How to mail simplified 12/07/2020
I wish to show you concepts which should lead you to many details. You would do best to have a note pad as you listen to me. Make notes of your questions before you forget them.
Think of the word body, but spell it with an I.
b o d i. Now add an A on both sides. is my website is about mail is my e-mail is my method to find info. & truth.
Information is conveyed in words & images. As you develop communication systems to see me or my ideas, you can open a huge reservoir of information. I hold & share nearly 1/2 million files: books, documentaries, articles & more.
In 2005, I studied what happened on 9-11 for 6 months.
I came to understand that news, media, government, & even universities. I tried to tell people, but found most don't want to know. Then I researched and became a teacher, and ultimately a diplomat to offer info to people who are curious or open minded.
I have mailed about 28,740+ letters with a mere 2¢ postage.
Computer the total cost for: postage & paper, that cost is about $ 1,000.
Anyone can do what I say, They may succeed or fail.
You never fail until you quit trying.
I've had interaction with the local postmaster, postal inspector, postmaster's office in Wash. DC, and even the FBI.
To each I said, I am out of your jurisdiction and they all immediately stop bothering me.
My website has very specific info. Much more than I offer here.
Anyone can contact me, but it is honorable if you first read my website and link before you contact me.
Any one can do as I do and fail. That is easy. Here is my motto:
On all things,
Patiently persisted, with prayer and purpose, until you prevail.
Learn and stand in truth and you MAY prevail.
Words and ideas are both empowering and also limiting.
We each have a different way to get info or truth and different ways to prove it. That you have mailed you whole life at standard rates has nothing to do with a different way I show how to mail.
I show several different concepts.
Here is my nature: I've looked deeply at many things I knew were not true, to see why someone said them. I had presumed they were wrong. I ultimately found these crazy, unknown, unverified people were pointing to the truth. I investigated and found what they were saying is true. I am not reliant on them, but I am reliant on what I discovered and what I have personally proved to be true.
Some learn info. from books, articles, documentaries, or "authorities." What ever you accept as true becomes truth for you.
There is much you don't now know, but only when you are curious and committed can you find the deeper truths.
Trust yourself, your inner voice, the Holy Spirit dwelling within you.
I find of the new things I learned that I was standing on a false foundation taught to me & repeated to me thru my parents, schooling, and news & government.
My parents & teachers were not lying to me, they simply never investigated deeply many commonly accepted ideas like needing a driver's license, paying income taxes, 55 ¢ postage.
Here are key ideas to what I show.
- You can know things yourself that you might never accept from me. You can know.
- I give away most all I have collected as I seek other people who can think and do. Perhaps you notice that most people around us avoid deep or independent thinking.
My free book, A New Reality at shows how I get info. & determine truth. I think Method is more important that knowledge. Some people hold and rely on some knowledge, but those who develop search skills as I have can unlock the hidden treasures.
Many cling to and rely on knowledge, I simply seek information. By my Observation and Reason, I can determine what is true.
At some point, each of us will no longer search with passion. We will each eventually yield to the popular world around us. Let that date be long into the future and not near or now.
Here are key ideas about mail:
- anyone can mail for pennies or even free, and many types of mail.
- testing is superior to book or aural knowledge.
- any can test & fail. Success is only for those with patience, persistence & courage.
- the form of a mailing location is important.
- invoke/ write/ state General Post Office.
- if you use a zip, put it in square brackets & specifically say Zip Exempt.
- mail exchanges between friends have no obligations in law.
- mail from any government, court, corporation, creditor or any one or unknown sources, watch carefully the form of the address they use for you.
- if you accept, or do not return anything, in any form or manner, anything that is addressed with any of these:
- your name or any words in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS,
- a zip code without brackets and noting zip exempt,
- a location that is not your resident address.
- you can return anything mailed or served on you, for no reason or for any reason: - you don't like or want info from a man or organization, you don't like the form of the mailing address, - you are not aware of a contract binding you to someone or thing.
- you can return things by just writing Refused, or Return to Sender, or No proof of contract, but I think you don't have to explain anything, just return it, within 3 days, according to the Truth in Lending law. You object to any contract, you can rescind it within 3 days of making the contract and or within 3 days of when you are informed that you can rescind within 3 days.
The post man is just trying to delivery or release mail. He does not care about these details. But using the mail gives you the right to return things without cost, but I think it is better to NOT make on their envelop nor to open it or engage in any way. I do not think it is necessary that you explain why you are returning something. Just do it and stand firm that you never accepted their Offer to Contract by not returning what they send to you.
I have simply returned about 40 items; - IRS statements called bills, - traffic & or court summons, - supposed claims on me
To return something, put it in a clean, unmarked envelop. Address it to and also repeat that address on the return address, to the man and or organization that sent you something. Pay full normal postage, but always, on any important mail, use my address format like this:
General Post Office.
zip exempt.
Ted Elden.
123 Maple Street. or General Delivery.
West Virginia. [ 25301-9999 ]. This is fictitious address as sample.
I put the sate below the city as each sovereign state is actually a nation, so this in international address format.
Do not use their form. Don't say: Judge Walter Smith.
