School Shooting Information     6 January 2012


Please OPEN your eyes.  This information speaks for itself.  


Sandy Hook Official Story DEBUNKED (Proof that it was a drill at the Fire Station)

(note at the end how the gray-haired man is making a devil's horns sign with an evil expression on his face).


Absolute Proof Sandy Hook was Staged (Emilie photographed with Obama)


Christina Taylor Green and the whole crew Exposed! PT1-2 (Greenburg family actors)


Sandy Hook Police Scanner 911 Call Reveils 3 Shooters Seen, 1 Dead Inside


Sandy Hook 2nd Shooter Cover-Up


New Wounded Survivor From Sandy Hook Shooting Emerges After (LET'S HEAR FROM THESE WITNESSES! !!)


Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting - Newtown Police / Fire and CT

(at 1:34:22 in the video you hear, " A purple van with two occupants with a possible ski mask believed to may be involved with this incident." Then approximately one minute you hear that they are getting reports that one maybe be wearing a nun outfit. )


PROOF SANDY HOOK IS FAKE (Woman's Daughter's Photo taken from internet social media site)


Sandy Hook Planned: Video Tribute Video Uploaded Weeks Before Massacre

Fund raiser programs were set up for the “deceased” (shot) children on 10 Dec or days before the actual shootings on 14 Dec.

So someone or many knew who would be killed (were they really killed) days before the event.

this video demonstrated many things that predated the Sandy Hook Shooting.


Sandy Hook Massacres Were Planned Dead Child Resurrected for Obama