Some Movies you can watch thru Kodi


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    Am.Film & Rotten Tomatoes & many web sites suggest great movie titles.


12 Angry Men 1957 H Fonda1-36

8 1-2 A 1-20

8 1-2 B 1-00

A Night at the Opera 1935 1-40

Am‚lie 20012-05

Battleship Potemkin 1925 50

Braveheart 1995 3-00

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 1-48

Canterbury Tales 2003 2-10

Chicago 2002 1-50

Citizen Kane 1941 2-00

Dead Poets Society 1989 -2-05

Dr Zhivago 1965 3-00

Duck Soup 1933 1-08

Good Will Hunting 1997 2-05

Grapes 1 2-05

Grapes of Wrath 1940 H Fonda 2-05

Hellzapoppin' 1941 1-05

Inception 15 min

Inception 2-28

Inside Out 2015 1-34

K-PAX 2001 1-10

Laura 1944 1-30

Lawrence of Arabia 1962 3-30

Lego Movie 2014 1-50

Mamma Mia 2008 1-45

Modern Times 1936 1-25

On the Town 1949 1-40

On the Waterfront 1954 0-50 B

On the Waterfront 1954 1-00 A

Passengers 2-40

Raging Bull 1980 2-10

Repulsion 1965 1-45

Sherlock Holmes 2018 2-08

Taxi Driver 1976 1-50

The African Queen 1951 1-45

The Conversation 1974 1-15

The Fountainhead 1948 1-50

The Green Mile 1999 3-05 -43

The Lady Vanishes 1938 1-40

The Patriot 2000 2-35

The Seventh Seal 1957 1-36

The Third Man 1-45

Thelma & Louise 1991 2-10

To Kill a Mocking Bird 1962 2-10

War Room 2015 A 1-28x

War Room 2015 B 56

Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988 1-50