Mail Notes from PCH


The fine is about a million dollar offense for obstructing the mail, but the reward upon conviction of the accused is $10,000 and must be claimed.

i use their forms when necessary, i just cross out words and terms i don't like and edit it with a red "Person" making the "complaint".....i cross it out nice and neat and write above or below either "people"/"man" making "Claim"

i sent out a letter to steve hoffman, on Charleston Post Office....

start building a case against him, bring in an audio recorder, or a witness to have a meeting with him about his oath of office, and the issue try to get him to confirm that he told you before that he said he was going to throw your mail away or whatever he actually said. We will get this public servant to either behave lawfully and support the constitution and the law of the land or we will have to remove him from office and find a man or woman who will serve the people lawfully. talk to you later.

This is a group of people helping others getting back to the original jurisdiction of the de jure post office, it seems pretty cool, you might be able to get people to get things moving for you on your post office, I also need the name and exact mailing address of the post master that is obstructing your i can follow up with a mail fraud report and notice of constitutional breach, to give the public servant a change to correct his error, before we file a claim for indemnification, or have him removed from office.

(There) are a couple websites where you might be able to find more people locally to connect with.

Here is the most updated format of the printable glue on Mail Notice, i have added a few things i have found to hopefully educate the public servants, and put them on lawful notice.

i also found a pretty interesting site that talks a lot about the oath of office i wanted to share with you.

I leave a printed note & mail or past it also.

He has 30 days to respond.

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Postal Regulations 1860-70

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Not sure just sharing it with you, im sorting through the forms and reporting stuff, I have got about 25 letters sent back so now i have to report the fraud, and send them out again, I think I'm just going to print the notice and glue them on the back, and try sending them out again. But i need to get these forms in order anyways


Subject: Re: US Post Office regulations from 1860-1870

***Private Line***

US Post Office regulations from 1860-1870


 Title 39 -- Postal Service

-CITE-      39 USC Sec. 1011    01/05/99
-HEAD-    Sec. 1011. Oath of office
Before entering upon their duties and before receiving any salary, all officers and employees of the Postal Service shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation:
''I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.''
A person authorized to administer oaths by the laws of the United States, including section 2903 of title 5, or of a State or territory, or an officer, civil or military, holding a commission under the United States, or any officer or employee of the Postal Service designated by the Board may administer and certify the oath or affirmation.
(Pub. L. 91-375, Aug. 12, 1970, 84 Stat. 733.)
               EFFECTIVE DATE
Section effective July 1, 1971, pursuant to Resolution No. 71-9
of the Board of Governors. See section 15(a) of Pub. L. 91-375, set out as a note preceding section 101 of this title.
Notice to:
Post Master - employees & Postal Workers
Notice to the agent is notice to the principal.
Notice to the principal is notice to the agent.
Within 30 days of this notice, please prepare and make available for me a copy of the postmaster and each employee that serve in the counter services at this post office.  You may send scanned copies to a @
or place in the mail pickup for
I delivered this notice to a clerk at this post office.
He should read, respond and pass the note to the Chief Operating Officer and or the Postmaster.
 Thanks for your cooperation.

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