Do say: Walter Smith, the man, c/o Office of Judge
As I search for information, I collect, copy, scan & convert it. I file it and have my files easily indexed, via. great free software.
See I will help anyone, but I need people to learn and follow my suggestions. To say I am wrong is easy, that requires no work form you. To consider if I am right, should require you to investigate or test. When you succeed doing what I suggest, only then will you believe it is true.
The Justinian Deception by Romley Stuart on You Tube shows all capital words are foreign to us and when used, they have no jurisdiction on us unless we accept them.
When something is sent to you, it does not establish any jurisdiction. If you do not promptly return it, then it does establish jurisdiction by presuming that you accept it's evidence and or that you will be subject to the 64 million UNITED STATES CODES. The UNITED STATES is a private, for profit, foreign owned corporation only having jurisdiction over people who contract with it. Cancel your driver's license and your voters registration, nano attain letters from them that concede that you have canceled or rescinded those contracts.
Many wish only to know the form of mailing addresses to mail 2 ¢ letters. It is always better to know concepts than details. The concepts can find the details. If you don't know the concept, and you are tested, you will or may fail and suffer consequences.
You should only do what you know, however, I have done many things I thought but was not sure. Rather than reading and questioning forever, I just acted and proved what I said or did is true.
Here are some examples.
In court room, I was verbally attacked, the deputy came to me and said, put your hands behind you, I will arrest you and take you to jail. I did not comply. I raised my hands and said, "Do you have a warrant?" He said no, so I said, then you can't arrest me. Basically that ended those actions in that court.
Another time I was summoned to court, facing 2 (false) felonies and threatened with 20 yeas in jail. I was waiting in the lobby and the magistrate came out of the court room and asked me, "Where is your attorney ?"
I said I don't have (nor would accept an attorney, so he immediately dismissed all charges, as the prosecutor would have to pay the charges or serve the time since I was not accept the charges, he would have to accept and resolve the charges.
To be safe, you should only do what you are comfortable with and of which you have deep knowledge.
I however, work on a whim, and a prayer. I try things I have not learned from books nor never seen anyone do. As I succeed, I then remember to do those in the future.
Learning and showing other people how to do 2 ¢ mail, I hope is an overture to show people the world is very different then we were told and that with a little knowledge & courage, you can change you own circumstance NOW !
Suspend what you already know and seek truth.
It is hard to find real, durable truth as many of us, me too, are stuck on false foundation beliefs that limit what we might consider.
I believe ideas that would make you shutter. You could learn them to be true, but I cannot convince you. You have to explore the ideas to find they are true. I list 100s of conspiracies or facts on my website. I host open conference calls and I mail out 1,000s of files, books, documentaries, as we establish a way to communicate.
John 8:32, Proverbs 18:13, Hosea 4:6, Hebrews 11:1
There is much I would like to share with you, in diverse forms.
You have my contact and website info. You can learn and benefit much to consider what I reveal. I've been working to understand these things for 15 years, full time. I have 100s of people working with me, as we teach & learn, share, aid, & encourage each other.
Anyone can and should establish getting mail at your General Delivery address.
All about you are words and ideas. Attorneys may use words you use but they mean different things.
What is real, law and truth is what we believe and what we say.
Residence means temporary. A doctor studies in college, then goes to a hospital to serve 2 years as a resident. He is temporarily there, but will then go on to his final work place.
So residence means temporary before going some whey else.
I think when any official, attorney, post man, government employee uses the term address, they are implying a resident address. They think it means where you live or sleep. It is better to never give any government or corporation an address, as they would know whey to come and capture or arrest you.
Giving anyone your "address" is giving them permission to offer or executes claims, actions, arrests, summons on your name at that address.
Whether you have or use an address, or a resident address, they always presume it is your resident address.
If you give a resident address, is it in a Federal District, like OH, NY, CA, WV, NJ ?
You are considered a UNITED STATES citizen if you have, accept, state or agree to having ALL 4 of these attributes:
(you did not create it, nor can you control it.) I think it is illegal for us to use a legal name. They are only for agents of the BAR ?
- a resident address. (I in whole life never had a resident address, but I only learned that in 2005.)
- a soc. security #, again we did not create it, and we have no obligation to give it to another. When the Soc. Sec. Act was passed, it said, it was not to be used for ID. It is illegal to
- a birth date. It should be born date. No living person witnessed and or has first hand knowledge of the day I was born, except me, but I did not know language or dates at that time. Any "evidence" of a birth date is hearsay, without a knowing, living witness.
Ted Elden
WV, OH, CA, NY, these are federal districts, under the control of the UNITED STATE CODES.
Ohio, Maine, Florida, these are sovereign states beyond, outside of the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES CODES & Courts.
No one can tell you what you believe. Only you can. What you believe is not limited by facts or even truth. You are free to believe and say anything. Knowing and standing is truth should be the more durable, safer, better way to live.
Please read more at my web sites. I touch on 100s of subjects. They are all connected as those who try to rule the world want to control or limit what we think and do.
The more truth that you learn, the more that you are able to learn.
Good luck to you all.
If you read all of the page and all the links at
you will then know more than I remember form my research, practice & experience.