Oklahoma City Bombing: USAF Brig General Ben Partin speaks, 10 minutes, how they buried the evidence of the Oklahoma City Bombing

There were explosive charges set inside the columns inside the building.

video part 2  The crater under truck would have taken 14,000 lbs of the supposed explosive on a 4,000 lb truck.

Part 2, 5:00  talks of the fuses & explosives recovered in the building that did not go off.

Part 2  6:30 Grand Jury judge told Grand Jury to

Ignore facts, even if they were true, over which you could do nothing.

7:30 Pres. Clinton said essential the culprits are the Christians & Talk Show hosts

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Oklahoma City Bombing

of Murrah Building April 17, 1995.

I provide source links.

Please do your own research.



I do not here intend to offer multiple complex facts to explain this event.  I oly highlight a few obvious points that merit that you investigate this yourself..

I've read many articles on this event, John Doe 1, John Doe 2, why did Army base have a Ryder Truck on their property before this event ?

If you look, you too can find many points of discussion where the facts, evidence & witnesses are very different than the government's version of this event, their cover story.

Here I want to examine the information & presentations of USAF Brigadier General Ben Partin.  Links go to the full articles.  Here I will quote excerpts.

Partin, an expert in field of explosives, explains easily why the "truck bomb" could not have caused most of the damage that occurred.  Only bombs placed inside the buildings against the reinforced concrete columns could have wroght the damage that occurred.

Who had permission to go inside this secured building that required any one who entered to present their ID ?

Quotes below from linked articles.

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PART FOUR: Conclusion


The Murrah Federal Building was not destroyed by one sole truck bomb. The major factor in its destruction appears to have been detonation of explosives carefully placed at four critical junctures on supporting columns within the building.

The only possible reinforced concrete structural failure solely attributable to the truck bomb was the stripping out of the ceilings of the first and second floors in the "pit" area behind columns B4 and by. Even this may have been caused by a demolition charge at column B3.

It is truly unfortunate that a separate and independent bomb damage assessment was not made during the cleanup - before the building was demolished on May 23 and hundreds of truck loads of debris were hauled away, smashed down, and covered with dirt behind a security fence.

When the picture at Tab 4 was made, all evidence of demolition charges had been removed from the building site (i.e., the stubs of columns B3, A3, A5, A7 and the demolished junctures at the header with columns A3, A5 and A7.

All ambiguity with respect to the use of supplementing demolition charges and the type of truck used could be quickly resolved in the FBI were required to release the surveillance camera coverage of this terribly tragic event.

 The Oklahoma City Investigation: A Sick $89 Million Joke

by Ken McCarthy, 1998

The Anti-Terrorism Act was unpassable until 168 people were killed in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. And we all know what happened in that city on that day. Timothy McVeigh, a loner, a nut, a malcontent drove a Ryder truck packed with explosives made of fertilizer to the front of the A. P. Murrah Federal Building and set it off.

There's just one small problem with the story: it defies the laws of physics and common sense.

[I received &] popped it in the VCR. What I saw shocked, but didn't surprise me. The video was made up of footage taken from live local TV news reports right after the bombing in Oklahoma City. The same theme was consistent throughout all the broadcasts: "A bomb has gone off inside the Murrah building and the bomb squad is clearing out rescue workers because additional bombs have been found."

The video was made up of footage taken from live local TV news reports right after the bombing in Oklahoma City. The same theme was consistent throughout all the broadcasts: "A bomb has gone off inside the Murrah building and the bomb squad is clearing out rescue workers because additional bombs have been found."

Also included with this tape was a video of a public access interview with one Benton Partin, a retired Air Force Brigadier General. In it he makes the case that the major damage to the Murrah Building could only have been done by a bomb or bombs inside the building. His presentation was logical and his logic was unassailable.

But then the story changed. And the live feeds from the street stopped. Now it was a truck bomb parked in front of the building that did all the damage.

What I do know is that for several hours after the blast, the local media quite clearly and unequivocally referred to a blast inside the building, as did many of the eye witnesses and victims who were interviewed live on the scene

The US government reports that the investigation and prosecution of the Oklahoma City bombing case cost - are you ready for this? - $98 million.

