Notice and Demand DATE \@ "d-MMM-yy" 14-Jun-18 To:
Tim Armstread, c/o Office of House Speaker.
20 Pine Cone Drive, Elkview, W. Va.
Michael Carmichael, c/o Office of Senate President.
18 Colonial Drive, Ripley, W. Va.
Jim Justice, c/o Office of Governor.
Capitol Complex, 1900 Kan. Blvd., Charleston, W. Va.
Margaret L. Workman, c/o Office of Chief Justice.
W. Va. Supreme Court, Capitol Complex, 1900 Kan. Blvd., Charleston, W. Va.
Joe Manchin, c/o Office of US Senator.
311 Senate Hart Office Building, Washington, District of Columbia.
Donald W. Lemons, c/o Office of Chief Justice.
Supreme Court, 100 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Virginia.
.Re: The original, physical Constitution for W. Va. republic. .
Private Administrative Process, Conditional Acceptance, Proof of Claim,
I make this clear declaration in this notice and claim. I stand under the KJV of the holy bible and in common law, as you must also stand.
I send this letter to the chief of the three branches of W. Va. government, the W. Va. US Senator and Virginia Chief Justice.:
Definitions used in this writing:
I, me, means the flesh and blood, breathing, living man, living soul who is known by the given name Ted of Elden family.
You, means those people listed in this writing and any one associated with these people or on this event.
Any use of either of the words and or or mean both and and or. The word including means everything possible and including what is listed.
Variations of writing styles or capitalizations are not here mean to be limiting. Each variation of capitalization is intended to be included in this writing, such as state, State and STATE all being mean by any reference to any of them.
Man includes any living soul, of any ex, of any age.
The words law, codes, statues are each used interchangeably, each meaning to include each other meaning as well.
People or men means living souls which are different than persons as used in legal writing.
Writings are anything that is physically in print or written, regardless if it is submitted to people or docked at a "court" as a document. Writings or documents are used interchangeably to include all possible interpretations.
W. Va. means West Virginia, the supposedly sovereign state formed circa 1860s via a written, signed constitution accepted by legislators of W. Va. and united States in Congress Assembled.
W. Va. Con. means the final, lawful constitution that defines the - people, - land and - people who govern and is accepted by the legislators of the US Con. 1789.
US Con. 1789 means Original Constitution for the united States of America, circa 1789. Their legislators, the Senate and House of Representatives of the united States of America in Congress assembled are noted as uSA-CA
US Con. 1871 means the Constitution of the United States, a corporation, foreign to the states of the US Con. 1789.
West Virginia, West Virginia republic, State of West Virginia, West Virginia corporation. Any mention of any of these includes, but is not limited, all of these as may be applicable.
Language: I am not bound by the meaning others may ascribe to words. I use words as is common in American English.
I use the word writing to describe things that are written down. The word document may refer to things that have been submitted (docked) to a court, but in common English, anything written may be called a document.
My words are in common American English use and grammar. I am not bound or entangled by others definitions to the words I use. BAR attorneys nor Blacks law dictionary control my words, thoughts and expression.
Of anything mentioned referenced is made to all variations of the term, such as the de jure government(s), the de facto governments or corporations.
Thanks for your attention to this matter.
I intend to live in peace among other people, and to live in honor without injuring or harming anyone.
If there are rules, regulations, statues, codes or laws around me that apply to me, I want to know of them so I may live in harmony with them.
This is common law lawful writing to determine limits of any controversy.
Of your own position, relative to me, show your title(s), your recorded oath of office, your letter(s) of acceptance to office and of delegation of authority, and note when and where each of these is publically recorded.
Answer in full to each question or statement with fact, evidence and law, else an incomplete or inaccurate answer is deemed to be no answer and your acceptance of the default condition.
Please respond within 30 days of receiving this notice or default to all things unrebutted with fact, evidence, and law, as to these default conditions as being truth in law and commerce.
Of anything requested, send notarized and certified copies. You cover letter must attest, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the united States of America, that what you present is true and complete to the best of your knowledge and ability.
