Notes from Power Hour Radio, 16 Jan.2013

Mike Powers, law enforcement and military background.


Notes of alleged events.


Shooter ? Adam Lanza’s facebook pages were open to all to see. Normally you can only view pages of people with whom you established as friends.

There is no clear source that shows that Adam Lanza was a real person.


Nancy Lanza (mother) her obituary did not list Adam as her son. She was shot 4 times in her head in her home. She was employee of Chase Morgan Stanley.


Peter Lantza (father) works for General Electric from Linked In web site.. Associates have been tried and sentenced for LIBOR scandals. Why was father/ husband Peter not involved in the processions.


The is no evidence of any video or camera recordings.

Supposedly Adam, the shooter, who weighted just 120 lbs. also carried about that much weight in guns & ammo.  He was masked and had bullet proof vest.

Who would have let him in to the locked school ? There is no evidence of forced entry into the school.


What happened to the other 600 kids in the school ?

Why were only 3 people admitted to the hospital ?


Media says there were 100s of rounds fired and 100s of rounds of ammo on the shooter.


How did the principal make a report to the local Honey Bee news, after the event, and later was determined to be dead ?


Shooter changed magazines 8 to 15 times. ?


Shooter had many guns and ammo. The principal walked up to him to tell him stop ?


People was shot 4 to 10 times ?

They say that the guns were legally registered by the mother. Then they say those guns are not legal. 

How do you legally register an illegal weapon ?

Broadcast interview of neighbor who took in the fleeing kids, says that he had heard shots, but he never called 911. Why ?


Robbie Parker, 6 hours after his daughter  Emilie was killed, he went on camera. Before his statements he said:

“Oh should I just read from the card.”

regarding his telling of his remorse for his dead daughter Emilie killed at the school.


Officer were on the scene, inside the buildings with weapons ready, 7 minutes after they received 1 call.


Shooter entered at 9:35 am.


School nurse says she was still locked in a closet until 1 pm, nearly 4 hours after event. She is not licensed in the state of Connecticut.


Why would she remain in a closet for 4 hours if the whole event just took a few minutes.


Within 1 hour, police should have cleared the building.


Gene Rosen, psychologist, shows 2 years at Comm. College. She was not known, not  acknowledged by any peers in his area.  He operated Gene’s Pet Lover service.


What happened to the purple Van with busted rear window, people dressed as nuns, fleeing the scene.


St. Police body guard is assigned to each of 30 families.  (to keep them silent ?)


Other notes from other sources, not the radio show.


- 2 or more adults captured and arrested fleeing the scene. 

- helicopter media video of chase thru the woods.

- Police found assault rifle in the car, yet shooter ? was found in the school dead with hand guns. When did he go to the car and put a rifle there.

- Corner said the victims were killed by close range rifle fire.

- Authorities kept the bodies in place to remove a day later. Those who vacated the school were told not to look at the bodies. (Where their bodies ?)

- Local people have captured police reports with scanner radios – listen to them on internet.

- A photo of Obama (on visit after shooing) shows him with the Parker kids, including the supposed dead Emilie in the same dress that she was photoed with her ? family in a family portrait.


Read more details, contradictions, unlikely or impossible things at links on this web site and beyond..