Lawsuit Filed Against Government and Media for Staging Sandy Hook
Here is what we (and many other contributing investigators and researchers) found in our investigation:
* The final report from the Connecticut public employees does not include the names, the ages or the sex of the alleged victims of the shooting
* The Town Clerk of Newtown entered into secret negotiations with the Connecticut state legislature to avoid releasing their death certifications
* The Connecticut State Attorney General opposed the release of the 911 calls and had to be denied withholding them by courts
* A special panel of the state legislature recommended state employees who released information about Sandy Hook be subject to an E-felony
* The crime scene was destroyed. Those who were involved in the demolition of the school building itself were required to sign life-time gag orders about anything they saw or did not see
* There was no surge of EMTs into the building, no line of ambulances, no physical proof anyone died–and not even the parents were allowed to see their children
* Life Star medevac helicopter service was not alerted to the bloodbath
* According to Sedensky’s report, there were 489 students and 82 staff and faculty present, for a total of 571 combined that should have been evacuated from the school, but you can search in vain: there is no aerial footage of a mass evacuation
* Sandy Hook Elementary School appears to have been closed in 2008 because of the presence of bio-hazards and the expense of upgrading to meet ADA requirements
* The Newtown Bee published an interview with the school principal, Dawn Hochsprung, during the shooting itself, but she was officially already dead
* The “iconic” photograph taken by Newtown Bee Associate Editor Shannon Hicks was staged, “smoking gun” proof that this event was a drill
* The FBI report on the shooting, which was commissioned by President Obama, has been massively redacted, rendering it virtually unintelligible
* The “parents” (who may be playing roles) and first responders have received millions of dollars from fundraising sites, with millions more coming from the federal government
* Paul Preston, a school safety expert, received confirmation from several contacts in the Department of Education that the Massacre had been a drill and no one had died
* Two Connecticut State Troopers have confirmed to Wolfgang Halbig that the 11,000 page report he has in hand, prepared by State Attorney Steven Sedensky, was “the script” for the Sandy Hook drill that terrorized the nation
* According to Connecticut State’s Attorney, Stephen Sedensky’s own report, there were no fingerprints on the .22 rifle that Adam allegedly used to shoot his mother and, even more surprisingly, that of the large number of shots that were fired from the 5.56 calibre Bushmaster (close to 150 rounds), none of the bullet fragments could be matched to the weapon.
He (Shanley) concludes as follows:
As this (Sandy Hook hoax) was a planned attack on the consciousness of the American people and the world to advance a policy goal through terrorism, the dimensions of the criminality are beneath contempt—evil, really—we are calling on the United States Congress to convene broad and deep joint hearings of the Senate and House Committees on the Judiciary, wherein investigators have unlimited subpoena power, so that we may shine a sanitizing light and purge the American government of the psychopathology that made this possible.
The New York Times, the Associated Press, the Hartford Courant, and the Newtown Bee are all also being sued for $10 billion in a separate Complaint.
Case Name: Shanley v. Smith et al Case Number: 3:14-cv-01881-JAM
Filer: William Brandon Shanley