-hp- Truth Seekers - -the Quest ... www.abodia.com/t  03/07/2017
Wake Up - Truth Surrounds us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Architect, ret.- unveiling the truth !

 School Shootings: - Sandy Hook, Ct. - Aurora, Colo. - Dark Night movie, Libor

Index of this page https://www.abodia.com/a/school_shooting_2012.htm

Correction - It was just a drill - no one was killed ! according to this web site
more info at this link:

Actors are filing our news with faked stories. See these links on Conn. Shooting.

Actor John Goodman from Roassane TV series plays St. Police Lt. Vance in Conn. Shooting

Actor Mathew Broderick plays the pastor at the Conn. Shooting



Skip all info below, i think www.WellAware.con has the best over view

Parents Can't see the Kids

More details

Original Reports - no longer mentioned - Unanswered Questions

Libor- Banking Whistleblowers - fathers of both shooters - Lanz

Coincidences:  Dark Night Movie mentions these places & Hunger Games

Gotham City Map - showing Sandy Hook

Summary        Mass Killings in US      MK Ultra Mind Control

Chemtrails at Conn. Shooting

US signed with UN to Disarm

CIA Trained Shooter    Sandy Hurricane - see HAARP weather modification

How to use this web page / this web site

Original Reports - no longer mentioned        - - - index   or top

Short Little Rebel: Susan Shannon- Christian Conservative    https://shortlittlerebel.wordpress.com/2012/12/16/urgent-update-on-connecticut-shooting/

I watched the situation LIVE.  There were original reports of a second man who was found in the woods that they had put in custody.  This man was NEVER spoken of again.  Why?  The details of the shooting changed enormously from one minute to the next.  Inside sources at the police departments were reporting one thing while the official accounts said completely different information.  Read more at her link

Portland Media Center

Police Walked a Man in Camo Pants and Dark Jacket out of Woods: Newtown Connecticut


There is aerial video of the takedown and arrest as he runs into the woods and police scanner audio.

What is a guy doing gawking around an elementary school after 100 shots have been fired and then running from the police.

1:34:15 Reporting a purple van, two occupants, wearing possible skimasks, may be involved in this incident..


Original news reports mention search for a second gunman...


from https://HenryMakow.com/  by Henry Makow Ph.D. links at his web site     - - - index   or top

Two shooters caught. 

One seen running from building, chased by police. Seen on this aerial video starting at 7.30 min   --       More  Confirmation from news report.

Another apprehended outside school, "proned out." (Can be heard on Police radio, heard on above video) 

More eyewitness evidence man in camouflage pants arrested.
See UPDATE from George Freund immediately below article.
Who's Really to Blame for School Shooting? (Updated)

The aftermath of the Newtown school massacre is beginning to resemble the 9-11 false flag. Indeed, this is becoming the 9-11 of gun control, probably perpetrated by the same crowd. It's their MO.  How long are Americans going to tolerate these pogroms? 

The local police dispatch tape carries a report that a teacher saw two shooters running from the scene. (3.25) 

According to George Freund, "First officers in the school report the patsy dead. He may very well have been killed by the two fleeing men who were probably the whack team. 

"Police also report finding a shotgun. How do you carry a rifle, a shotgun, two pistols, and all sorts of ammo with two hands and kill so many people. You are obviously NOT alone.
"There were two escaping persons. The police appear to confront them. There is someone taken into custody. The alleged shooter is found dead. The police supervisor says the 'DRILL' word corresponding to the princpal's tweet of a drill. "

The presence of other shooters may explain why the killer, Adam Lanza, 20, was wearing a mask, flack jacket and military fatigues. This is so he couldn't be distinguished from the other shooters. If he had intended to kill himself, he wouldn't have needed a disguise.  

:     Second man 'in camo pants and dark jacket' arrested at scene of Connecticut school shooting

Published on Dec 16, 2012

Before being subject to the usual 'lone(r) gunman' propaganda technique, there were many initial reports of a least two shooters being present at the Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut on that fateful December morning.

