Address format
All I teach you can know directly by testing until it works for you.
I have no power over you nor people who think they have authority over you,
however, I observe & reason, then test & confirm that which I show on my websites & conferences.
Don't ask me questions. Test these ideas until they work for you. You only believe when you do this & succeed. Patiently repeat.
Many people think their life is controlled by others. I don't think mine is except where I contract with someone (person or government, or corporation.)
Honor contracts you enter.
I've learned many things by thinking, testing, bluffing & succeeding.
Some people think a man (authority) or a regulation printed in law controls them.
When you mail anything, put a [ zip code ] in square brackets. The zip helps the postman guide the mail.
If you don't put a zip on mail, then a postal employee with see it has no zip & look it up & add the zip without the brackets.
Anything in [ square brackets ] is not considered as being on the page. Chicago Styles Manual p 665, or 666 maybe.
Anyone can mail to you, summons, fine, IRS, claim or charge, but the recipient determines if that mail has any binding on it. If you do not return it you accept to be under 64 million US Codes. No one knows all those laws. Don't accept them
If you get mail with a zip not in brackets, or with YOUR NAME in ALL CAPITAL letter, or anything you don't understand or don't like, you can return it without any reason within 3 days.
Jurisdiction is established when you ACCEPT (don't return) mail, not when it is sent to you. You determine jurisdiction not the sender.
If you will use a zip code in brackets, then it is not necessary to use a city state.
I look up addresses at to determine if an address has a unique 5+4 or 9 digit zip code.
If you look up 124 Maple street and see 30387-9765 is unique and 122, 123, 125, 126 do not have that same 9 digit, then it is unique. You don't need to put the street in the address.
Most mail, the postman is simply trying to get it to a delivery address. If you mail to a place where there are few people, & or if the recipients will see who sent the letter and know who should get that mail, then you don't need to pu a name on the mail. The one receiving it has no obligation as it has no name.
For a name on a piece of mail or any address, you could say: No name
Friend or Truth seeker
John or John Smith.
You do not have to put sui juris, UCC 1-307 & all that stuff on the envelop.
I write to many people with only this:
[ 30387-9765 ].
I recommend above any address, put
General Post-office. Zip exempt to ascertain you are dealing with the Constitutionals Republic.
Many want guarantees. I don't have any guarantees. I research, test & repeat until my mail is flowing easily.
To send to a person, and expect the Green Business Reply card, then yes you have to use the persons name.
Rather than
Judge Jim Smith.
I'd say Jim Smith
c/o Circuit Court Judge. has a lot of info on 2¢ mail, free mail, formats, etc. The 12 Stat from the governments website is shown on my /mail web page.
Many want to force the post men to obey you.
I don't know how, the courts, the UNITED STATES Corp., all things are captured by the fake government.
What I do is just repeat until I succeed. If you mail a letter to Chicago, not all post routes open for you, perhaps only the path to Chicago.
Some writing from Chicago to you, may fail.
I repeat, repeat, repeat. Most of my mail moves very quickly.
The world is greatly deceived on law, courts, history, education, medical cures, technologies, chem trails, Sand Hook, OK City bombing, Waco, fluoride.
When you mail to someone for 2 cent postage, then they are holding the evidence it works. I intend to wake people up from many false things they now accept.
If we are deceived on everyday mail, oh what more can they deceive us.
The postal worker employed by USPS does not want to know he must honor USPO regulations. Unless those regulations were rescinded, then they are still in force. Time passing does not erase regulations.
Many people ask me many questions. I just did the research, testing and succeed. I don' know what resistance you will have, but if you keep trying I think you can mail 1,000s of 2 ¢ & or free postage letter.
It is not the law/ regulations they are testing. They are testing to see how committed you are. If you are unsure, then you will fail.
Rather than brackets around the zip code, put a box around any complete address.
124 Maple St.
Ohio 30887
124 Maple St.
To find a home address for someone, use
Type the name & city, state where they have lived in last 20 years to see their current mail address, possibly phone & email.
When law enforcement, government, court, corporation, when anyone asks for your address,
they are expecting you to volunteer your residential address.
If you think you have a residential address and give it to some one,
you have established that you are a resident, are a US citizen, are subject to 64 million US Codes.
All that is voluntary and not obligated.
Once you state or conceded to them, you have waived you rights and cannot recover them.
Resident address to the legal word is different than we think in English that resident just means were we live.
All info about ourselves is private and should not be given to anyone who may harm us.
You do not need some ones permission to stand on your own common law rights.
Do no harm, honor contracts you enter, don't steal, lie, injure. Obey biblical law.
Posting letters is a free right to everyone.