2021-11-09    New Ideas

I learn some by reading, listening, watching others.

I learn much more by testing.

I think that mail, money & law are all tied together.

For years I've been careful to never use 2 letter states.

I think they are federal territories, bring on the jurisdiction of

64 million UNITED STATES CODES.  I don't volunteer nor use them.

Nor a zip code, or do use zip code in [square brackets]

Now I think that any or all of these will also remove a name, or address form federal jurisdiction

Use these words on your envelop

General Post Office

zip exempt.

    quote the statue:

12 Stat. Chpt. 71, sec. 23

37th Congress, Sess. III, Pg 705

But all this may be simplified.

Just draw a box around either or both.

    your outgoing address, or the return address.

You should desire to remain outside of federal jurisdiction.

If you accept mail to you with any of these, then you consent to federal jurisdiction.

- no box, no brackets

- zip code or 2 letter state (fed. territory.)


- variations of your name without :

So now I think can use any format, any abbreviations on your out going mail.

Just draw a box around it.

I also think these words are good:

Use these words on your envelop

General Post Office

zip exempt.

We should all start with 2 cent mail, then heavier & heavier packages.

Then move on to Taxe Percue.

Nothing I say is guaranteed. You have to ear your wings.

Initially many post offices will reject, return, or forward postage due

    when you try to use 2 cent mail. Stand your ground.

Put the statue o the envelop.

You are to commanding by law,

    you are teaching diplomatically by patience & persistence.

Good luck.  Find a friend & write back & forth to each other.

Do this until it is reliable.

Don't send valuable or important papers until

after you have done it enough that it is reliable to mail this way.

I share what I did, am doing, and how I think.


I give no advice on finance, law, health, psychology or religion.

I do share what I observe, experience, and or reason through.