It is clear that 20-year-old Adam Lanza could not have done this all by himself (assuming he was actually involved - we have no way of knowing and no way of ever finding out for sure). The shooting dead of 28 people, with at least 100 rounds let off, took place within three minutes... and we're being asked to believe that "autistic, troubled" Lanza pulled it off with two handguns?

Watch and listen as an eyewitness describes a "fully-grown man wearing camo pants and dark jacket" being led out of the nearby woods in handcuffs.

Source: HistoricalRecordsVLT    go to YouTube.com for this video

UPDATE: Was the Sandy Hook Massacre A False Flag Operation? from https://sgtreport.com/ 

Early Eyewitness Reports From Newton, CT Suggest So

We will continue to follow this story closely because there are just too many unanswered questions, and the “official” version of what happened on Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary continues to shift and change.

There are several easily answered questions the local police and first responders MUST address immediately to help clear things up: 1. What is the name of the man dressed in camouflage pants and a dark jacket who police pulled out of the woods in handcuffs? 2. Where is the man from? 3. What was that man doing near the school and why did he run into the woods? 4. Has the man been cleared of any involvement in this massacre?

This is another equally important fact which has gone unreported by the mockingbird media: Here is the RAW audio exchange between police as the shooting was happening. This is the first responder police radio recording first posted by the Houston Chronicle, then by the NY Post.

At 44 seconds, the police relay a teacher’s report that she saw “two shadows running past the gym”. [Now keep in mind that according to the 'official' story the "lone" shooter has killed himself.] At 55 seconds, the police officer reports a van coming toward him with two occupants, he then says at 1 minute 30 seconds he has them “proned out” (lying on the ground face down). At approximately 2 minutes, they report the New Jersey plates of the van, and the rental car company registration. These two men are in addition to the ONE man dressed in camo pants who the police arrested in the woods near the school. That makes THREE men in addition to the Adam Lanza. QUESTIONS: WHAT HAPPENED TO THESE MEN? WHO ARE THEY?

The cabal (news media) can't get their story straight. Four 9mm handguns in the school, the "assault" rifle found in the trunk (see video), and the coroner stating that all victims suffered rifle wounds... and the media blathering about how evil the Bushmaster is and reinforcing this mixed-up story.

Wait a minute - How did the 20-year old kid kill himself and then go out to the parking lot and put the rifle back in his car?

And just how does an autistic kid get into a newly secured school building carrying four handguns, a rifle and over a hundred rounds of ammunition?

More of interest and the referenced link with more details.

The Connecticut State Medical Examiner’s report that all the victims were riddled with bullets from a rifle that we’re simultaneously being asked to believe was in the trunk of a car the whole time.

So the perpetrator placed the assault rapid fire rifle in the trunk and went back into the school and shot himself with hand guns ?

What about of the 2 adults who the police captured fleeing from the building. I, this web writer,  watched the helicopter video of the hunt & capture of that man, I heard the child’s live testimony of seeing the other adult captured and handcuffed prone on the ground.

Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control … By Neil Bradley.

Excellent article covering much of the originally released information.



This Associated Press/Newsday article on Saturday, December 15th, reported that “Only the rifle was used on the victims“, a statement that is supported by Dr. H. Wayne Carver II, Connecticut state’s chief medical examiner. Of the seven autopsies he personally performed on Sandy Hook victims, all of them had “three to 11 wounds apiece”. He also said that the ‘gunman’ used a military-style rifle rigged to quickly reload, and that the ‘shooter’ was able to reload so quickly because he had “taped two magazines together.” Even before the State Chief Medical Examiner had given these statements, it had been stated that spent shell casings from .233-caliber (rifle) bullets were found inside the school.

Remember that only “the rifle” was used on all the victims. If only this rifle was used, and if we try to make this claim fit into the (admittedly fluid) official version of events, then the alleged lone gunman would have had to leave the school, place the rifle back in his trunk, then return inside the school and shoot himself. No one reported any such maneuver on the part of any gunman or gunmen. What we do have, however, is live emergency services radio feed in which we hear that two men have been apprehended and are “proned out” AND live video footage supported by eyewitness testimony showing what appears to be a THIRD man being arrested by police in the woods.

Let me summarize (see the confusion)

 All the kids were killed by rapid fire rifle.

