This website was begun in 2005 to show truths on many suppressed topics. I studied 9-11 for 1,500 hours to see great deceptions around us. I reveal all this & more here. When we feel unhealthy, fever, sore throat, sweat, vomit, etc. these are natural reactions of our bodies expunging, throwing off the toxins, preservatives, pesticides, etc. that we took in with our food, water, air.
From cradle to the grave, we've been taught or told certain facts that are not true, or are a distraction, exaggeration or suppression of the truth.
Many people, organizations & institutions continue their profitable practices because they fool the public, keeping us in fear & confusion so that we support the corporations who are deceiving us.
When you discover & consider truths here revealed,
you may change what you think and do.
There is no virus, Germ Theory is false. the Covid Vaccine is not a vaccine.
A false flag is when one group harms another, but pretends they are a different group so when the harmed group strikes back, they hurt the enemy of the one who caused the harm. By deception, they rule us.
By false reports in - main stream news, - government & hospital reports, most people are terrorized to fear they may get the fearful, deadly Covid. Those claims of pandemic were exaggerated & false. There never was a pandemic. It was all planned and exaggerated. As the public did not understand about the covid "disease" they rushed to take the emergency, largely untested "vaccine."
We all live our lives at the direction of doctors & medical people thinking we are getting healing. When you study the foundation of these subjects, you can learn of the great deceptions.
Millions are being murdered by the "vaccine."
Fear led many to voluntarily consent to the toxic, lethal mixture in the jab called "covid vaccine."
Once you learn of the great deceptions, you'll want to study more to see these deceptions have been on going for decades, affecting our law & courts, our medical treatments, money & loans, education & more.
You can & must know truth to avoid great harm or loss.
The more that you learn, the more you are capable of learning. When some people refuse to look at the widely published facts on these issues, they will suffer in many ways.
No VIrus, fake moon landings, 9-11, JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations.