt, author of the Medical Mafia, has underscored the lawsuit recently filed by Austrian journalist Jane Bürgermeister against the WHO, the UN, and several high ranking government and corporate officials. Bürgermeister has documented how an international corporate criminal syndicate plans to unleash a deadly flu virus and institute a forced vaccination program.