Free Mail        and Law !                          Home Page Truth

This reads better if you go to

Then click on Free Mail & Law in the top left.

         Samples:  at bottom is actual mail receipt        More on 3 ¢ and 6 ¢ Mail here

To protect the privacy of my friends, I cover up some of their addresses.



^ - This piece now needs the red thumb print to touch the end of the autograph.

It just shows the info I print on the envelope.


For Video Lesson: Go to You Tube and search Taxe.Percue, or see my notes below

Below is the discussion from the You Tube Video Tax Perdue typed up.

When you write anything down, a statement or a claim, sign it and mail it to someone,

   the writing becomes a court case, a claim and or a contract.

You become the Postmaster, the Judge and the Banker of that account, paper, court or contract.

Mail is very important not only to communicate clearly in writing, but it has bearing in law.

This is a good discussion about mail, and it's lawful action & how to mail for free.

Note this technique is confirmed by this speaker phoning his post office.
It is in the Domestic Mail Manual (2nd link above) and

Here it is from the USPS web site link:    Proof in the US Domestic Mail Manual

Postal Explorer > - International Mail Manual
> 7 Treatment of Inbound Mail > 740 Irregular Mail >

742 Stamps Not Affixed
742.1 Marking
Some items of foreign origin do not bear postage stamps, but instead are marked “POSTAGE PAID,” “ON POSTAL SERVICE,” “SERVICE DES POSTES,” “TAXE PERCUE” or “TP,” or “PORT PAYE” or “PP,” followed by postmark. The marking On Her Majesty’s Service or O.H.M.S. is also sometimes used.  Treat this mail as prepaid.

742.2 Parcels Without Postage Stamps
Some foreign post offices do not put postage stamps on parcels. All such parcels received must be regarded as prepaid.

 - - - It's also in other foreign mail manuals too.- - -

"How to mail YOUR stuff for FREE" or

Taxe Percue Webinar


·          We/I, Morpheus/Neo or ANY other entity or living man does NOT practice law.

·          Nor should anything said or given be construed as law or legal advice.

·          Do your own research and be Responsible for your own actions.

·          We do not tell or suggest you to try anything shared.

·          Everything said, shared or e-mailed is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.

How to mail MY stuff for FREE???

+ Session 1



Rabbit Hole Researching !!!

What says, I can do this? U R Da ONE

How did figure out, I can do this? U R Da ONE How did I do it (step by step)? U R Da ONE! Appreciation and Love

Samples from TO...


Samples TO

36 mailings accepted At one time !




How to mail MY stuff for FREE???

+ Per House Joint Resolution HJR 192/ Public Law 73-10 - In YOUR mind, what is Prepaid?

Taxe Percue

·          Tax Payment (Recognized), French (percue)

·          Port Paye, PP (German), - Postage Paid - On Postal Service

·          Taxe Percue, TP, or Service Des Postes (French)

·          On Her Majesty's Service - O.H.M.S.

·          UPU Article RL 114 (2.2)

Taxe Percue

·          First time Countered at Santa Monica Post Office

·          Registered Mail article obstructed from passage

·          Left (phone message) NOTE for Supervisor to call back

+ Note was left by Trinity... "IMM 742.1, look at this and call me back?"  (IMM = International Mail Manual)

Rabbit Hole Researching

+ Experienced people already swallowed

the RED PILL. (learn - change)

Study, study, study ... study, study, study

+ Newbies... last chance to take BLUE PILL! ( fixed, status quo, illusions), or take Red Pill of Truth

What is FOREIGN origin??? Foreign Post Office???

•     Define what IS before what is NOT... Or

·          Do YOU KNOW what your placing your MAIL (post) into?

·          Where are you physically in relation to other states, by your actions?

·          How important it is to ReSEARCH, ReEXAMINE and Define WORDS?

