Gain your sovereignty by how you write your mailing location.

General Delivery.

2¢ & free mail



General Delivery

Anyone can establish a General Delivery mailing location.

 Write yourself a letter (or a friend to send to you).

Don't put anything valuable in the envelop, perhaps just newspaper clippings to seem as if they are important.


Address this way: 

John Doe.

General Delivery.




Above is sufficient, but this is even better: 

General Post Office.

zip exempt.

John Doe.

General Delivery.


State. [ 92773].


The heading General Post Office is for later benefits.

Use full normal postage.

Wait a few days, then go to your main Post Office.  Go to window services or postal clerk and say:

I want to pick up General Delivery mail for: (state your name).

If they ask to see photo ID, remind them, for General Delivery, it is not required.

If they resist, argue or won't give you your mail, just walk away and return another day.  Perhaps you'll get a different clerk or a different response.

Establish your Gen. Delivery address first, then, in any dealings with court, driver's license, IRS or anyone else, if you must give them an address, give them your Gen. Del. address.  I think they will find or know that to address to you at that address, is outside of their jurisdiction.  They would lose any immunity if they write to that address, as it is outside of the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES Codes, and any codes for the STATE of ????.

You can & should learn and do 2 ¢ postage mail, but the most important thing is to establish your Gen. Delivery mailing location.

You might give a different location to Amazon or anyone, but always use the Gen. Delivery address if you sense any government or oppressive forces.

Actual, giving any mailing location is optional.  You do not have to give anyone an address, unless you are seeking some benefit, like getting mail, packages or something from someone.

No government has a residential or any address that I gave to them.

Jurisdiction is important issue.

Affirm your sovereignty by what mailing location you give to court or government.

What address you give to family or friends is not important. 
What address you give to government or corporations can strap you into 64 million UNITED STATES Codes.

They, US government, and or attorneys, presume if you use their words, then you submit to their jurisdiction.  Their legal world is made up of many presumptions they place on you.  You can accept or reject their presumptions.  Write down your status in advance, record at your local court house, and keep a certified copy to show others.

If anyone tries to draw you into court, you can prove, as perfected (not rebutted in first 30 days recorded) your correct status.

If you wait until they draw you into court or make charges, it is hard, near impossible, to break their presumptions and escape their claim of jurisdiction.

When anyone mails anything or some one uses sheriff or process server to send you something, you do not have to keep it.

If you keep it, lose it, ignore it, pay it or argue about it, you are drawn into the jurisdiction of the one presenting to you.

However, if you take whatever you get, and put it in a clean envelop and mail it back to whom ever sent it within 3 days, that cancels their offer to contract with you.  If you return it, you do not accept their contract offer.

Use full normal postage.  For the outgoing and the return address, use the name/ address of whomever sent it.

I would use my format, using words zip exempt, and [zip] in brackets etc.

The things I suggest are for future benefit. They may not work initially.  You may have to repeat, some times, before they work reliably.  Start mailing now in these manners so when you need to use these methods, the path will be open that your mail with travel this way.

I've sent 33,550+ letters with 2 ¢ postage in last 15 years.

Long ago I did Gen. Delivery, but I stopped when the post master told me to stop. 
Then I realized it is my legal/ lawful right.  What he says does not control me, so I continue even to this day.

Many people want to ask me questions, but if you read all I wrote at you will learn even more than I remember.

It is OK if you don't believe this, but as you do it and it works without complications, then you will believe it.  Testing is a way to know for sure, not assuming or fearing.

When you receive Gen. Del. mail, the postman concedes that you don't have a resident address, nor are a resident nor a US citizen.

The word resident used in law means where you currently temporarily live (in US Corp. territory), but you will later return to Wash. D.C. and or a federal territory like WV, NY, CA, FL.

I never have nor will intend to live in any of those federal regions.  I live on the land, on West Virginia, or like Maine, Ohio, etc.  Those are not federal regions.

What you think and what words you use defines your intent.  Having a resident address, being a resident or a US citizen, these are all ideas.  You can accept or reject them.  Other people cannot control what you think or believe.

See these links at bottom left:

Return Claims, Court Simplified, Definitions, & others articles


Establish your General Delivery mail  or post location.  Use it until it is reliable.

If giving a mail location to any one; government, IRS, corporation, give that address and you should be exempt from US Codes.

Establish 2 ¢ mail by frequent practice.

Establish Free Mail, even including parcels, certified & registered mail.

Mail to anyone anything with 2 ¢ postage.

It is a wake up call to everyone.  It shows the world may be different than we were or are told.

Those receiving 2 cent postage mail are then holding the evidence that the 2 ¢ rate works.

Mailing physical notes to other people may be more durable, gaining more attention than e-mails.

Good Luck.

The world is yours.  Whatever you believe and or strive for may be achieved.

In all things:
Patiently persist, with prayer & purpose until you prevail.

All things: with Yahuah and men, are voluntary.

Do not consent, agree, sign, accept anything that is forced on you by fear, threat or harm.

Mail establishes lawful/ legal standing.  Things spoken, or e-mail, etc. do not have the permanent, lawful standing or durability that written (& mailed) or publically recorded documents or writings have.

Record at your court house.

If mailing some legal/ lawful document/ writing to anyone, retain the original.

Have someone acknowledge and or witness that they put the writing in the mail to the parties designated.

In law, notice, or informing someone in writing your claim is always the first step.

Common law, Courts of Record, dealing between living men are all more durable, superior to activities with corporations pretending to be public courts.

Many regulations regarding posts and or mail were established in the 1860s, prior to the UNITED STATES forming a private, for profit corporation 21 Feb. 1871.  Those regulations seem to still apply, learn & use them.

Using a zip code, or 2 letter state abbrev. (federal region) & or using all capital letters in words invokes jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES Corp.

I speak as best as I currently know.  When or if I learn new things, i try to upgrade what information I share.

Prepared and written after years of study, testing and successes by Ted Elden. 09/26/2021