10 Tot Comm Instructions

Open, click 1, 2 or 3 on free version

TC always opens 2 windows.

d:\High Sandy disc\_  Programs Set Up\Total Commander\

Above is path, thru many directories

File at top left

Down to white horizontal rectangle

Click right down arrow

Point to any source

C windows drive

DVD drive

USB Flash drive.


Yellow Manila rectangles are folders

Below are files

Click on left window blank area

That window becomes active.

Click on right window blank area

That window becomes active.

Click on Name Ext, Size or Date

Each time you click, it will sort, it will reverse the displayed order.

Files can be doc, jpg, mp3, …

Double Click on folder

      It opens that folder & puts that folder name above of the path line, with dark blue back ground

On line with white horiz. rectangle

/ takes you to root directory,

That's Top of all other directories.

..  takes you up just one directory each time you click on double ..


Folders are listed before files.

You can open even more windows with tabs +.

* is where you have a link to a folder you often use

V Down arrow will show you a history of folders you used today.


I, Ted, have used 100s of programs.

I use Total Commander every day for many hours.  It is the program I load to do any other function on my computer.

It is free for many commands, but I recommend you pay the $ 50 fee to use all the functions.

When you just learn 5 or 8 functions, you can do most of what you want.

Total Commander changes your relation to information.  What ever you put on your computer, you can find, view, copy, send it quick & easy.

Set active folder in one window, then destination folder in other window.

I mark / select some of many folders/ files & move them to a different directory, to better organize my info.

IndexYourFiles.com is 20 times faster, but TC does more functions.



All 4 links at top of page are good fundamental videos on windows functions.

The more you learn of programs, the faster, easier you can do useful work on your computer.

I like other people to use TC so we can work together quickly.

If you randomly read thru files, a day or week later you can find a file you read by looking for the title or some word inside of the file.

Learn to search in any program or internet.  You can search faster with a computer much than you can read anything.

I teach software & strategy so you can find & konw important info.

Many adults are stuck in what they know.  They don't know nor want to see other info.

When we quit observing & reasoning, then we will fall into misfortune.'\

The word is very different than what most people think.  You can know truth, but you must study.

Above study, you need access to truth or information to discern what is true.

Complacency is problem.

It ain't so much what we don't know that's the problem; it's what we do know that just ain't so. - Will Rogers

The only certain barrier to truth is the belief you already have the truth. – Voltaire

 If you see something in news many times, you tend to believe it.

You might do & know the TC tips I show you, but ...

the more times that you do these steps, the more you will remember them.