The suspected young assailant put the rifle in the trunk outside then returned into the school & killed himself with his hand guns beside him.

Does that make any sense ?

This is from live reports, and media coverage.  They will need some weeks to remove a lot of revealed truth, to try to make a coherent story (lie).

Video shows authorities retrieving the assault rifle from the trunk of Lanza's car outside the school

How could the principal have survived to give this statement to local press describing what happened  … if she was one of the first to be killed?

We were initially told that two handguns – a Glock and a Sig Sauer – were found next to the body of the dead shooter, while a third weapon, a .223-caliber rifle was also recovered “in the trunk of a car” later, in the school’s parking lot. All of the weapons were allegedly legally bought and registered in Nancy Lanza’s name. The car was later identified as a black Honda, also registered in her name. More weapons have since been introduced to the story but we’ll get back to those later on.

Besides anonymous ‘law enforcement officials’ telling the media that Adam Lanza was a former pupil at the school, they also said his mother was currently a teacher there, that she was found among the dead and that her son had specifically sought out her classroom first. But when it emerged that teaching staff at the school had never heard of a Nancy Lanza, it was suggested that she was a substitute teacher whose name therefore mightn’t appear on staff lists.

But this claim too has disappeared down the memory hole because it’s now known that neither Nancy nor her son had any connection with the school whatsoever. Adam Lanza was in fact home-schooled. Nancy Lanza has since been painted as a “survivalist” who loved firearms, taught her sons how to shoot and was “stockpiling” because she was “worried about economic collapse.”

CENSORED FACTS: Two Newtown Shooters were Captured Alive        - - - index   or top


« Shooting Spree: A Scare Tactic to Pass UN Small Arms Treaty

Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner: School massacre perpetrators used military-style rifles                - - - index   or top
that were rigged to reload quickly; Sandy Hook autopsies "worst I've seen"


Matthew Chayes & Kevin Deutsch    Newsday, Sun, 16 Dec 2012 12:42 CST

"To protect and to serve"... but what if part of "protecting" in a police state involves engaging in
a little domestic counter-terrorism (aka state terrorism) to remind people why they need Big Brother?

The gunman who killed 20 first-graders and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school, shooting many multiple times,
used a military-style rifle rigged to quickly reload, the state's chief medical examiner said Saturday.

Dr. H. Wayne Carver II, the medical examiner, said the victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown
died Friday morning from "a very devastating set of injuries."

Carver said of the seven autopsies he personally performed, the victims had "three to 11 wounds apiece"0
 and were shot in the head
, extremities and torso -- two of them at close range.

"I believe everybody was hit more than once," he said.

Carver said the shooter was able to reload so quickly because he had taped two magazines together.

more at link ...
 Mass killings occur in USA once every two weeks    https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/12/18/mass-killings-common/1778303/

Unanswered Questions                   - - - index   or top

1) As yet, we have not seen any concrete evidence that any child died.

2) As yet, parents have not been allowed to see their children. (Photoshopped pictures do not count.)

3) As of now, I have seen only one unambiguous statement from a grieving parent (Robbie Parker).

4) According to the official story, Adam Lanza was found with his older brother's ID, and it was not stolen. However, older brother Ryan--who officials say is very cooperative--claims not to have even seen his brother since 2010. Where would Adam get this ID? And why does such use not qualify as a theft?

5) According to the official story, Adam Lanza was wearing a black outfit with a mask and bulletproof vest. Why would he want to hide his identity, and why would he wear a bulletproof vest, if he planned to kill himself?

6) The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with .223 (rifle) casings. But Adam Lanza was found dead in the school with only handguns--a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. But then he could not possibly have been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders. Who did?

7) According to the official story, the killing was tightly confined to two classrooms. But then why were so many children told to close their eyes while leaving the building?

8) Joanne Didonato, the principal's secretary, called in sick on Friday--something she rarely does. So presumably, she must have been awfully ill. Yet she then felt well enough to give an interview. "Of all days," she said, emphasizing the strange coincidence.

9) The hospital went into lockdown and cleared four trauma rooms, but received only three patients, two of them dead children (according to the official story) and one mildly wounded adult.

