There are No Forests on Earth - English voiceover
Original video had heavy Russia accent. This link is to more clear English narration.
The history we are told does not fit with the observable facts.
Devils Tower was featured in movie Close Encounters of a 3rd kind
Devils Tower is said to be the "plug" from an eroded volcano.
But is it but huge tree sawed away at the top, like many others all over the earth ?
What we think of as forests, are but shrubs up to 200 feet tall, up to 200 years old.
Forests of old where miles high !
Flat Earth, Basalt Columns & the Lost Trees of Old...
This is a caution to swallowing the whole No Forest video above.
The gigantic trees seems possible, but little proof so far.
That canyons are abandoned mines is a leap without much evidence.
There Are No Forests on Flat Earth Decoded
August 6, 2016 by Rosette Delacroix
Here is a web site with transcription of the No Forest video narrative and screen captures of the video's images. It's a handy place to review & learn.