Flat Earth and Satellites

Flat Earth - The Ultimate Litmus Test, Marty Leeds


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www.abodia.com/moon or         www.abodia.com/fe       Flat Earth


There is NO SPACE, that is all science fiction, no moon landing, no Intl. Space Station, no Hubble Telescope, no Space Walks

They are all Masonic / deceptions to keep us away from God and not attached to reality.

It is TOO HOT in high altitudes for satellites, any metals on them or plastics would melt.

Imagine Bubble Wrap.  Put it in a bell jar, pump the air out making interior like a vacuum.

The bubbles expand and break their plastic case.

The same would happen with an astronaut in vacuum of moon or space walk.

Their suits and gloves would expand like Michelin man or Dough Boy so they could not move.

A vacuum makes their interior pressure stretch the suits outwards.

NASA has a huge swimming pool for practice & for filming supposed space walks.

With your own brain, you can reason all this out.  Most people don't think, they just rely on authorities.

Follow my links to many reasons there is no evidence we went to the moon, and see bubbles in Space Walks,  They are done in huge swimming pool.

See the you tube videos & articles.

Flat Earth, Masons & how government lies to us all.  Space, Space station, travel, Hubble telescope, moon landing - hoax, all fake.


0:10 Introduction
0:30 How I discovered it
1:15 Methodology
2:00 Occam's Razor
2:40 How We Can Be Deceived
3:50 Our World View Blinds Us
4:20 Video is Not Reality
6:00 The Globe Earth Model
7:00 Flat Earth?
7:20 Crazy Conspiracy Theories
20:00 Photographic Evidences?
23:00 Flat Earth Model
47:00 Where NASA Space Begins?
50:00 Government Secrets Revealed
57:30 Fake ISS - International Space Station
1:04:05 Fake NASA Space Walks
1:10:30 Could the Earth be Flat?
1:23:00 Conclusions about Free Masons

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No North South Circumnavigation Means Earth Is Flat - jeranism


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Flat Earth You Tube videos


"Brigham Young University" alumni "Earth is Flat"

Satellites are a hoax and The Earth is Flat

 (Easily Proven in 4 minutes)

Night and Day in the Flat Earth model

FLAT EARTH - The Nazis of NASA and the Infinite Plane

U.S. Intelligence, Dr. Lawrence Cohen, debunks NASA in just over 3 minutes

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Edwards Hendric interview about his flat earth book.  


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The Occult of NASA & the Houston Astrodome - The Flat Earth Model In Plain Sight


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Trump Science Advisor Denies Apollo Moon Landings Ever Happened



NASA Insider "We Lied About Everything" - The International Space Program Exposed

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> > Satellites

Satellites are Fake - Just Another NASA Hoax  - jeranism



Satellites Don't Exist | Plane Not A Planet




Satellites debunked for good


One video & linked to several other videos


Satellite don't exist


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This is the over the horizon or out of line of sight method to communicate. 

Probably what they are doing when they say they are engaged in satellites.