Why it works. I want to help you, but I cannot talk to, test mail and convince everyone one at a time.
I am sorry that I speak to you in writing and as a group, not individually.
I've been doing this since 2005. To some people I have written 20 times with 2 ¢ postage yet they will not believe, try or consider it. They are just stubborn & fixed.
You are the one who can make this work. Read, test, stand.
I give you solid information here & on my website. As you study you should get the ideas. You may even look at other websites, books, you tubes to deepen or convince you. These ideas work, but you have to know them well and use them with confidence.
If you ask any government or court or attorney questions, they will probably answer that you are under their authority.
Everyone wants control over you. But if you know the law, and stand firm on truth, then you are no longer under their authority.
Those who don't know or are confused are under their authority.
Those who choose to learn, know and stand can be out of their authority.
I did the research, testing and wrote this website.
Many adults are child like. They want to know, they want to ask me, they want me to write test letters to them, they want me to convince them.
No, please I just can't do that. I give you information.
You can consider it, test it, accept or reject it. I give no guarantees. I think this applies anywhere in the uSA, but sometimes you have to persist with confidence until YOUR post master complies. Writing the law on the envelop in the beginning is good idea.
1st US Mail. 12 Stat. at Large, Chpt. 71, sec. 23, 37th Congress, sess. III.
I am certain anyone can do as I do and have the success that I have.
Some get success on their first letters/ mailings. Some have to mail several times before their post man understands the lawful/ legal way this postage rate applies.
In all things, Patiently Persist until you Prevail.
There are many words on my WebPages. I wish there were less.
Every person comes to me with different back ground, experience, and beliefs.
Among all I wrote, I hope something catches the attention of others, that they might consider this.
Proverbs 18:13 To JUDGE a matter WITHOUT considering it is foolish.
I have studied many ridiculous, impossible ideas to eventually find they are true, relevant, important.
Of the one who initially told me the idea, I did not require he prove what he said. From him I may have only gotten the idea.
I have the ability to search & read/ listen/ watch. I gained enough information to test.
Initially I failed, but I did not give up. I tried variations until I prevailed.
Now for every 100 - 2 ¢ postage letters I send, I might get 1 or 2 back, typically marked that the one to whom I wrote is no longer at that mailing location. So then I look up their current address and mail again. FamilyTreeNow.com is great resource to find mailing address of someone - give first & last name, and city state where they once lived. It will show their former and current address, phone & email.
You can do this. You can win. I give no guarantees, only my experience, having sent 34,000+ letters in this manner.
I can't believe this is an accident. I believe I am stating current, existing laws/ rates and they must apply.
This could not be an accident.
You can mail with 55 ¢ and succeed. If you change the format of your mailing addresses, I think this will work for you also for 2 ¢ per each 1/2 ounce.
I have introduced this idea to many people. Some scoff & ignore me, thinking this is random accident.
A few realize this might be true, test & confirm. It is when this method is working of you that you believe it is true.
From here there is much to learn, as my website tries to show you.
WV is not West Virginia, OH is not Ohio, CA is not the same as California.
Accepting mail with a zip code puts you under 64 Million UNITED STATES (corporation) CODE.
Having a contract with the UNITED STATES also puts you under their CODES.
Driver's license, voter's registration, passport, these are contracts. With such contract, you are under US CODE.
If you cancel those contracts, you can escape their codes.
In common law, There is NO crime unless you cause harm, injury or loss (or break a promise/ contract). to someone who complains.
Running a stop sign, not wearing a seat belt, these are NOT crimes in common law. No one was injured, nor is any living man complaining, only the illusion of the fiction of the "state".
You can test by writing to anyone. You can write to me. h@abodia.com
You are the one who determines your reality.
Whatever you believe or accept becomes limiting and true for you.
I believe differently on many subjects than many people, ergo, I have a different experience in life.
I know I am a child of Yahuah, God. He guides, protects & blesses His children.
My 1,000s of webpages may show you or give you clues to many things you might never have imagined.
They were startling to me as I learned how to unveil their suppressed truth.
ThoughtPrint.org is my way to find or confirm information.
Many of us believe a thing when we find many who also believe it.
Few actually research things to determine for them selves if things are true, relevant, applicable.
Testing I think is the quickest way to find a truth.
Also asking "authorities" particular questions. When they stop answering you have found the tip of their lie or deception.