State of West Virginia____________ )

 ) Scilicet

County of Kanawha_____________ )


"Indeed, no more than (affidavits) is necessary to make the prima facie case." United States v. Kis, 658 F.2°d, 526, 536 (7t Cir. 1981); Cert Denied, 50 U.S. L.W. 2169; S. Ct. March 22, 1982


Send certified mailed # 7010 1670 0001 1311 4850 on the second day of May, the year of our Lord, two thousand and eleven (2011) to:

First Judicial District Circuit Court, Ms. Brenda Miller, Clerk or Acting Clerk

Ohio County Courthouse, Fourth Floor, Room 403, City / County Building, 1500 Champaign Street

Wheeling, West Virginia [ 26003 ]

        Notice to agent is notice to principal.  Notice to principal is notice to agent.


From Henry Theodore of the family of Elden ©, (abbreviated HTE)

Respond to: Daniel of the family of Stribling ©, c/o Post Office Box 1291, Saint Albans, non-domestic , West Virginia, [ near 25177 ]


(Note use of these names Henry or Daniel (or any variation) is protected by copyrighted.  You have thirty (30) days from receipt of this document to respond and to use the name(s) including the copyright symbol, only in response to this document mailed to the address here given.


Re: Judgment Presentment Identification, & Court Case #







Whereas, in a civil action in which -foreign judgment was rendered in the Circuit Court of Ohio County, West Virginia, on the 5th day of December 2007 in favor of Kerri Vickers, John Vickers, Jim Murray and Connie Murray against H. Theodore Elden Jr. for $366,842.42, with legal interest thereon from the 5th day of December 2007, until paid accrued to date in the amount of $2,055.62 plus $392.00 costs for unpaid balance of $369,290.04

Notes from Judgment from First Judicial District Circuit Court enclosed.





Dear Ms. Brenda Miller, Clerk;                       2 May 2011


I, Henry Theodore of the family of Elden ©, the Undersigned, a living soul, a breathing, blood flowing, sentient man over 18 years of age, being competent to think, comprehend, attest and or testify and having first hand knowledge of the facts herein, declares under penalty of perjury of the laws of the united States of America, that: I want to complete and or fulfill any obligations I face, such as this referenced court judgment, first duly sworn, deposed and does say and declare by my signature that the following facts are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


THAT Remedy in this matter exists in exhausting the administrative remedy first by way of conditional acceptance.

THAT In this matter of this CAFV, I prepared and submit this document pro se, representing myself.

THAT On receipt of Proof of Claim as herein explained, and / or resolved of any remedies or defenses, I will perform and / or discharge the judgment.

THAT Statements below relate to any aspect of this court case and or judgment, from the beginning and continuing, and / or to the history of those people and / or corporations involved as to any;  - conflict of interest, - bias, - coercion, - fraud, - perjury, - non disclosure and or breaches in law, or rights.

THAT Law is precise. Every letter, capitalization, punctuation mark, etc., in a legal document is (may be) utilized for a specific reason and has legal consequences.

THAT I have executed many contracts and / or sworn affidavits clarifying my own legal position in life and in law, many of which are filed and / or recorded at courthouse(s), with the United States federal government, and even with the (then) President of the United States.

As the actions of the courts attempt to remove all the physical assets that I have earned and acquired in 50 years of long labor, I muster my best intellectual efforts to understand, articulate and exhaust my rights and remedies. As my monetary resources are all but depleted, I proceeds Sui Juris, in Propria Persona.


For you and everyone involved with the FJDCC, for period of referenced law suit, 2001 to current, please send me a certified true copy of each oath of office.  Of elected officials, a send certified true copy from the W. Va. Sec. of State’s office, noting the date filed and recorded with the W. Va. Sec. of State


I am reading again the WRIT OF SUGGESTION and note that it says:

        “You may want to file a petition with the circuit court to seek relief.”

Please explain to me in writing how to do this, and what this means.

Could anyone send me an example of a similar petition to see possible form and substance ?

Definitions: The seeming name of a person can mean diverse things. When spelled in all capital letters, it refers to a specific legal entity with unique characteristics separate from a living human being spelled in similar name but with upper and lower case letters.

Abbreviations in this document. 

I, me, my, mine means Henry Theodore of the family of Elden ©, the breathing, blood flowing, soul and spirit, the sentient, conscious, competent human being, who lives and operates outside of the control and protection of other legal forces and / or guardians, inclusive of any of my rights, property, businesses, or corporations.

