Moon Landing Hoax - basic points

 Fake Moon Landings - Think about the details.


- waving flag where there is no atmosphere,

- no blast crater in loose soil beneath the lunar lander

- clear footprint only occur if there were moisture in the soil.

  If there were moisture it would disappear in vacuum of space.

- limp parkas on moon where vacuum would cause their space suits to bulge outward like Dough Boy, or Michelin Man,

- shadows are not parallel from the sun.  
They used fill lighting to illuminate astroNOT in shaded areas.

- NASA admits they don't have the technology now to carry a man thru Van Allen belt. So how did they do it in 1968-72 ?

            Thick, heavy shielding would be required.

- NASA says they can only fly in low earth orbit (<1200 miles ).

  but they're developing modules to go to moon, & planets.

- NASA says they lost 14,000+ VHS cassettes of the telemetry flight info of Apollo Mission, the most important Human event.

- AstroNOTS  1st press conference are bored out of their mind.

  They did mankind's greatest achievement in human history,

  yet, they are bored, sad, down face, ambiguous answers.

See AstroNOT Gone Wide videos on You Tube.

- Americans do not want to know they did not go.
            American are proud of this astonishing (faked) event.

 - (lying) President Nixon talked on the phone to the astroNOTS who were 248,000 miles away on moon in 1970,  while many of us cannot get cell phone service 10 miles outside of Charleston in 2019.

- off the shelf Hasselblad camera & film could NOT endure         + - 250 F temperatures.

- in thick gloves astroNOTS could not change the roll of film, focus the camera or even look thru the view finder to take 100s of perfect photos, several photos each minute while they were on the lunar surface.  Facts deny their claims.

- every time you half the distance to a light source (like a porch or head light) then you double the brightness.

     Consider the moon's brightness seen from earth. 

     If you are an astroNOT standing on the moon,

     moon would be 5,000+ times brighter, surface just 6 feet from you. That's blinding,  beyond film's ability to get photo.

     248,000 miles, 124,000 miles, 60,000, 30, 15, 7,000, 3,500, etc. down to 6 feet. Each 1/2 distance doubling brightness.

The Lunar Lander or model there of is at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, Wash. DC. 

Measure the width of an astroNOT wearing his back pack and see they will not fit thru the small hatch to the Lunar Lander.  So ... 

They went out to the moon, and then they installed their back backs ?

How did the air conditioning and heating work for those suits in the +/ - 250' F temperatures they endured ?

When ever they opened the hatch to go out to and return from the moon's surface, they would have lost all the air in the lunar lander.

How could they refill the capsule with new air, so they could take off their suits ?

Would you wear a soiled diaper for some days, as they must have done ?

Any activity in a vacuum, on the moon, or on a "space walk" every aspect would be very different than any other environment.

Accept "authorities" or THINK ! & live a different life.