(Update) Sandy Hook Smoking Gun Revealed: Factions of Government, Law Enforcement, and Mainstream Media including Anderson Cooper Engaged in Treason Against the United States and it’s Citizens from https://theintelhub.com/2013/01/19/sandy-hook-smoking-gun-revealed-factions-of-government-law-enforcement-and-mainstream-media-including-anderson-cooper-engaged-in-treason-against-the-united-states-and-its-citizens/

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Note: In no way is the author of this article claiming that there were no victims shot at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, rather the article points out a complex false flag operation with very real victims. It is also important to note that this matter is still currently under open investigation by theintelhub.com, please send any tips or information to: tips@theintelhub.com

Update as of 1:34 pm EST: The footage in question that aired LIVE on CNN the morning of the shooting has been identified by theintelhub.com as what appears to be a simultaneous “active-shooter drill” conducted at the St. Rose Pre School school 1.4 miles away from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut.


“If any person or persons, owing allegiance to the United States of America, shall levy war against them, … and shall be thereof convicted …  on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act of the treason whereof he or they shall stand indicted, such person or persons shall be adjudged guilty of treason against the United States, and SHALL SUFFER DEATH; and that if any person or persons, having knowledge of the commission of any of the treasons aforesaid, shall conceal, and not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President of the United States, or some one of the Judges thereof, …  shall be adjudged guilty of misprision of treason, and shall be imprisoned not exceeding seven years, and fined not exceeding one thousand dollars.” — The Congress of the United States, 1970

Sandy Hook Elementary School (Front Entrance)

By Shepard Ambellas
January 19, 2013

NEWTOWN — Members of government, law enforcement, and mainstream media alike, including CNN‘s Anderson Cooper and possibly members of his staff have now been implicated in possibly aiding in a treasonous plot to destroy the Constitution of the United States of America at the presidential level. By way of Executive Order President Obama is nearly ready to limit and possibly ban all guns in response to the mass shooting propaganda pumped out by the media.

Media giant CNN has now been caught airing what appears to be “active-shooter drill footage” from another school location and passing it off as the LIVE breaking news feed of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that took place on the 14th of December, 2012 in the morning that left 26 people dead according to reports.

To clarify for the readers, the active-shooter drill footage was likely aired to serve as a cover and help the gunmen to escape from Sandy Hook Elementary School after the shootings. Keep in mind evidence presented in previous articles published by theintelhub.com, video and actual police scanner audio suggests that multiple shooters were in fact involved.

Indeed there was actual footage of Sandy Hook Elementary School aired the morning of the shooting on CNN and other networks, this is not being disputed. Like the clip of the police chasing two men into the woods.

However, the footage in question (where the police storm the school entrance) is being pointed out as the “red flag” signifying that there was possibly a simultaneous active-shooter drill being conducted at St. Rose Pre School running in tandem with the actual mass shooting.

What does this mean?

Mass Shootings + Dead Children = Suppression of Constitutional Freedoms (Gun Rights).

It has all the fingerprints of a classic false flag operation.

This is not Sandy Hook Elementary (Footage aired LIVE during the Breaking CNN broadcast December 14, 2012)

Video footage within the original CNN LIVE broadcast (aired the morning of December 14, 2012) reveals police storming the entrance of what appears to be Sandy Hook Elementary School. The video gives the viewer a birds-eye-view filmed from a news helicopter.

The caption on the LIVE CNN broadcast with Anderson Cooper’s logo to the left on the ticker bar read that morning, “BREAKING NEWS… Source: Mother of Suspected Gunman Also Killed”. However, after closer analysis this is not footage of the Sandy Hook School grounds or shooting, but rather a different location entirely, signifying an advanced government sponsored false flag operation was possibly being conducted that morning in and around Sandy Hook.

Sandy Hook Elementary School

Update: The site where the original CNN footage of an active-shooter drill likely shot simultaneously with the reported shooting, has been identified by theintelhub.com as St. Rosa Pre School in Sandy Hook 1.4 miles away from Sandy Hook Elementary School.

St. Rose Pre School in Sandy Hook, CT

The footage aired by CNN is not of Sandy Hook Elementary but rather of another school. In fact, likely the images aired are actually from an actual active-shooter drill being conducted at the Pre School.

It is unconfirmed at this time if the footage is from a previously filmed drill or an actual realtime drill that was taking place simultaneously with the reported shooting. Notice the emergency cones “orange cones” in place signifying typical drill protocol (in the above picture).

At 1:02 into the following video on CNN’s website is the footage that aired LIVE as most of America has been “duped” in what some would say is an even more sophisticated and diabolic false flag operation than the government staged terror attacks on September 11, 2001.

Take a very close look at the video starting at 1:02 into it. You will notice the police running through a cross walk area that simply does not exist at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Take note of the rounded curb area that leads into a grassy area of some sort with a tree present. This area does not exist on Sandy Hook Elementary Schools property as factions of our government, law enforcement, and media have conspired to stage what could become the end of our once great nation.

Others are implicated. A previous report from theintelhub.com reads;

Project Longevity

This is where it starts to get extremely weird.

A little more than two weeks before the Sandy Hook Shooting, Attorney General Eric Holder was in Connecticut meeting with Governor Dannel Malloy to discuss the launch of a new project aimed at what was described at the time as the, “sticky issue of gun violence.”

The initiative, was aptly named Project Longevity and boasted a variety of goals all supposedly aimed at curbing what Holder described as increasing gun violence in Connecticut and throughout the country.

The Huffington Post reported;

The initiative, known as Project Longevity, will send new federal grant money to Connecticut and involve agents, academics and social workers working for or with the FBI and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy are scheduled to discuss the plans at a news conference in New Haven, Connecticut, at 11 a.m. (1600 GMT).

To accomplish this, law enforcement, social service providers and community members are recruited, assembled and trained to engage in a sustained relationship with violent groups.

“Project Longevity will send a powerful message to those who would commit violent crimes targeting their fellow citizens that such acts will not be tolerated and that help is available for all those who wish to break the cycle of violence and gang activity,” said Attorney General Holder.

 “The community needs to show a little more outrage on these things and demand that it be a top priority,” Pinciaro said.That will be more useful than another law right now.

Another interesting observation shows Governor Malloy at a press conference. Governor Malloy states in the video, “The Lt. Governor and I have been spoken too in an attempt that we might be prepared for something like this playing itself out in our state”.

Several times in the video the Governor refers to the scenario as playing, like a role play or drill almost.

Corporate Media Goes on the Attack

Fast forwarding to the present, we have seen a large-scale media attack on the 2nd Amendment and now, in a startling turn of events, elements of the corporate media are literally attacking those who question the shooting.

When you consider the fact that the corporate media has absolutely been complicit in the Sandy Hook Shooting, it makes sense that they would send an elitist Vanderbilt (Anderson Cooper) to broadcast one of the most hardcore segments of shilling the corporate media has ever conducted.

In the broadcast, Cooper repeatedly states that if it wasn’t for his show no one would even be seeing the crazy conspiracy theories he is exposing yet if that was the case a CNN prime time show would never spend multiple segments to debunk something no one has ever seen in the first place.

Clearly, the use of the corporate media to attack honest questions in regards to the Sandy Hook shootings shows that the alternative media is indeed making major leeway when it comes to finding out the facts in the case.

Anderson Cooper is a known CIA asset and pushes CIA COINTEL on the American People. Wikipedia even admits that Cooper is affiliated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reading;

During college, Cooper spent two summers as an intern at the Central Intelligence Agency. Although he technically has no formal journalistic education, he opted to pursue a career in journalism rather than stay with the agency after school