Ted_2024 in Review

Message to friends.    Flow, Cat, squirrel, pet cat, ideas & invitations

   abodia.com/c    Flow movie until end of January 2024       

        Flow is a thought provoking animated movie.

Find this movie, please watch it.

in Charleston it's shown at 2:30 pm, each Saturday in Jan. 2025

    in the Taylor Books underground theater.

    Plot: A cat is washed off her home land by a raging flood.

She boards an abandon sail boat which she rides down the torrent of flood waters.

Along the way other uprooted forest animals climb aboard the boat.

Some animals are friendly, some are foe.

The visuals are incredible.  These life like images & video are remarkable in their complexity & clarity, showing the unique gestures of these various animals in how they walk, jump, move and are shy, curious or afraid in the varied circumstances they encounter.

Wikipedia shows more info on Flow movie, but far beyond are the incredible detail & movie scenes.  It summons deep emotions to watch this movie evolve.

    My aiding a wild squirrel, Houdini

This summer I saw a squirrel limping.  Perhaps a passing car injured his leg.

I threw a towel over him, caught him & put him in a cage.

My intent was to feed & protect him for some days while he recovered.

I placed him & cage on my back porch & stroked, pet his claw between the rails of the cage.

In the night, I dreamed that the squirrel shock his cage, then found a way to escape.

In the morning, I saw the squirrel did move his cage & figured out how to escape.

Like Houdini, the great escape artist, so my squirrel got free & back to the forest.

    Last year I saw a gold finch (bird) near me in a bush.  I extended my finger, he jumped on.

I held him on my finger for 10 minutes, stroking his breast.  I took photos of his beautiful plumage. with my smart phone.

I wanted to take him home as a pet, but Tiger, my cat, plays rough so I put him back in the bush.

    Tiger, my cat, amuses me with her antics.  She jumps about 5 feet from the floor into a shelf of an open cabinet here.  That is remarkable gymnastic maneuver.  She likes to hide in boxes.  When ever I put on a coat, she runs to the door.  If I go out, she wants to go out too, not be left inside.

    I've met (?) many new friends this year, people contacting me as they learn of subjects & information I post at abodia.com

    In October, I was sponsored to travel to New Jersey where I gave a presentation on how to send mail for pennies or even for free postage.

Because I know & teach this, I've gotten entangled, active conversations with many people.

A patriot group in Texas, New Jersey & the California Assembly (1,200 members).

    I write to everyone, any one, old friends, classmates, legislators, people of status or publically known.  I write to people in prison, including Lazor, Gary, Dennis, Michael.  Dennis is on death row in federal prison in Alabama. It is not known when Dennis will or may be executed.  I consider my prison friends as political prisoners as many think their sentences or punishment is either wrong or exaggerated from what is normal punishment for their actions.

    Dennis, in federal prison, is watched 24/ 7/ 365.  I write to him using words only as the postage.  He gets my letters, copies the envelop & returns that to me.  As I can write to this man, always heavily surveyed in federal custody, I know I can write to anyone in the world with zero or free postage, like Donald Trump, the pope or anyone. They may not read my letter(s) but I've demonstrated 100s of times that anyone can mail as I do.

abodia.com/te        Fun stuff, quotes, jokes, articles, photos & aerial photos

abodia.com/photography   1,000s of photos, people, weddings, events, ...

ThoughtPrint.org        How to find or confirm anything.

TopORock.net             Studio of Elden Architects & several businesses.

abodia.com/mail/1      about mail

abodia.com/hoax        commonly accepted news but is a hoax

abodia/com/911          What Really Happened on 9-11

Language is the limit to our thought.

    abodia.com   has 1,000s of articles I've written & posted.  100s of topics.