10) Why were there such persistent reports that Mrs. Lanza was a kindergarten teacher, and that she died at the school, when the new official story is that she was not connected to the school and was killed at home?

11) What happened to the report that Adam Lanza's girlfriend and another friend were missing in New Jersey?

12) What happened to the woodsman in a black jacket and camo pants who was arrested and handcuffed outside the school? He actually shouted to parents, "It wasn't me." Who was he and what was he doing there?

13) What happened to the dark van or SUV that the police surrounded in the parking lot, or the maroon sedan with a blown-out back window they were on the lookout for?

14) The official story is that Nancy Lanza was a gun collector who obeyed the law. But since 20-year-olds are not permitted to buy guns or ammo or carry guns in Connecticut, why would she give her "autistic" son access to both guns and ammo?

15) Why were parents told on Friday that "if you haven't been reunited with your child by now it's already over"? Does anyone imagine that real parents of real children would simply say, "Okay, the show's over, let's go home now"?

16) Would real parents of real children really be satisfied with (possibly photoshopped) pictures of their children? Wouldn't they demand to see their children one last time firsthand?

17) According to the official story, 28 people died but only 1 was wounded. The dead included 20 small, squirmy children--difficult targets even for professionals. How could Adam Lanza achieve such amazingly deadly accuracy, in such a short length of time?

18) A child asserts that he/she heard someone say, "Put your hands up," followed by the reply, "Don't shoot." This indicates that the police took a suspect into custody inside the school. But if that was Adam Lanza, how did he kill himself after that point?

19) Another child asserts that he/she saw a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. Again, this indicates that the police took a suspect into custody. If that was Adam Lanza, how did he then kill himself?

20) When Ryan Lanza was falsely identified as the shooter, who deleted his Facebook profile and created many others in his name?

21) Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask?

22) Why did the police say on Friday that they were going to leave the bodies rotting in the school until Sunday, then Saturday morning announce that they had spirited the bodies away in the middle of the night? Perhaps to ensure that the transport, if any, would go unrecorded on photos or video?

23) Why won't police tell us where they found the Henry repeating rifle, the Enfield rifle, and the shotgun?

24) Did the school have one or more security cameras? What do they show?

25) Why did a police officer specifically mention, on radio, that "they're coming at me through this wood," followed by a fellow officer saying, "This is it"?

26) One officer in the school said, "We've got one suspect down." Who was that? Down in this situation generally means in custody (on the ground and cuffed), not dead.

27) Why didn't Adam's uncle see anything out of the ordinary in Adam when the two saw each other in June?

28 ) Why is Adam Lanza reported to be a loner when a teenager said (oxymoronically), "[Lanza and his friends] always gathered alone in a corner in school"?

29) Why did police assign an individual state trooper to every grieving family, whether the family wants such "protection" or not?

30) Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it's for their own benefit?

31) Is it a coincidence that Nancy Lanza's brother is Kingston Police Officer James Champion, who lives next door to the former Lanza home?




- - -
MK Ultra - about CIA Mind Control - The Nazi's won WW 2 by Mark Phillips who rescued MK slave Cathy O'Brien
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYo2KlQx9mk&feature=player_embedded


Coincidences of CT; Newton, CT school; & Aurora, CO shootings: LIBOR, more shooters, etc.         - - - index   or top

author: Connie Dotz   https://portland.indymedia.org/en/2012/12/420953.shtml  excerpt           more info on father Peter Lanza on Linked-In

The two boys accused of the Aurora, CO Batman theater shooting and Newton, CT school shoots had fathers who until then were going to blow the whistle on global bank fraud and economic meltdown; all three cases were timed to distract the public and involved evidence of additional shooters who set up the accused; at least two involved same time/case police drills like false flags; and evidence the TCT alleged shooter took care to prevent deaths and those shot were not shot by him or his weapons. These fit with the FBI setting up Mohammed as an excuse to have Portland in the Joint Terrorism Task Force and pre-written legislation or policies and talking points. In each of these four cases the evidence is destroyed, witnesses silenced, accusers anonymous and unbelievable, and the facts don't fit the official story. Two of the boys are heavily drugged and not allowed proper legal representation or health care, and the drugs are powerful for mind-altering, memory-destroying, personality-changing. At least two of the boys evidence the types of drug-caused hypnotism the US government has used repeatedly. In each case, proper police investigation and evidence protection was not followed, and the public is not allowed the videos, 9-1-1 calls, witness reports, etc. that contradict the official story that does not make sense.