Partin is the soul of clarity when explaining his science to novices. Take the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, for example. One look at the pictures of the damage tells you at least part of force which killed our fellow citizens came from deep within the building. Why? The severe damage to supporting columns inside the building. This kind of damage can only be done by charges placed on or drilled into a column and absolutely cannot be done by the air blast generated by a bomb denonating in the street. (If you have an emotional need to doubt this, as many seem to do on this subject, contact a demolition company and ask them.)

Consider this example that is within the experience of many people. Take a small firecracker and blow it up a few inches from your hand. What happens? Nothing. Take that same small charge and blow it up in your hand. What then? Bye-bye fingers. Or imagine you want to blow up a watermelon (a typical kid thing to do.) Where do you put the charge? In the watermelon, of course. Setting off the charge near the watermelon won't do a thing.

Let's take another example. You want to knock somebody out. Do you score any points why swinging with all your might but not connecting? No. The force needs to be laid on very directly, otherwise all you produce is a strong breeze.

What about a truck bomb parked in the street in front of a building? Surely that is a dangerous thing. It is. The shock wave generated by an explosion can shatter windows and send razor sharp shards of glass and other debris flying through the air. It will blow over a frame building. But it can't crumble a concrete support pillar many feet away. The force of a blast falls off dramatically the further you get away from the explosion. Support columns are designed to withstand huge loads, over 3,000 pounds per square inch. They simply cannot be taken down by the air blast of an explosion that, by the time it reaches it, is only exerting 25 to 35 pounds per square inch.

On the other hand, a very modest charge, when place on or in a concrete column can take it down with ease. In fact, how many pounds of explosives would you venture to guess it took to take down the entire Murrah Building when it was decided for reasons of "closure" (no valid engineering or investigative reason) to demolish the entire building?

Just 150 pounds of explosives - total - placed in strategically in small charges throughout the building right on the support columns was all that was needed. In demolishing concrete structures, proximity is not just an important thing, it's everything.

Partin offers a much more thorough and technical explanation of all this (complete version) (short summary version), but you don't need to be an engineer or an expert to grasp the basic point: you can't demolish a concrete column designed to withstand hundreds of pounds of pressure with the air shock wave of an explosion.

 Oklahoma City Bomb Report

This report on the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was prepared by Brigadier General Benton K. Partin, USAF (Ret.) and dated July 30, 1995.

The report was submitted to the U.S. Congress and is a matter of the Congressional Record.

Intro to the Oklahoma City Bombing Report
PART ONE: Bomb Damage Analysis
PART TWO: Analysis of Graphic Evidence
PART THREE: Analysis of Photographic Evidence
PART FOUR: Conclusion and Appendix
Letter from Heidelberg to Judge David L. Russel
Response to Heidelberg from Judge David L. Russel
Letter from Gen Partin to U.S. Sen. Trent Lott
Resume of Brig. Gen. Benton R. Partin USAF (Ret.)

Anyone can do research to discover/ confirm many elements of the popularly accepted cover story deny many observed facts & evidence.

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The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

By Michael Rivero

A brief overview of the official story of the Oklahoma City bombing:

On April 17, 1995 Timothy McVeigh reportedly picked up a 20-foot Ryder truck from Elliott's Body Shop in Junction City. The truck was filled with roughly 5,000 pounds (2,300 kg) of ammonium nitrate, an agricultural fertilizer, and nitromethane, a highly volatile motor-racing fuel-a mixture also known as Kinepak or ANFO (ammonium nitrate/fuel oil).

At 9:02 a.m. on April 19, 1995,  the truck exploded in the street in front of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building. About 90 minutes later, McVeigh was stopped by an Oklahoma state trooper for driving a vehicle without a license plate, who then arrested him on a firearms charge. Two days later he was charged in the bombing. His friend Terry Nichols was arrested in Kansas, and formally charged with the bombing on May 10.

Click for full size - note the crater

There are many problems with the official story of the bombing. Let's start with McVeigh's whereabouts on April 17.