City  (Webster's online dictionary)

+ I a : an inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village

+ I b : an incorporated British town usually of major size or importance having the status of an Episcopal see

+ I c capitalized (1) : the financial district of London

(2) : the influential financial interests of the British economy

Mail, noun (Websters online)

·          1 chiefly Scottish : bag, wallet

·          2a :material sent or carried in the postal system

·          b : a conveyance that transports mail c: e-mail 2a

·          3: a nation's postal system -often used in plural

Box, vb  (Webster's online dictionary)

+ 1: to enclose in or as if in a box

+ 2: to hem in (as an opponent) -usually used with in,

out, or up <boxed out the tackle>

Mail, noun  (Webster's online dictionary)

+ chiefly Scottish: payment, rent

Note: Scots law

(Morpheus sees that in many places)

You send MAIL by BOX

+ You send payment, rent by

+ Filing a PAPER with a court of law to

+ the financial district of London


Court of law

(Black's 8"' [2004])


box. vb Hist. Eng. & Scots law To file a paper with a court of law

Court of law 1. Broadly, any judicial tribunal that administers the laws of a state or nation.

2. A court that proceeds according to the course of the common law, and that is governed by its Rules and principles. of. court of equity.

Cf. = confer, Consult

Court of equity (Black's V [1891])

+ A court that (1) has jurisdiction in equity,

(2) administers and decides controversies in accordance with the rules, principles, and precedents of equity, and

(3) follows the forms and procedures of chancery.

Cf. court of law. [Cases: Courts 41 j

Court of equity (Black's P [1891])

COURT OF EQUITY. A court which has jurisdiction in equity, which administers justice and decides controversies in accordance with the rules. principles. and precedents of equity, and which follows the forms and procedure of chancery; as distinguished from a court having the jurisdiction, rules, principles, and practice of the common law.


(Black's V [1891])

lion, hut liable to many exceptions. story, Eq. Jur. § 64.

Equity looks upon that as done which ought to have been done. 1 Story, Eq. Jar. § 64g. Equity will treat the subject-matter, as collateral consequences and incidents, in the same manner as if the final acts contemplated by the parties had been executed exactly as they ought to have been not as the parties might have executed them.


Rules of Law (Black's 1st [1891])

Courts of Equity aka courts of chancery; Black's 1st

RULE OF LAW. A legal principle, of general application, sanctioned by the recognition of authorities, and usually expressed in the form of a maxim or logical proposition. Called a `rule." because in doubtful or unforeseen cases it is a guide or norm for their decision.

Toullier, tit. prel. no. 17.

We love maxims !

ARE you getting the point of "Going down the Rabbit Hole???"

Why is this important?

Mail Box to a CITY

You send payment, rent, contract by


(Box, vb) Filing a PAPER with a court of law

to the financial district of London

Postal Power.doc  read this (hearsay)

+ "Use of a notary'' combined with the postage stamp (and sometimes Embassy stamps) gives you a priority mechanism.

Everything is commerce, and all commerce is contract. The master of the contract is the post office, and the UPU is the supreme overlord of the commerce, banking, and postal systems of the world..."

* Notary Presentment 101 - power of a notary with or without the U.S.

RECaP and ???'s


Morpheus Republic

Zion state Non-Domestic Without the U.S.

Do I, an individual living man/ woman, have these characteristics – if so, then I am a state.

·          Is my BODY-Vessel- a Territory???  (Yes)

·          Do I have a Population???        (Yes, I am one living creature)

·          Am I Governing myself?           (Yes, I use my brain)

·          Can I contract with any other state? (Yes)

Samples from


UPU (1874) wikipedia

+ The Universal Postal Union (UPU, French: Union postale universelle) is an international organization that coordinates postal policies among member nations, in addition to the worldwide postal system.

International Organizations wikipedia

+ International nongovernmental organizations

(INGOs): Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

+ Non-profit

+ Multi-National corporations

+ Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)

+ United Nations

+ sovereign states (referred to as member states)

+ Global Public Policy Networks (GPPNs)

United Nations Dec. 26, 1933 (wild)

The United Nations member states are all allowed to become members of the UPU. A non-member state of the United Nations may also become a member if two-thirds of the UPU member countries approve its request.

Sovereign state (lowercase state) wikipedia

Constitutive Theory - must be recognized by other states... in practice recognition by one or more of the great powers. (APPROVED)

Declarative Theory...