The murdered boy alleged at the Clackamas Town Center shopping mall shooting took a lot of care to prevent anyone being hurt and seemed to think he would not be stopped by police or security as they probably would have, had it not been pre-planned, just as other false flags have been proven to be. He wore a white hockey mask that would get attention of shoppers, drivers, security and police, and workers, as if to alert the security to stop him.

… The father of alleged Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza, Peter Lanza, was the tax director for General Electric, a corporation that paid -0- taxes on 14.2 billion dollars in profits last year. According to Fabian4Liberty, Peter Lanza was scheduled to testify in the ongoing global LIBOR scandal. In what could only be described an amazing coincidence, the father of Colorado Batman shooter James Holmes, Robert Holmes, was also a LIBOR witness in his position with FICO. According to the link at FICO, Robert Holmes was a 'Fraud Scientist'

… Since the public must not know about LIBOR, they could recognize that meanwhile, worldwide, almost all nations and international groups such as the EU, etc., are threatened with collapse and mass deaths through the manipulation of highly-placed people from Goldman Sachs controlling governmental laws and policies, after obligating the majority of citizens to paying exorbitant interest for loans, and further global and military enforcement/extortion.   https://www.filmannex.com/movie/goldman-sachs-global-financial-crisis-part-1/19603 above

more from https://beforeitsnews.com/economics-and-politics/2012/12/2-mass-shootings-connected-to-libor-2447738.html


https://www.pakalertpress.com/2012/12/19/two-mass-shootings-connected-to-libor-scandal/  following:

The father of Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza, Peter Lanza, was the tax director for General Electric, a corporation that paid -0- taxes on 14.2 billion dollars in profits last year. According to Fabian4Liberty, Peter Lanza was scheduled to testify in the ongoing global LIBOR scandal. In what could only be described an amazing coincidence, the father of Colorado Batman shooter James Holmes, Robert Holmes, was also a LIBOR witness in his position with FICO. According to the link at FICO, Robert Holmes was a ‘Fraud Scientist’.

From Fabain4Liberty:

The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial. The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Sentate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a motive and a link. This coincidence is impossible to overlook. Two mass shootings connected to LIBOR

Coincidence - Dark Night movie, Aurora & Sandy Hook Shootings        - - - index   or top

The movie Dark Night Rises premičre opened in Aurora Colorado, 20 July, 2012

There a shooter killed many in the audience. 

Recently there was another “random “ shooting at Sandy Hook. Newtown, Conn.

Aurora Shooting and Sandy Hook are both

specifically shown in the Dark Night Rising movie. At the bottom,

 At Bottom of this page, I finally found an original map of Gotham City that clearly shows Sandy Hook near bottom by Atlantic Ocean.

Here is the evidence Photo clips from the promo and from the movie at the bottom.


The following excerpt is from an article taken from the blog, Alternate Takes. 

It was published on July 25, 2012, obviously well in advance of the tragic shooting  at Sandy Hook Elementary School that occurred in Connecticut on Friday.  

"The key image in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises is not the tattered American flags or the exploding football field. It’s an image that circulated in viral marketing months before the film’s release - Bane’s ‘strike zones’, circled on a map of Gotham City  [notice Sandy Hook in the picture of the map above]. The package, sent out to key websites in December 2011, reappeared in The Dark Knight Rises, as Detective John Blake studied it for clues. ‘I don’t know anything about civil engineering,’ he protests. Jim Gordon reassures him. ‘But you know about patterns.’

The Dark Knight Rises - the entire Dark Knight trilogy - is about patterns. It’s about networks. It’s about matrices, links, dialogues, nodes on a map. It’s about echoes between those terms, and the way those terms define themselves in relation to each other, and can shift, and change places. It’s not just as a comment on capitalism that Bane’s men raid a stock exchange, and Bruce ponders the trades they were making.