McVeigh had been filmed by a security camera at a nearby McDonald's 24 minutes before the time stamped on the truck rental agreement, wearing clothes that did not match either of the men seen at Elliott's.

There is no plausible explanation of how he traveled the mile and a quarter from McDonald's to the rental agency, carless and alone as he claims, without getting soaked in the rain.

The three people interviewed agreed John Does 1 and 2 were dry. According to Stephen Jones, who has seen the interview transcripts, it took 44 days for the FBI to convince the car rental agency owner that John Doe 1 was Timothy McVeigh. And in the end they did not dare put him on the witness stand, for fear of what might happen under cross-examination.

There is also an unanswered question with regard to the truck, namely what was the Army doing with a Ryder Truck just before the Murrah blast?


Ryder Truck IN Army Compound


 The biggest problem with the official story of the bombing are early news reports of the incident:

A collection of live news broadcasts documenting the Oklahoma City bombing.

2.6 MB wmv download

"...here's now what we are starting to learn about the succession, or what someone obviously hoped would be a succession of explosions. The first bomb that was in the federal building did go off ... the second explosive was found and defused. The third explosive that was found and they are working on it right now ... both the second and third explosives, if you can imagine this, were larger than the first. ... It is just incredible to think that there was that much heavy artillery that was somehow moved into the downtown Oklahoma City federal building."

"...this is the work of a sophisticated group, this is a very sophisticated device, and it has to have been done by an explosives expert."


Other live news broadcasts reporting additional bombs can be heard in this 862kB mp3 file. Additional bombs are also reported in this CNN transcript and public records.

The Murrah building was not destroyed by a single truck bomb - the Eglin blast effects study and General Partin's Report prove this is the case.

Things that go BOOM in the night!

Before proceeding to the acoustical data, let me explain a little something about explosives and how people perceive them.

I work in special effects. In films, great use is made of low velocity explosives such as untamped black powder and ANFO because they are low velocity explosives. With a great whoosh and roar they belch forth with fire and smoke in a manner that has caused folks to drop their popcorn in matinees ever since sound came in.

Movies have conditioned people to expect a certain look and sound to explosions, all based on very low velocity explosives. In a stunning ironic twist, moviegoers seem to perceive the slower explosions as more powerful.

Demolition experts will tell you that high brissive or high velocity explosives actually are more powerful, as they build up a powerful shock wave. However, except for actually collapsing a structure, such explosives are unsuitable for film. The blast is over so quickly it can be missed while the film is moving between one frame and the next. There is very little visible smoke and flash, and the "crack" of a C-4 cutter charge is downright disappointing to hear.

Thus, the average person's awareness of what an explosion is supposed to look and sound like is based on the movies and low velocity explosives only. In not knowing what high velocity explosives sound like or feel like (as the shock wave moves through the earth), many people might not understand what they have heard or felt on April 19th.

With that in mind...

The Lawyer's Dictation Tape

This is the dictation tape made by a lawyer which captures the sounds of the blast which destroyed the Oklahoma Federal Building on April 19th, 1995. Note the sounds of a rattle which precedes the blast by one second. This sound is the surface wave from the ANFO Truck Bomb which arrives ahead of the airborne concussion, traveling through the Earth's surface. 4.2 seconds ahead of the start of the rattle, a "thump" is heard on the tape, overlapping the second syllable of the word "attorneys".

mp3 of tape
[The Spectrum]

Click for full size image

Events marked on the jpg file
  1. The thump at -4.2 seconds.
  2. An airborne event which arrives at the correct place to be associated with event 1, if it originates at the same location as the truck bomb itself.
  3. This marks the start of the arrival of the surface wave from the truck bomb. On the tape, this can be heard as a rattle building under the lawyer's voice. Note that unlike the lawyer's voiceprints, which show clear banding in frequency, the sounds from the truck bomb surface wave are smoothly distributed in the lower frequencies.
  4. This is the arrival of the airborne concussion from the truck bomb. Like the surface wave, this signal lacks the striations of the lawyer's voice. The most notable difference is the sudden transition to high frequency components.

