How to Install Kodi for TV & Movie viewing on any device, thru internet.

Simple method from beginning to the end

2 examples to watch on Youtube will help before getting started.


Example Kodi installations on Youtube

1.  Download and Install Kodi file from website www.kodi.TV 

Select what version of program you need by what computer/device you will be using. 

After you have Kodi installed.

2.  Go to system then file manager,  click add source

Type in media source

Name type .fusion

Then click OK or done

3.  Go back to system and click

then down to add ons and click

Install from zip

Click on fusion then  click start here

then click  hubwizard  near the bottom of list.

Then back to main home screen

Click programs then

Click Configwizard  then click type of device you will be using like (windows or android)

then it will install automatically the rest of the setup

You have installed everything at this point.


Adding a Shortcut to Kodi on Home Screen
   How to add shortcuts to main home screen. Like under video or music section.
> Click system then appearance then click on right side menu click settings
> Then on left side tab you will see add shortcuts (near bottom of left side tab) Move your cursor on top of Add on Shortcuts
> Then you move cursor to the right where you see add on 1 thru 5 so you can have 5 shortcuts for each section (Home Page Videos Sub Menu)
> When you click on like add on shortcut 1 it will be blank. Then you click it and select what you want add on shortcut 1 to be.

It will give you of a list of installed choices you have available.

Then you are finished. You may do this this for up to 5 shortcuts
> Then click the home button (house bottom right of screen) to check and make sure it did show up.