Mail- General Notes

Mail- General Notes

I have many firm ideas, yet little to support them.  We are who we think we are, who we say we are.  Our words & actions are our testimony.

I am not a resident, nor have a residence, nor am I a US citizen, therefore I live outside of US Codes & their jurisdiction, whether they know or accept that or not.

Put a box around whole names & addresses, outgoing & return addresses & also around names/ addresses inside mentioned in paperwork, as that excludes what's in the box.

Within a box, you can use zip codes, 2 letter states, ALL capital letter words/ symbols.

The box strips them of legal ramifications in US corporate courts under US Codes.

With Yahuah & men, all things are voluntary.

We are only bound by what we say, or concede.  Some times we yield under duress to avoid immediate bad treatment, loss, harm.
I don't give jurisdiction to any one I write to.

Rather than writing Judge Runyan, I'd say

John Runyan, c/o Judge

Then the rest of my address format.

Put a box around an address, then you don't need to use c/o, or care of before a street location.

Many try to put a letter in someone's hand, with their authority, sui juris, UCC 1-308.

I just try to get it in their hand, without all that criteria.

The one who receives something determines if it is accepted or returned. The receiver determines jurisdiction, not the sender who is making an offer, making a presumption.

You must return within 3 days, what you don't want to deal with.  You can return anything without offering any reason, within 3 days, or 10 days to the sender, 3 days from mail from them to you, then, 3 days to think about that mail, your answer, 3 days for the mail to return to sender.  You choose to response or reject and you'd have one Sunday not counted for a total of 20 days from it being sent to you and when your response is back in their hands.


Read at bottom left column: Return Claims.

Much I do is testing what I reason to consider, beyond what I've found written in law.  If you use a zip code, that is already more specific than using a city, state, so the city state is not needed for the complete delivery address.  You can mail to an address.  You don't need a name.  Only do that if there are several people at the delivery address to accept that mail

If they would know who the mail is for, no need to list that name.

One receiving, opening, keeping mail that bears no name, nor title, you may accept it without an obligation, as they are not contracting with the anonymous named mail.

You don't need to list company on address or anything if  the address is a complete delivery address.

This wording is always good on mail / writings to any organization or corporation.

Notice to the agent, is notice to the principal.  (& reverse)

Whether you put many or few words in an address depends on how complex or many people, departments, titles are at the delivery location.