The default condition of each statement or question is what is stated did happen, by your to your knowledge, fault or action, and that you and your organization(s) are liable for it.
The one who did the action, and his superiors and his organizations all share in the responsibility of making restoration, correction, remedy and or paying compensation for the direct lost and its contingent or related costs, loss or problems.
What part of my daily life is under obligation to any government or corporation such as waking, walking, talking, eating, sleeping ? You have no control over me, the living man, unless I should cause harm, loss, or trespass on rights of someone who proves their claim before a jury of my peers., all to which I agree.
Do original W. Va. Constitutions exist ?
What evidence is there that there existed 1863 and 1872 constitutions for West Virginia or others, ever ? Send copy(s) of all original constitutions for West Virginia republic circa 1863, 1872 or others ?
Send full information of original constitutions(s) for W. Va. of any that are now applicable on any of the people, the land, or the laws on W. Va.
State: - who is the custodian of the constitution(s), - show a chain of custody as to how it has been handled since ratified, - proof it was accepted or ratified by the Congress of the uSA-CA, - affirm it meets all US Con. 1789 requirements including proof that the Virginia republic gave permission to W. Va. Con. legislators to form W. Va. from the Virginia republic.
Any governing body of people, laws or codes to control people must define specifically: - the people - the land (boundaries), - the law makers and the - laws. Without all those defied, there is no binding contract or authority. Default: Yes, I agree. Undefined terms have no authority.
If such an original(s) do not exist, then are not all government agencies of West Virginia without foundation ? Default: No physical original West Virginia Constitution(s) is available and no office of government; executive, legislative or judicial, on West Virginia is acting lawfully.
Does the West Virginia republic exist ?
Is West Virginia republic a lawful body of land, people, laws and legislators, or is it lacking in any part to be complete and lawful. Default: There is no evidence of the existence of any lawful government within the land boundaries of West Virginia, a fictional state.
Does West Virginia exist as an independent state, separate from Virginia state ? Please send proof that Virginia gave permission that W. Va. could separate from Virginia, and form a lawful state which was accepted into the US. Con. 1789 uSA-CA, meeting all lawful requirements of the original US Con. 1789, to become one of the states of the union under the original Constitution of the united States formed circa 1789.
Cite specifically where current applicable law defies the boundaries of West Virginia or the State of West Virginia, one of the sovereign states of the Union, or of the US Con. 1789. Default: There is no evidence that W. Va. was established or that it is one of the states of the United States, or the u.S.A. CA..
Is the State of West Virginia separate and distinct from the West Virginia republic or West Virginia ? Default: The State of West Virginia is a private corporation who only has jurisdiction over people who contract with it. The W. Va. republic does exist. Define it's conditions.
Is West Virginia even a state of u.S.A. ? Did not the original US Constitution (1789) forbid a new state to form from an existing state without the original state's permission ? Show Virginia gave such permission. Did the U.S. Congress act lawfully to give W. Va. statehood ? Did that happen after the original US Congress adjourned Sine Die (Mar. 27, 1861), without setting a day set to lawfully reconvene ?
Default: There was no lawful u.S.A. existing to give W. Va. statehood after the US ConCA adjourned sine die.
Does the State of West Virginia act as a corporation ?
Does the State of West Virginia ever act as a corporation ? Default: Yes, it does, thereby limiting its jurisdiction to only people who knowingly, willingly and lawfully contract with it.
If so, send full information of that organization including but not limited to its charter or foundation documents, minutes, declarations, signators, authorities, limits of jurisdiction of people, land, laws, and governing body. . Is it public and or private ? So explain with details, including chief officer contact info., owner(s), stock holders, indemnity provisions and bonds and body of laws and legislators./ law makers. Explain how it gains authority over any people, land or law.
If you or any seeming government agency would engage with me, then send me specifically full information that explains their jurisdiction limits, including but not limited to the land boundaries, specific people, public laws, licenses, applications and contracts. I will not consult with an attorney to determine what you may presume. To all this is shown, I try to determine with whom I may be or become entangled.