Just as Batman Begins (2005) suggested that Scarecrow’s use of fear as a weapon was no different from Batman’s, and The Dark Knight (2008) ramped up the stakes by asking what, if anything, separated Batman’s counter-terror measures from Joker’s terror, so The Dark Knight Rises is about the fragility of definitions, the limits of structures, the illusion of binary oppositions."

As movie starts, as the camera pans across the Shangai skyline, the  Aurora logo appears on top of the Aurora Plaza,

which is a 185 m high skyscraper in the Pudong financial district of Shanghai, China.

"Key image" in The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package     Credit: Warner Bros.

SANDY HOOK shown below horizontal blue line 

on Right: Screen shot from Dark Knight Rises

SANDY HOOK shown on the map, where he points in the Dark Knight Rises movie


 1 hour 58 minutes and  41 seconds into "Dark Knight Rises" "Sandy Hook" appears on a map .

The character Gordon says:

"To mark the truck, Get a GPS on it  so we can start to figure out how to bring it down.

He puts his hand on the map where map says ”Sandy Hook. The Blue-Ray version is clear.

 on Right: AURORA on building

Gotham City Map (fiction) below - shows Sandy Hook at bottom        - - - index   or top

SANDY HOOK right above ATLANTIC OCEAN label at bottom of map above.        - - - index   or top

Original map of Gotham City from https://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Gotham_City_(Nolan_Films) 

Hunger Games Coincident            - - - index   or top

More from this link:  https://intellectualodditiesnetwork.com/showthread.php?tid=16446

Suzanne Collins is the author of The Hunger Games’.    confirmed on wikipedia

Suzanne Collins resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, with her husband and their two children.

This horrific crime was perpetrated at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, next to the town
in which the author of ‘The Hunger Games’ lives. These are never Is this a random coincident ?

In the Hunger Games movie, 20 children sacrificed for the powers that be. 

That school was named after her.

This appears to be a deliberately chosen place and symbolic false flag – a child sacrifice ritual that the Illuminati love so much.

You can read the remaining portion of AVM’s observation ...  in the comments section.

Until we understand more about what happened on Friday we do not necessarily agree with AVM’s conclusions. However, here are some facts: The ritual sacrifice killings of 23 children are portrayed in the book ‘The Hunger Games’. On Friday in Sandy Hook, home of ‘The Hunger Games’ author, 20 children were murdered making it the worst mass school shooting of children in U.S. history. At the very least, this is one deeply disturbing coincidence.

... read about the film in this gripping article from The Vigilant Citizen, “The Hunger Games”: A Glimpse at the Future?



One night, Collins was watching television, flipping back and forth between coverage of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a reality-TV show. That’s when Collins had the idea that would ultimately turn into The Hunger Games. A longtime fan of Greek and Roman mythology, Collins borrowed a great deal from those sources to give the story its shape. One notable contribution came from the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, in which the Cretan king Minos demanded that seven maidens and seven youths be sent as a tribute every nine years. He gave these tributes to the Minotaur, who would consume them. Collins also borrowed from Ancient Roman history. The gladiatorial games were updated and turned into a televised competition, and Collins took the name of her fictional dystopia from the Latin phrase “panem et circenses.” While Collins finished her often dark and violent book, she continued to write for television, working on the markedly less violent show “Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!”


The Hunger Games... Suzanne Collins

Plot Overview:   https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/the-hunger...mmary.html

Summary       - - - index   or top

For those who are watching, there are 100s, or 1,000s of clues around us showing what does happen.

Some may call this coincidence, but when you deal with the shear numbers of them,

it is improbable that these things could be random events, and not coordinated by some people.

I have studied 100s of unlikely coincidence regarding the 9-11 “attacks.”

All this information is easy to find and confirm thru vast resources on the internet.

Summary of 9/11 Coincidences


276 of the many 9/11


9/11 - Pure Coincidences?

at What Really happened


In Movie the Matrix

Neo's passport expires on 9-11-2001


2 Shootings: Same MO: method of operation:

James Homes,    Aurora, Colorado

Adam Lanza,        Shandy Hook, Conn.


Eyewitnesses reported more than one person involved.

Official story claims only one person involved.

