Import Video
Load Video tape to camera
Attach Firewire black Cable
Sq. Horseshoe under dark gray flap
Turn Camera on to PLAY
The Clapper Control + Alternate + /
Starts Windows Movie Maker Program
Plugging in FireWire + Camera on also starts Win Mov Maker
Capture Video (from Camcorder) Import (a computer file)
File Name Speaker John
Choose Place Browse Folder Desktop/Canon Video
Next Digital Device Format Whole Tape
Capture Entire Tape
Time & Size change
Runs to completion
Import (saved wmv file from Hard Drive)
to the resources & pictures
Files & Folder x My Video,
go up to Desktop, then Video Cannon, then Herbs Beckley
Source from tapes is wmv Windows Media Video
From the resources, change sequence and or pic locations and make final story board
Export to *.avi movie format
File Save Project remembers edits
Save Movie File Final avi movie, edits executed, all else discarded