2021-all-index-s on Covid, vax, masks, soc. distancing, lockdowns
$500 Trillion Lawsuit against federal govt and 140+ monopolists
10 million tested, NO asymptomatic transmission
Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all, study of 10 million finds v
1918 Spanish Flu, San Francisco, Mayor did not abide by his mandates, so everyone took off masks.
In 1918 after the biggest pandemic all time. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Rudolf Steiner explained “Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell. Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few other proteins. They butt out from the cell. They happen when the cell is poisoned. They are not the cause of anything.”
1a. Refuse without refusing- letter for Jab_Mask_Testing.docx
1b. Vaccine Informed Consent_Liability- Letter.docx
2. Religious-Vaccine.Masks.Testing-Exemption-2021-1.docx
2010 Rockefeller Lockstep for 2020
56-page document regarding the COVID Jab.
6 Facts about all 3 Vaccines ..
8 minutes Doctors tell danger of Jab or here
A Prescient Message from Br. Alexis Bugnolo millions will die
America Front Line Doctors AFLDS sue us gov. over covid
Assistance to avoid a vaccine ..
CDC/FDA confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus
by Jon Rappoport at NoMoreFakeNews
Chemical Farming & Loss of Human Health - Dr. Zach Bush arti cle
Children 50 times more likely to die from vaccine
Chlorine Dioxide.- Universal Antidote benefit
Common Law to avoid the jab- David Icke Feb '21
Corporations require employees to be vaccinated
Court proof covid does not exist 8/3/21
Court proof covid does not exist 8/3/21
Covid Door Knockers Don't talk to them. Tell them they are trespassing.
Covid is a Crime against Humanity-
COVID Vaccination Mandates- Liberty Counsel.doc
Covid Vaccine Religious & Exemption documents
Covid was planned to usher in the New World Order
COVID: If there is no virus, why are people dying?
COVID-19 Genocide- Former UN staff member
COVID-19 is not very contageous
Crimes Against Humanity - Canada- Fuellmich
Danger to speak truth on vaccine
Doctor Explains All: 5 Min. Covid-19 Vaccine
Doctor Explains Covid-19- 5 Min
Doctors and Lawyers explain health/ legal ramifications of Jab mandates
Doctors and Lawyers horrified by what is happening to vaccinated people’s blood!
Doctors and Nurses giving the Covid-19 vaccine will be tried as War Criminals v
Doctors/location listing for HCQ and IVR
Dr Martin, Fuellmich, fake pandemic
Dr Shaun Brooks PHD Oxford 48 Publications / 23 Books Studied Admin Health & Physiology 21 Years !
Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why doctors and nurses giving the covid-19 vaccine will be tried as war criminals. 02 Feb 2021
Dr. AFLDS In Action: Protecting America’s Firefighters
Dr. Carrie Madej - On the injections The 2nd injection is a real killer.
Dr. David Clements LIVE! Bad Actors EXPOSED, Coup Attempt REAL, All Lies REVEALED!
Dr. David Martin Shocking news for Canada
Dr. McCullough on danger of vaccine
Dr. Naomi Wolf Discusses "Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever" bt
Dr. pathologist summary of what these jabs do to the brain and other organs
Dr. renown Doctor calls covid a pack of lies
Dr. Robert Young - "vaccine" danger
Dr. Shaun Brooks PHD speaks to Sch Board - vax will kill us
Dr. Simone Gold Health Freedom tx 17 April, 2021 Tulsa, Oklahoma abodia.com/0.html abodia.com/new/0
Exemption Forms Folder under 2021-08-12
FDA Ignores Both Science and Law
Federal Government Paying Farmers to Destroy Their Crops to Cause Food Shortages
Flu and Colds - Germ and Terrain Theory
Food Supply laced with Graphene Oxide (Aug 17, 2021
Former Pfizer Chief
"Children are 50x more likely to die
from the Covid Vaccine than from the virus"
Geo-Engineering- Engineered Drought
Gina Haspel CIA director Captured Voter Fraud from Germany
Government admits covid doesn't exist
Government is destroying food to cause food shortages
Government With Big Tech Destroys Free Speech
How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?
How One Man Took Down America...John D Rockefeller v
How Radiation is harmful to life. Bitchute
How to remove Graphene Oxide from Body
Human Traffickers Made Up To $14 Million Per Day In February Border Rush: Report
Hyper Inflation is on us now in USA July, 2021
Hyperinflation will collapse government
Illuminati- Georgia Guidestones
Index abodia.com/new/2021-09-07 08-12 07-31 07-14 07-01 04-14 04-12 this index
Irrefutable scientific Proof – Covid-19 does NOT exist! Feb '21
It took decades to coordinate all these different organizations to support the PlannedDemic.
What we experience: virus, vaccine, lockdowns, masks, soc. distancing, fear,
is not natural nor coincidence. It is the nefarious work of evil people & $ billions.
Klaus Schwab- World Economic Forum
Links .
Mask Debate - Jeff Berwick, the Dollar Vigilante
Mask is a visual cue that there "must" be a "virus" . No virus has been isolated, CV-19 is cover for 5G as in Wuhan.
Masks show submission to non existing virus
Military and government deceives us
New World News Bureau - How long do vaccinated have to live
Nuremberg trials, Rappoport, Moderna NIH contract
Pandemics is International Crime - Lawyers sue governments.
passport-digital vaccine passport
Pathologist summary what Jabs do to brain and organs (rumble.com)
Pfizer VP vaccine is lethalScientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions | Covid Call To Humanity
Piercing the Veil of Illusion- Huge Collection of people, buildings, events - correcting history
Reasons against taking the Vaccine
Reiner Fuellmich - Crimes against Humanity
Reiner Fuellmich- Crimes against Humanity ..
Religious Exemption Documents For "Mandatory" Covid Jab
Religious Exemption Documents For "Mandatory" Covid Jab
Religious exemptions on vaccines - mandates
Removing Graphene oxide from body doc
Simone Gold- Frontlion Doctors
SuperComputer & Military altered election results
Survival of the Fittest, Dave Murphy rumble video
The Illusion of Knowledge - Lecture By Dr. David Martin bt 1:32
The lives of 81 people who took the j@b v Dana Ashlie
The test is the delivery system The Covaids Plandemic
There is no virus- Dr. Kaufman
Trump, restore republic, child trafficking
US under Marshall Law - Republic restored
Vaccinated people are property of Big Pharma
Vaccine- Dr Martin - Fuellmich- Fauci
Vaccine is weapon of Mass Destruction- V. Coleman
Vaccine refusal text - Nuremberg Code
Vaccines now given pretend to be fully FDA approved. They are not.
W.H.O. concedes the covid virus is just like the common flu! 500,000 Americans Dead from vaccine Reiner Fuellmich
What Congress gives US citizens
What Lies Behind the Mind Control of Americans v
What to Do about Vaccine Mandates ..
What will happen to those who took the jab.