Cite where the living people on W. Va., the land, are specifically included under law, constitution or contract.
Include and highlight which laws are applicable to living people, what land and ALL other jurisdictional issues.
Show specifically where I, the living man, willingly, knowingly and lawfully consent to be connected to any of these bodies of government, land, people, and or show the definition of the boundary of the land over which it rules.
The law of necessity excuses any action I make where there is no alternative, readily viable available, such as the use of Federal Reserve notes.
I have seen many "governments," officers, agencies listed at as corporations.
To who should I contact to learn of the foundation of any government for Charleston and for Kanawha County.
In West Virginia (land area) are there any federal, state, county, city or other government office and or "government" employed people who are not operating as corporations ? If so list them.
Dunn and Bradstreet and lists government corporations.
Does not every corporation have: - foundation writings, establishing it's name, purpose, - limits of authority and of jurisdiction, under some other body or government, - have leadership, governing organization, owners, i.e. stock holders either real people or other corporations. Default: Show all those for any W. Va. organization, or concede only corporations exist, there is no lawful government.
Corporations are a system of subdivisions all being members, party to, and or under the control of their parent organizations. Corporations are a fiction of the mind, not a real tangible, physical thing, although they may try to own or control physical things including land, people and activities.
Send full information as to whom, where and how I can communicate with the chief of all organizations here within referenced or implied. Surely any organization is, in the end, headed by a living man who can communicate.
If private, flesh and blood living men are obligated to any "government agencies" or private corporations, would there not have to be a contract or some nexus to put living people in connection with or under these organizations ?
Default: Corporations are fictions, while living men are real. No lawful contract can bind the real with the fiction, it can only bind like kinds with each other.
God created laws, while men, at best, can only create statues, codes, rules and regulations, all subject to agreement with those affected.
Any lawful contract much meet these requirements: - be between like kinds, - be of equal value of exchange, consideration, - be fully disclosed, not hiding any possible outcome, - be willingly agreed to by authorized parties of the same kind, - be open to cancelation within a defined and stated period from its commencement, - be lawful in its intents, goals and methods.
Actions like coercion, threat, force or harm and or any fraud, concealment of terms voids any lawful contract from, rendering any product of the flawed contract as void., mandating reversing all actions promulgated form the supposed contract.
What specifically
You need not answer these comment, but your silence or non-response, in common law, concedes that you accept and agree with these default conclusions. Thanks for clarifying all this.
Certainly we all wish to avoid conflict with any one who has guns, cruisers, jails, officers and codes that try to engage or limit our lawful status, activities, property and or rights.
Be Aware: I publically recorded at Kan. Co. courthouse, W. Va. Sec. of State, and posted at local post offices, many writings that establish my status and standing, proving many presumptions about me are false. Note particularly these that are recorded and also show at specifically, - Reservation of Rights, - Recession of Signatures, - Denial of Corporate Existence and more. To talk with me, please complete the Public Servant Questionnaire there linked.
Please respond in full within 30 days to the post location given below. Any variation of that post location will be rejected as not directed to the one seeking this information. A mailing label is furnished to assure that you correctly direct your correspondence to my access.
Indemnity: Send full organization name, contact info., terms and limits of any and all insurance or indemnity that you or your organization may or must have for any errors or omissions you may make for each: in the public, in the private and or individually.
. Also send copies of any related bonds, with their full information, including contact, terms, limits, etc.
John Harris of TPUC, the People's United Community, presents an excellent analysis of how representative government is a huge fiction. Search You Tube for: John Harris - 'Its an Illusion'.
Copies of this notice may be sent to newspapers, colleges or others.
Respond to:
General Post-office
henry theodore.
c/o Post Office Box 147,
Flat Top, West Virginia, zip exempt.
I copy claim this writing.
All rights reserved.
I wrote and mail this 1st class USPO mail on Charleston, W. Va. to each listed man and location on this writing on 1 June, 2018.
Written by the flesh and blood living man,
whose given name is and autographed by:
henry theodore.