Note that the Surface Wave / Air Wave delays are identical in both cases, indicating similar distances from the recording device.

When I originally heard this tape, I discarded the "pop" at the -4.2 second mark as just noise on the tape. However, when the Water Board tape (which follows) also had an artifact at the -4.2 second mark, I ran a frequency domain audio spectrogram on the lawyer's dictation tape. The spike corresponding to the pop at the -4.2 second mark is circled. The other event marks were added later. The stripe at the top is electronic noise, possibly from the dictation machine itself.

The Oklahoma Water Board Tape

At the time when the Truck Bomb exploded outside the Murrah Federal Building on April 19th, The Oklahoma Water Board was meeting in a building diagonally across the street. 4.2 seconds prior to the truck bomb blast, a loud "thump" is heard on the tape, just as the speaker finishes the phrase," are four elements that I have to..".

On this tape, the speaker pauses after the thump is heard, and just prior to the main blast, if you listen real close, other voices can be heard just starting to speak up.

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What does it all mean?

From the above evidence, it is clear that an event which generated a high frequency surface wave which preceded the main truck bomb blast by 4.2 seconds. This event was recorded at two different locations at distances of 100 yards and 1/3 of a mile. Because the 4.2 second interval remains constant at both distances, theories of mechanism producing echoes are eliminated. Because the spectrogram of the lawyer's tape shows BOTH surface and airborne waves separated by 4.2 seconds from BOTH surface and airborne waves of the truck bomb, arguments of a surface/air phenomenon are invalid. Two events at the Murrah building 4.2 seconds apart produced two sets of surface/air pairs 4.2 seconds apart at the lawyer's office.

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May 23rd: The Sequenced Demolition of the Murrah Building

The additional spikes on this record are caused by wind flexing the radio antenna which is used to transmit the data to the Oklahoma Geological Survey.

Seismographic record of the Murrah Building Demolition

[5/23 seismograph]
Click for full size image

Detail of the Murrah Demolition.

[5/23 Detail]
Click for full size image

Note that the 8 second long sequenced demolition of the remainder of the Murrah Building yielded a trace the same length as the original bombing. The first trace, if indeed a single explosion, should be shorter. But it isn't, suggesting that BOTH events consisted of multiple sequenced detonations over several seconds' duration.


mp3 of tape

The Seismographic Records from Norman Oklahoma

These images are scans of the seismographic output from the Norman Oklahoma Z-axis recorder for April 19th and May 23rd; the bombing and the demolition respectively. This is the raw data which led Ray Brown and Charles Mankin to decide that there may have been a second explosion. It turns out that the 10 second delay is caused by differing propagation times through the layers of shale and sandstone that lie under Oklahoma City.

April 19th: The Bombing of the Murrah Building

The FAX cover logo from the Oklahoma Geological Survey

OKGS Fax Letterhead
Click for full size image

Scan of the seismographic record. Note the circle around the Murrah events.

[4/19 seismograph lorez]
Click for full size image

Circled Detail of the Murrah events.

[4/19 seismograph Murrah events]
Click for full size image



The Murrah Building Cover-up (literally)The minister who married my wife and I was in OK City right after the Murrah Building bomb(s) exploded, and he volunteered to help dig for survivors. He told of three very odd occurrences. In the first, he was required to show his ID six times before being allowed to help look for survivors. In the second, he confirmed the stories told by others that men in suits and ties were literally stepping over the wounded in their haste to gather up files and certain other items in the debris.

Lastly, and the oddest story of all, he told of more men in suits and ties taping plastic sheeting over portions of the building wreckage! The plastic sheeting used was very thin, could not possibly provide any mechanical support for the covered items, and seemed to serve no other purpose than to conceal the wrapped object from view. This story has also been confirmed by other witnesses.

Finally, a photo surfaced which confirms this story (see right).

Click for full size image

Note at the very right edge of the photo a large piece of the building covered in shiny black plastic, partly obscured by the flat piece of floor leaning against it. Note the ladder to get a sense of the size of the covered object.