Circle of the Earth - Investigation - Index

by Daniel Valles


 1 Cover                      2 Index

 3 Major Events to understand, then Minor details

 4 Governments, science, religion;

            authorities try to control people

 5 Timeline of Events

 6 What does God's Word (the bible) Say ?

 9 There's No EDGE to the Earth

10 Antarctica Expeditions & the Firmament             (ceiling of atmosphere)

11 Aether                   12 Earth's Rotation     13 Sun

15 Crepuscular Rays (angled sun rays)

16 Stars           17 Book of Enoch      18 Moon

19 Globe Earth or Enclosed Earth - Moon     (uniformly lit - self illumination

21 Flat Land on a Round Earth ?

23 Optics, horizon, perspective

24 Curvature of the Earth

25 See 7 States          26 Planes (over Antarctica ?)

27 Satellites & Space Craft ?

29 Temperatures in the atmospheres melts metal

30 Fake Space           20 Eclipses, ancient astronomers, Earth Moon - radio bounces

31 2001: A Space Odyssey, Zero Gravity in plunging plane

32 Antichrist's Foundation Work, NASA + Disney

33 False Pretenses   Rockets sent into space

34 Predictive Programming

36 Enemy will Play the Flat Earth Card

37 Gate Keepers         38 Is this Really Important ?

39 Other popular deceptions

40 World will lie & deceive you; but the Bible is true.