
It seems I am talking about 2 ¢ postage, but really I am talking about your ability & your courage to think, to know.

I am just one guy.  I figured out many things, I'd like help to show these to other people.

We live in a sea of illusions of many lies told us by high authorities.  We must seek, find, confirm & stand in truth. What we do may inspire others to wake up.  Words are hollow, actions impress.

I learned how and then I mailed 38,840+ letters, since 2005, using just 2 ¢ postage.

Anyone can.  abodia.com/mail shows how.

You & I must study a long time before we can suspend ideas we have and learn new things.

The more you do learn, the more you can learn.  When you say, "I already know" you block your ability to learn.  What is learning ?  When you consider things you do not know, and finally decided the new information is better than the old info., you have learned.

Many people rely on authorities, experts, doctors, attorneys, professionals.

Many of those people get money, license, benefit, status if they repeat and insist on doing what they learned.  Many, even professors, have never instigated what they were told by others & by books. 

For centuries there have been people who profit & increase their control over others by lies and by hiding basic truth.

2 ¢ postage is like that.  It is a simple, basic fact, established in regulations.  Any one can do it, but many postal clerks (who don't know the US PO regulations) will tell you that you just pay 55 ¢.

You should not believe me. You should investigate the US PO regulations.

The fastest way to learn & know is to test.  I show the form I use to do 2 ¢ mail.

No one really believes anything until they do it and they succeed.

Any one can try or do things like I do.  They may succeed or fail.  Do they have the persistence to prevail ?

5 Ps

With all things: Patiently Persist with Prayer & Purpose, until we Prevail !

I've mailed successfully for 2¢ postage 38,000+ times.  This cannot be an accident that my mail just slips thru. It must be something that postal workers allow and pass thru.

I am now mailing for free, but I suggest that you begin mailing 2 ¢ postage until you  establish that it is acceptable.

Some people think a law or a man has command over other men.  I have a more humane view.  We need to gently persuade other people to what we want to teach them, or for them to learn what we suggest.

With Yahuah & men, all things are voluntary.

3 Ps

With People, Pets & Plants, we should only invite, persuade, never deceive, threaten, force or harm - as governments do.

I don't think it is effective to talk to postal clerks.  They are all paid by the private, for profit, foreign owned corporation called the US Postal Service.  They make rules, offer services and try to manage mail or posts.  Most don't know the original US Post Office regulations ad they don't want to know.

The US Post Office regulations are still in effect.  They have not been changed.  The US PS must comply with US PO regulations.

Are you controlled by make up rules of other people, or can you read, thick & act ?

It is OK if you do nothing.

From age 20 to age 55, I sort of believed thee world as we assume from news.

In 2005, when I studied 9-11 for 6 months, I began to realize the world is very different than we are told and that we can change our circumstances by reading & thinking.

2 ¢ mail is your opportunity to take control over your life.  Sure it takes courage, the more knowledge you get, the less courage you need.  Just do it is the fastest way to learn.

Contact me if you watt me to send you a 2 ¢ or free mail letter.  We could help each other in many ways.


Abodia.com   has 1,000s of important files, facts to see the world is differ than we're told.

Wake Up ! Learn & invite others to learn. 

Truth will make us free.  John 8:32, Hosea 4:6, Prov. 18:13

2¢ mail shows many things.

There are 2 United States. You choose which one, or which jurisdiction you want to live in.

Pay no taxes, mail for 2 ¢, no court, no jail, no fines.

With Yahuah & men, all things are voluntary.

Knowledge will always govern ignorance.

Ignorance is not being stupid, it is ignoring facts around you.