Sovereign state (lowercase state) wikipedia

Declarative Theory - we like this!

By contrast, the "declarative" theory defines a state as a per , , in international Ins if it meets the following criteria: I) a defined territory; 2) a permanent population; 3) a government and 4) a capacity to enter into relations with other states. According to declarative theory, an entity's statehood is independent of its recognition by other states. The declarative model was most famously expressed in the 1933 Montevideo Convention.

Sovereign state (declarative theory@work) wikipedia

1) a defined territory;

UCC-1: Here is my defined territory

What is YOUR Defined territory ?

3) a government;

Black's 8th  Law dictionary

+ 1. The structure of principles and rules determining how a state or organization is regulated.

Your Brain regulates YOUR state


Capacity (Black's 1st [1891])

4) a capacity to enter into relations with other states.

Do YOU not have the Unlimited Right to contract?

Montevideo Convention Dec. 26, 1933 (wiki)

+ The Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States created a treaty signed at Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 26, 1933, during the Seventh International Conference of American States.

The Convention codified the declarative theory of statehood as accepted as part of customary international law.

Sovereign state (lowercase state) wikipedia

By contrast, the "declarative" theory defines a state as a person in international law if it meets the following criteria: 1) a defined territory; 2) a permanent population; 3 ) a government and 4) a capacity to enter into relations with other states. According to declarative theory, an entity's statehood is independent of its recognition by other states. The declarative model was most famously expressed in the 1933 Montevideo.

Sovereign state (lowercase state) wikipedia

2] While in abstract terms a sovereign state can exist without being recognized by other sovereign states,
states will often find it hard (to get) full treaty-making powers and engage in diplomatic relations with other sovereign states.

Unlimited Right To Contract

United States Constitution Article I, section 10, clause 1

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or grant any Title of Nobility.

4. The constitution forbids the states to pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts, but there is nothing in that instrument which prohibits Congress from  passing such a law Pet. C. C. R. 322. Vide, generally, Story on the Const. Sec. 1368 to 1891 Serg. Const. Law, 356; Rawle on the Const. h.t.; Dane's Ab. Index, h.t.; 10 Am. Jur. 273-297.


+ The term "foreign government", as used in this title except in sections 112, 878, 970, 1116, and 1201, includes any government, faction, or body of insurgents within a country with which the United States is at peace, irrespective of recognition by the United States.

Unrecognized ... irrespective of recognition
hard to exercise... your unalienable rights?



Natural Law


Constitutional Law (Oath of Office; judges. police, politicians, mayor, school teachers, notaries. etc...)

Common Law


- - -


Commercial Law


Law Merchant/ Maritime

Statues, Codes, RULES [Government and CON-GRESS (Domestic With in the U.S.)]



Lawful ≠ Legal

Foreign Sender may be

(more Rabbit Hole)

Real Man Recipient without a corporation 

Why is this important?

Mail Box to a CITY

You (mail) send payment, rent, contract by

(Box, vb) Filing a PAPER with a court of law

to (CITY)  the financial district of London

Which venue/ jurisdiction is your PAPER vessel porting into?

Foreign Origin, Yes
Foreign Post Office, Yes

Where else would it come from?

Postal Explorer > - International Mail Manual
> 7 Treatment of Inbound Mail > 740 Irregular Mail >

742 Stamps Not Affixed
742.1 Marking
Some items of foreign origin do not bear postage stamps, but instead are marked “POSTAGE PAID,” “ON POSTAL SERVICE,” “SERVICE DES POSTES,” “TAXE PERCUE” or “TP,” or “PORT PAYE” or “PP,” followed by postmark. The marking On Her Majesty’s Service or O.H.M.S. is also sometimes used.  Treat this mail as prepaid.

742.2 Parcels Without Postage Stamps
Some foreign post offices do not put postage stamps on parcels.
All such parcels received must be  regarded as prepaid.

"How to mail YOUR stuff for 2 Cents Anywhere and Everywhere"

Taxe Percue Webinar



How to label the sender

·          Spell every word out, without abbreviations.

