Letter to family & friends.
Study pages at abodia.com J. Assange & C. Ward.
You are special to me. I want you to be happy & safe.
Please read at abodia.com Let me share what I've discovered in deep research for 20 years.
If, when I tell you important truths, you'll be mad at me. I say things you don't want to know.
I'm sad to annoy you. But I'd rather have you understand what is now happening than that you'd be blissfully innocent, unknowing what's going on..
You can ignore this letter, but .. the more you read or see of this, the more you'll see it's really happening.
Governments, banks, universities. corporations have profited & ruled over us by telling us huge lies.
Military worldwide is now arresting 1,000s of people who have lied, poisoned, trafficked us.
Wake Up America.
At abodia.com See 1,000+ of articles
Read as you will. Tell others to also read.
As you grasp these events, as you look around you will start to see confirmation of all this.
We are in a spiritual battle - good against evil. If we don't pay attention, if people don't get involved, evil will win.
I love you all, & pray for the best outcome for each of us.
I cannot say in a paragraph or a page what's going on, but I post articles of people who clearly explain what's going on.
You can doubt or avoid this, but you cannot stop it from happening.
Better to be wise than to be ignorant, or unknowing.
Ted of Elden .
May Yahuah bless, guide and protect us all.
Lies steal, Truth heals, Yahushua saves
I remind you of ideas I've often stated.
You can't understand the complicated until you understand the simple ideas that form the complex ideas.
You can't stop some things from happening by just ignoring them.
People cannot, will not look at what is happening because it is different than what they want to happen.
It's best to see reality and be aware & avoid problems.
What we believe is based on the information we get.
Mainstream media has been lying to us for decades,
suppressing important truths and forever repeating obvious lies.
They lie but we must not believe their lies.
Seek truth. Truth will make us free. John 8:32.
Scripture is best source of information.
The more you study scripture or anything,
the more you will understand it.