Wore bulletproof vests, as if prepared to engage police in shootout,

     yet did not engage police in shootout.

Father had detailed information on LIBOR scandal.


We can be aware of the world around us, to avoid problems.

Or we can be immune to the signs, and suffer consequences.

- - - - - more from other web sites - go to their site for the extended links - - - -

Chemtrails Clearly Visible Above Newtown Connecticut School Shooting [UPDATED]        - - - index   or top


Friday, December 14, 2012 – UPDATED - CNN has been showing “Breaking News” video footage & CTNow pictures of aerosol spraying in the sky over Newtown Connecticut.

Additional pictures and comment added:

Please note the main stream media is exploiting this tragedy with sensationalism for profit. It is the intent of SoCal SkyWatch simply to report the fact the main stream media is broadcasting and publishing images of apparent aerosol spraying over the city of Newtown at the time of and following the shooting incident. The repetition of chemtrail geoengineering imagery by corporate media outlets needs to be addressed as the very same venues will not discuss the excessive pollution they project on the screen.

Aerosol spraying as a backdrop for the press conference and news photos:

President Kennedy, 1961, US signed with UN to Disarm the world, surrender all citizen's guns !        - - - index   or top

Proof & Details here:

Freedom From War

The United States Program
for General and Complete
Disarmament in a Peaceful World


Disarmament Series 5
Released September 1961

Freedom from War (1961) article - Pres. Kenney, US cedes to UN

Freedom from War the United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World – John Malcolm


freedom from war the united States program for general and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World Department of State Publication Amazon.com Books

Call to Decision        NewVol9_3        Freedom From War - The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament...

 U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Act
H.R. 9118
Public Law 87-297, approved September 16, 1961
This measure establishes a U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency to deal with the problem of reduction

and control of armaments looking toward ultimate world disarmament.

Public Law 87-297

www.libertygunrights.com/PublicLaw87-297.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

Public Law 87-297 - Second Amendment Committee

www.libertygunrights.com/PL87-297WholeLaw.pdf - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

Public Law 87-29? 87th Congress, H. R. 9113. September 26, i961. I5 STAT. 631 . To establish a United Staets Arms Control and Disarmament. Agency.

Public Law 87-297 Globalist Plan to Disarm America:

www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi/noframes/read/194118 - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

Jan 24, 2011 ... Here you will find Public Law 87-297 which calls for the United States to eliminate its armed forces. This law was signed for the United States in ...

Arms Control and Disarmament Act - U.S. Code

uscode.house.gov/download/pls/22C35.txt - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

Public annual report on world military expenditures and arms transfers. ... the use of force has been subordinated to the rule of law; and in which international adjustments to a changing world are achieved peacefully. ... L. 87-297, title I, Sec.

Globalist Plan to Disarm America - PL87-297 Arms Control and ...

www.sweetliberty.org/issues/un/do.htm - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

Here you will find Public Law 87-297 which calls for the United States to eliminate its armed forces. This law was signed for the United States in 1961. John F.

International - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

www.jfklibrary.org/ Research/ Ready-Reference/ Legislative-Summary-Main-Page/ Legislative-Summary/ International.aspx - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

H.R. 9118 — Public Law 87-297, approved September 16, 1961. This measure establishes a U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency to deal with the ...

Jesse Ventura Public Law 87-297 - YouTube

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O7ez19Fq5w - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

Apr 9, 2011 ... Full video linked here https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=- 652081546808629932# Iron Mountain Blueprint For Tyranny Public Law ... 

446 school age children shot in Chicago so far this year with strongest gun laws in USA

media silent December 18, 2012 Fair use

The cesspool known as Chicago probably has the toughest gun laws in the country, yet despite all the shootings, murders, and bloodshed, you never hear a peep about this from the corrupt state run media. In Chicago, there have been 446 school age children shot in leftist utopia run by Rahm Emanuel and that produced Obama, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, etc. 62 school aged children have actually been killed by crazed nuts in Chicago so far this year with almost two weeks to go.

So why isn’t this news worthy? Is it because it would embarrass those anti second amendment nuts who brag about Chicago’s tough gun laws? Is it because most of the kids who were shot and killed were minorities? Or is it because the corrupt media doesn’t want to show Chicago in a bad light? Amazingly, no Obama crocodile tears either.