·          Using words such as Non-Domestic without the U.S

·          Non-Resident, Foreign mail near, Special delivery,

·          Longitude/ Latitude, General Delivery

·          Sui juris

Sending to the public


Jake, sui juris

Care of: 456 International Way

Los Angeles, California Republic

Non-Domestic without the U.S


Neoda Toruk

123 Prepaid Wy

Heaven, CA [900161]


Sending to the Public


Unrecognized ... irrespective of recognition, is hard to exercise... your unalienable rights?

God, Man, Government / statues, corporations

Jake, sui juris

Care of: Four Five Six International Way

Los Angeles, California Republic

Non-Domestic without the U.S



Ima Cruk, dba Bank of America, attorney

One Two Three Lie Are Way Heaven

California Republic [91111-9998]

Non-Domestic Without the U.S.


How to mail YOUR stuff for Zero FRNs (Fed. Resv. Notes) Anywhere and Everywhere.

That's spelled TAXE PERCUE, PORT PAYE !


·          Can it be handwritten instead of printed label?

·          Why would you use a stamp/ printed label instead of handwritten label?

·          Can you use different color for the TAXE PERCUE, PORT PAYE, SERVICE DES POSTES, ETC... wording?

·          What to include of the label?


Must include any of have the following wording (RED):




 Sometimes also

On Her Majesty’s Service. O.H.M.S.


UPU RL 141 (2.2)  if I was mailed from out of the united States

Taxe Percue

See postal web site on Stamps Not Affixed



UPU RL 114 (2.2)

Foreign Office of Origin __________

October 21, 2011

What Kind of Mailing Have We Done?

·          Registered mail

·          Certified

·          Priority

·          Insured

·          Express

·          With return receipt?

·          YES to all so far!!!

Putting All Together

·          What kind of mailing do you want to do?

·          What postal forms do you need?

·          Certified? PS Form 3800, Registered? Label 200

·          Priority? Label 228, Insured? PS Form 3813 or 3813-P

·          Green return receipt (domestic)? PS Form 3811

·          Pink return receipt (international)? PS Form 2865

What Postal Forms Looks Like

Sample Domestic RR


Sample International RR


What a PP or TP Certified Mail looks like when ready to roll !

 RECaP and ???'s


The Five-dollar Prexie


The last President honored in the Prexie series was Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States. He became President upon the death of Warren Harding and was elected to a full term of his own afterward. His likeness is on the five-dollar stamp in the Prexie series. again from a medal produced by the U.S. Mint.

The five-dollar Prexie is the third value produced in two colors. It was issued in sheet format only. The first day of issue was November 17, 1938. and 9,318,026 were issued through 1956, the fewest of any denomination in the Prexie series.

There were no five dollar rates during the Prexie period. One solo cover, actually part of a package wrapper, is known, and it is not absolutely certain that the franking was not a convenience overpayment of twenty cents.

There are several from a bank in Puerto Rico franked with one five-dollar Prexie and a postage meter. These are probably the next closest items to a true five-dollar solo use.

The Five-dollar Prexie



18 USC § 1701 - Obstruction of mails generally

Whoever knowingly and willfully obstructs or retards the passage of the mail, or any carrier or conveyance carrying the mail, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

Section 1701-Obstruction of mails generally is cited in: U.S.C TITLE 18-CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE U.S.C TITLE 39-POSTAL SERVICE

Read more but old news on mail at

- - -

I took 1 Registered Mail package, and 2 Certified mail packages and handed them to my local postal clerk.

The only "postage" was my thumb print and autograph as noted at top of this file.

I added the USPS Registered Mail label, the Certified mail label and the return reply card on the back of each.

You can see on this receipt below that they logged all into their system,

The total USPS charges were $ 33.13

I told him adn showed him the USPS Int. Mail Manual website that said if marked Postage Paid, he must pass it thru without any delay.

Therefore, he wrote (it is on form below) less Customer's Postage = $ 0 due. See Below

Then gave me a receipt showing the total I paid was $ 0.   See Receipt Below


Wake up.  Good Luck. Learn and Use truth and knowledge !