Post Office 2 cent postage 12-29-09 I found this article on the web. Try it - No Guarantees !
(text is slightly modified - hopefully - for easier reading)
Consider how to communicate. Gain the lawful standing of mail thru the Post Office, not thru the Postal Service, a corporation.
I use the Post Office exclusively to send all of my Post instead of the POSTAL SERVICE.
Are you already aware of the difference between these two entities, and know of how both of them work ?
Here is my experience (of the web writer unknown) of my usages of the Post Office.
Contrast that with the purpose and meaning of the use of the POSTAL SERVICE.
I share some of my personal thoughts as to the ramifications of these things.
Sending documents via the Post Office has an distinct advantage over sending them through the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. See conclusions below.
I share this information so you may also use it. Experiment with it,
It is within the dominion of your own liberty, power, and authority.
Right off the bat:
Here is what I considered:
Some send their mailed communications using Registered Mail, which is also considered to be International as well, therefore superior to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. This does suffice, however a question to be considered, "Do you still want to use the zip code even when sending Registered Mail?"
Consider what the zip and or the 2 letter state abbrev. does to the class of you and your mail.
The biggest difference between using the Post Office, and using the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, is the usage of a zip code. A zip code is prima fascia evidence of a CORPORATION using a benefit privilege, which applies only to CORPORATIONS. So then, why do we have to use zip codes to send MAIL or Post anywhere? Prior to 1973, zip codes were not in use. When zip codes were mandated, they were only mandated for select CORPORATIONS. It was only after 1976 that the citizenry started using the same benefit privilege of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, thus entering into another adhesion contract thus demonstrating being one more step further away from competency.
You see, zip codes were never mandated for use by Living Beings, but for CORPORATIONS only, and whenever a living being makes use of one, you are making a statement as to whom you are. Since it is true that mail did get to where it was sent, prior to the use of zip codes being introduced, then why can it not get to where it needs to go today without one? Answer: IT CAN AND IT DOES!
So then, Do not use a zip code period! Not even in, "Four-Corners," (boxed out) which means do not use it in brackets. "[" and "]", which means do not even use it as such, "[near 99999]," You do not need to use THEIR zip codes.
THEIR zip codes are for THEIR employee's, are they not? Therefore, are you an employee of the UNITED STATES?
Zip codes are a copyright trademark of the UNITED STATES POSTAL SYSTEM, and in being such, there is a "royalty fee," that is charged for the usage thereof. This is why the rate for a first class mail stamp for the US POSTAL SERVICE is now 49 ¢. The charge over and above the rate of Post is a, "royalty fee," for the usage of THEIR zip codes. The rate for first class Post is still and has always been 2 ¢ per one half ounce (.5 or 1/2). Again, this rate has never changed! There is no royalty fee when sending via the Post Office. Moreover, your Post is considered International and this is very significant!
Furthermore, the royalty fee also applies to the usage of the two-letter symbol (the state ?) that they use in place of spelling out the name of a State/Republic. This is a RE-presentation of the states united into TERRITORIES of the UNITED STATES. This is no different from when living beings are RE-presented by an Attorney. It is a false image. The usage of these also make a claim to corporate status. So always, write everything out in long form. The common opinion is to use the 3-cent to cover any extra unforeseeable fees, which may include having your Post returned to you; however, I have never experienced this. This is how you have come to hear of sending mail using a 3-cent stamp.
Now, below are the procedures I use when sending Post via the Post Office.
Always use the Drop Box (inside the Post Office), and never put Post into anything that is labeled, "UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE." You know the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE MAILBOX very well. It is any blue MAILBOX. However, the "Post Office Drop Box" is always inside the Post Office, and it is always in the wall. Some Post Office's still have it labeled, "DROP BOX," right above it. A great many do not, for they have removed it since nobody was using it anymore. However, this does not mean that the Drop Box has been removed. Remember, the "Post Office Drop Box" is not a U.S. POSTAL SERVICE MAILBOX, or any blue box in the lobby of the Post Office marked with the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE logo on it. Look for the Mail Slot that is in the wall. The color is usually a very bland gold color, or beige. If you are not sure, ask the Post Master. Most POSTAL SERVICE employees are not aware of this. Although you may find one or two that are aware of it; I have!
Nevertheless, if you put your Post into a UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE MAILBOX, it will not be treated as if you were putting it into the "Post Office Drop Box." It will be returned to you with a postage due message. That is it; No harm, no damage, no foul; Just a postage due request. So make sure to use the "Post Office Drop Box" when sending Post only and do not drop your post into any of the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE MAILBOX'S (always blue) which are for sending MAIL through the POSTAL SERVICE only.
Caveat: Some of the US POSTAL SERVICE locations have downsized and as a result, you may not find a "Post Office Drop Box," at that location. In this case, all you need to do is go to a bigger branch office nearby.
Now, for the return address which is more accurately called, "Return Mail Location," and the addressee, again accurately referred to as, "Mail Location." However, for the sake of this explanation, and to limit confusion, I will use "address" and "addressee" Below both the return address and the addressee's address, at the very bottom of the address and addressee, I reference their Domestic Mail Manual's zip code exempt clause, in place of where the zip code would go for the POSTAL SERVICE, as follows:
[zip code exempt DMM 602 1.3 e. (2)]
I use a font that is smaller in point size and red print so that it jumps out, but does not command superior attention.
This is only for the purpose of reminder, not to be misconstrued as a threat in any way possible.
Some correspondences are marked:
* * * * Private and Confidential * * * *
This is very important because you are announcing/ proclaiming that the contents of this Post are to be viewed only by the addressee below.
