abodia.com/mail/4 on mail    by Ted Elden


These are things I share that may help you.

Smart Phone tricks, - how to record, edit, send audio message rather then typing it.

- how to dictate to your phone to type out any message

- use word processor on your phone. Conceive, manage thoughts & ideas.

Computer software & strategies.  See abodia.com/lesson

Total Commander, Index Your Files.com, OmniPage OCR, ACDSee, Audacy, Convert lite

On a conference call, put the number AND the code in your phone directory.

With one click you'll dial and enter the pass code to get on the call.

ThoughtPrint.org is how I find things.  Give you quick, easy access to info that other methods make hard & slow.





abodia.com/idx    /virus-vaccine

    10,000+ articles on: virus, vaccine, covid, deception in government, CDC, UN, WEF, etc.

abodia.com/te        Fun stuff, poetry, photography, train scenery out west.

TopORock.net photos of the former homes & studios of mine & my father's (deceased).

Little Rock was my home/ studio.

Both of our buildings were broadcast on national, Home & Garden TV, on Dream Builders.

    and published nationally in Dwell Magazine.


Here is a way to search my website,

Go to FireFox or DuckDuck Go, or any search engine.

Use any of these search terms:


abodia.com    baking soda    or    abodia.com    ucc    or    abodia.com/law


I host weekly conference calls.  All welcome, any topic.  Wake Up America.

I exchange much information by mail, e-mail, phone, text, etc.


Ted Elden.

General Delivery

Charleston, W. Va.

[ 25314-9999].


304 344 2335        h@abodia.com


Let's meet & talk or message each other.

Let's work together.

Each of us has something valuable we can share with others.

If we listen, we can learn.

Talk to teach.

If we just talk, we block others for teaching us.

    Quotes I like:

It ain't so much what we don't know that's the problem; it's what we do know that just ain't so. - Will Rogers

It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they were fooled. – Mark Twain

The only certain barrier to truth is the belief you already have the truth. – Voltaire

There are none so hated as those who speak truth. - Plato

There are none so enslaved as those who think they are free. - Goethe

The truth will make us free. John 8:32

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. - Heb. 11:1

Patiently Persist with Prayer Purpose, until we Prevail.

Quotes can give us a little knowledge, insight, understanding in few words.

Words can focus, direct, expose, lead, inspire, teach, or confuse, mislead, suppress information & ideas.