For those of you too dense to get the point of this post, it’s to make the point about gun laws. No matter how tough the gun laws are, the crazed, nut jobs will find a way to get them and if they so chose, use them. No draconian law can stop this, no matter how well intentioned the law is, or if it’s just about leftists grabbing power from citizens and taking away their constitutional rights.

"... with just one exception (the attack on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona, in 2011) every public shooting since 1950 in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry guns. The massacres at Sandy Hook Elementary, Columbine, Virginia Tech and the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, all took place in gun-free zones."

How the CIA Trained Shooter in Connecticut! Shooting Tied to European Court Ruling against the CIA!        - - - index   or top

Friday, December 14, 2012  https://BeforeItsNews.com/conspiracy-theories/2012/12/how-the-cia-trained-shooter-in-connecticut-shooting-tied-to-european-court-ruling-against-the-cia-2446674.html

By now, all of America has heard about the shocking school shooting in Connecticut; what most Americans have not yet realized is that this shooting is another ‘false flag’ event designed by the CIA and the SADISTIC criminals within the United States government to institute TOTAL CONTROL over the masses. Yes, this shooting is another shocking example of exactly how EVIL these people are; the mere fact that they would MASSACRE school children to achieve their goals of the disarmament of the American public is absolutely attrocious. These people MUST be stopped at all costs! It is not a coincidence that this has occurred the same day that a European Court has handed down a ruling against the CIA, labeling them as torturers and condemning extraordinary rendtion. Freedom in America and therefore the entire world will not survive as long as these EVIL henchmen are permitted to continue to implement their agenda. From Wikipedia:

Project MKUltra was the code name for a covert research operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans through the CIA’s Scientific Intelligence Division. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973.[1] The program engaged in many illegal activities[2][3][4]; in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.[5][6][7][8] MKUltra involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate people’s individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.[9]

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.[10] The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement.[11] MKUltra was allocated 6 percent of total CIA funds.[12]

What also happened that the public is not suppose to think about ?        
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Matt Taibbi: After Laundering $800 Million in Drug Money, How Did HSBC Executives Avoid Jail?


The banking giant HSBC has escaped indictment for laundering billions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels and groups linked to al-Qaeda. Despite evidence of wrongdoing, the U.S. Department of Justice has allowed the bank to avoid prosecution and pay a $1.9 billion fine. No top HSBC officials will face charges, either. We’re joined by Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi, author of "Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History." "You can do real time in jail in America for all kinds of ridiculous offenses," Taibbi says. "Here we have a bank that laundered $800 million of drug money, and they can’t find a way to put anybody in jail for that. That sends an incredible message, not just to the financial sector but to everybody. It’s an obvious, clear double standard, where one set of people gets to break the rules as much as they want and another set of people can’t break any rules at all without going to jail." [includes rush transcript]

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We have fallen to accept “authorities” as truth, rather then letter truth be our authority.

The truth will set you free. John 8:32

Pursuing truth has occupied me 24 / 7 for last 6 years.  Embarrassing for the 50 years before, I didn't realize truth was so deeply buried (& yet in plain sight) Few people have any interest in truth as all are running to and fro seeking their own reward.

This web writer has met several people recently, met, talked with them, heard their reports, saw their evidence.  They were healthy, happy contemporaries.  They are dead now.  They simply told the truth, so they had to be silenced.

The problem with truth is that it is so easy to confirm, once you hear it.

These are some I met – now dead:

Ted Gunderson, FBI 27 years, private investigator 27 years.

Joan Veon, covering the international Bildenberger Meetings, world wide - high finance by powerful people.

Tim Purcey, who distributed info packets so people could separate from unlawful  things like income tax.

Ken Howard, Wis. he visited me a week.

Eustace Mullins who published that the Federal Reserve is just private bank monopolies, not a part of government (world wide), Poet Ezra Pound showed him how to get the information from the Library of Congress, I know other truth tellers now dead.

If this web master is wrong on anything, I will gladly consider evidence you send to correct me. Thanks !

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