Above the return address, but printed in red, and also below the 3-cent stamp is printed,
"FIRST CLASS MAIL non-domestic."
Since I mailed these out, there has been an upgrade to it. Notice on the right side a box/ enclosure wherein certain statutes and codes are listed. As you are well aware, this is for employees of the corporation to abide by, for these are their by-laws, and they do not apply to a living being. Yes, what is printed there did not negatively affect the mailings, however for the sake of peace and TRUST, the following up grade replaces that stamp:
... In addition, this is printed in place of the statutes and codes, put in place right below the, "FIRST CLASS MAIL non-domestic," stamp.
Once again, do not forget to spell out everything, especially the name of the Republic/State. Do not use THEIR two-letter abbreviation/insignia which symbolized a TERRITORY of the UNITED STATES, if you prefer to be "recognized" as being able to, "walk on water."
Here is an example of a package that I sent to a friend. Enclosed were 6 DVD's. The normal royalty-fee through the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE was just approximately $4.00. However, take a close look at the number of 3-cent stamps and the fact that they are all canceled. (15 ¢ instead of $3.94)
By the way... did you know that when you receive mail and it does not have a canceled stamp on it, that whoever just sent it has committed mail fraud? There is great power in a canceled stamp. As a matter of fact when you cancel a stamp by putting your seal over it and then writing your name across it diagonally, you are proclaiming that you are the Post Master of that piece of Post.
The wording is: (from the original photo of the mail, not here included)
Don't include the words in red, they're just titles of where to put the black words.
Sample envelop
On Return upper left corner:
:henry-theodore: [of the house of smith © ] 2 ¢ postage stamp for ea. 1/2 ounce.
care of: 31 Maple Avenue SE
Charleston non-domestic
on side:
First Class U.S. Mail Fully Pre-Paid
12 State at Law, Ch. 71, Sec 23
Federal Offense to collect additional postage
18 U.S.C. 1725 ["without United States"]
- - - -
This is sent to: [NON-DOMESTIC]
zip code exempt [DMM 602 1.2e (2)]
- - - -
on the center TO label:
:Rich-Fred: [Johnson]
care of 1 First Avenue
Saint Albans non-domestic Don't use NEAR and don't use a ZIP
West Virginia
zip code exempt [DMM 602 1.2e (2)]
Sending Post through the Post Office and not requiring a signature for proof of evidence, but rather choosing to Trust the Trustee's of the Corporation; the one receiving the Post, demonstrates a peace of mind and heart that speaks more loudly and clearly than all the paperwork that is within the package.
I have come to know that part of the test of living this life, is based in trusting that they are going to be who we believe them to be, and therefore do what we expect of them to do. The test is about Trust. Trust is directly connected to Love, for you cannot Trust without Love, and you cannot Love without Trusting. This is exactly the same for, "giving" and "forgiving." Love is the foundation from which we do all things, therefore this also the power and authority through which we must do all things if we are to live that which we are and let our light so shine.
So then, do I trust them to do what they are bound to do, or do I not trust them? To send or not to send, that is the question.
Rather than complain of the system, learn the true codes and get them to work for you !
You may not have immediate, successful results, you have to persist to "teach" the postmen what their obligations are.
The system has become what it is because of our past beliefs, actions, and incomplete knowledge of it.
"T'is very good to see that good men are rising up and doing something for the purpose of ceasing the proliferation of both ignorance and therefore evil."
This to me has become truly what, "ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE," is really all about. Banking is fine but there is something greater that must be accepted for value. In so doing of these things, do we not take command of what has been created and empower ourselves to then change it to what we want, in the way that we want it? Does this not fulfill the edict to subdue the earth and all that is in it? You be the judge for your own dominion and determine for yourself if these things be true.
The way of the Peaceful Warrior will avail much more than the way of a Warrior who is out for vengeance and/or blood. Forgiveness will always heap coals of fire on the head of the one who through willful negligence committed trespasses into our private domain. How can we avoid doing this and still be known as being peaceful upon the land which we have been given to take care of, ready to take command of our own ships, walk on the waters of commerce in competent knowledge, and execute that knowledge in brilliant life empowering wisdom?
The world becomes exactly what we make of and therefore exactly what we expect of it. We get coming to us exactly what we put forth. If we give resistance, we get resistance. If we give solutions, we get solutions. If we expect failures, we yield failures. Our minds are extraordinarily powerful, which is why we reap what we sow. We put these things into motion. Therefore, the answer is to simply change the mind and then witness the outcome of our different thinking and perspective. So then, trust our Public Servants, treat them all with all due respect and honor. Do demonstrate Trust to the one that have been en-trusted with our Trust, for to do otherwise is to demonstrate incompetence in seeing how things truly are.
Since the UNITED STATES CORPORATION is a Trust Corporation, was it not created for the purpose of being trusted? If so, then what is being said of the one that does not trust where trust has been entrusted? With all of the misinformation and disinformation concerning the Trust Corporation, of which we have seen several examples posted in our tenure in these Yahoo Groups, as well as many other groups. Is it possible that these things are set in motion as a part of a test, to test our very integrity for the knowing of the truth of our disposition in relation to these things?
When you choose to send using the Post Office, remember that this is International Post, which falls under the jurisdiction of International Treaties governed by the Universal Postal Union, which is the top authority for all commerce on this planet. If you are not confident in this, then experiment with it first by sending a card to yourself. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Most of all have fun! I have every confidence in you and I hope that you do also.
Safe Journey Peaceful Warriors