Recipient determines jurisdiction !
In the world, in life, someone: an attorney, court, policeman, bank/ banker, creditor,
someone may mail to you, or even send you something thru sheriff or service processor to you.
You, the recipient, determines jurisdiction.
The mail, or papers may be addressed to
John Doe or JOHN DOE
to 123 Maple Street or 123 MAPLE STREET.
It does not matter what is the format of the name/ address.
You determine if you want to keep that mail.
It is not an order, or a bill or an obligation.
It is an offer to contract with you.
You may: they may:
- throw it away or ignore it then they presume you accepted it.
- go to court & argue about it. then they presume you accepted it.
- pay or perform as it states. then they presume you accepted it.
- simply mail it back. then they see you do not accept their offer to contract.
For more details, see
Please read return anything link. You have 3 days, truth in Lending, where you may return anything for no reason given.
You may not like the man, the company, the product, the color or other whim.
If you cancel the contract offer, or give a conditional acceptance, within 3 days, the sender must accept his offer returned & canceled.
They may sent to you again, once, twice, 100 times. Ech time return it as noted in return anything link.
I tell you what I know by direct experience. You can read, research, talk to others to test, confirm or argue with my conclusions.
I am not bound by what an "authority" or "expert" might say.
I live under my free will, under Yahuah, God. I act as I learn how laws (US, State, County or city codes) affect me.