 HTEj means H. THEODORE ELDEN, JR., the legal entity named in the referenced court cases/ judgment, not the real live human being. This name is synonymous with DEBTOR NAME, Defendant (and or my persona – the living man acting as authorized agent for HTEj) and refers to various aspects of the trust / corporation/ account set-up and named like the living person, but spelled in all capital letters. HTEj is treated like a legal entity, unique, specific and separate from me, the Undersigned, previously defined.  I may have connections to these legal entities, referenced as my  name spelled in all capital letters, as authorized agent, benefactor, trustee and / or administrator.  Those legal entities may be in any and / or all these forms; corporations, trusts, Cestui Que Vie Trust, or other, (possibly) based on the creation of a registered Birth Certificate, and / or separate from the living breathing man, named Henry Theodore of the family of Elden ©.

EAI means ELDEN ASSOCIATES INC. the W. Va. corporation created, and once owned and operated by me.

FJDCC means the First Judicial District Circuit Court of WEST VIRGINIA and clerk(s), judge(s), jury, elected officials, officers and / or any attorney’s (on this case) and / or any, related corporation(s) and or legal entities connected and / or associated with FJDCC or the people and legal entities involved. inclusive of any related staff, officers, corporations, trusts, bonds, etc.

W. Va. means West Virginia, a geographic place, a political district, a government, and / or possibly a corporation.

You means Brenda Miller, Clerk for the FJDCC, acting privately and in her role as clerk or agent for the FJDCC, and any other people, officers, officials of the FJDCC and or related organizations, corporations, etc.

PLACE NAMES, in any spelling or variant capital letters, indicates a proper noun, a political district, a government, and / or a corporation as well as a geographic region, such as; WEST VIRGINIA, State of Wet Virginia, Ohio County, Charleston.

US Constitution, and references to it, here means the Constitution for the United States of America as ratified about 1787 A.D. and not the Constitution of the UNITED STATES (corporation) included as articles to that municipal corporation formed about 21 February, 1871,  unless otherwise stated.

And / or , or and/or means to apply all possible cases, and answer in full.

         End of definitions.

- - - -

1.      PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you do not have the `duty and obligation' to produce and provide the `proofs of claim' as requested pursuant to the principals of the `clean hands doctrine' and `good faith' dealings with me.

2.      PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I have consented, agreed, or signed a contract allowing my `private' property to be pledged and/or taken in any manner to discharge any debt.

3.      PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I have consented to any `Pledge' of any property for the benefit of person(s), any private corporation, any foreign principal and / or the federal government,

4.      PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am not bankrupt or insolvent and have lawful money of account to `pay' debts at law in respect to Article I, Section X of the U.S. Constitution as it operates upon the agent of government.

5.      PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I have been given or afforded a DUE PROCESS HEARING in respect to any judgment and or at the hearing that full disclosure was made as to any commercial scheme (like a contract of mutual agreement or the transaction of a security instrument) applied to me or to some corporate entity (straw-man or Ens legis) as named on you presentments.

6.      PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I can be `punished' for relying upon any decision of the United States Supreme Court as to such and certain decisions may be directed towards the actions or limitations of government and/or in respect to my `rights'.

7.      PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am a `citizen of the United States as defined in 26 C.F.R. § 31.3121(e)-1 that would subject me to the legislative jurisdiction of the United States.

8.      PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I have been identified as a "U.S. Person" as defined in law.

9.      PROOF OF CLAIM;  That my signature is not the `exemption' which carries the value upon `acceptance for value' of any presentment/ liability to cause the `exchange,' 'set-off,' or otherwise to discharge any said tax liability.

10.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That as to any monetary judgment on me, that you can refuse to accept my discharge of this judgment that I accept it for value and return it for discharge or via other appropriate commercial paper in respect to HJR- 192 or by and through my exemption.

11.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That, in light of the National Emergency (Senate report 93-549) and the U S. Bankruptcy (by numerous Executive Orders as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a) that I cannot discharge any fine, fee, `tax liability' or debt via the remedy provided by Congress via HJR-192, by and through acceptance for value, for the benefit of the Republic, as the authorized representative of my Corporate Debtor (Ens legis) as identified on the IMF file, Tax presentments and or UCC filings with an `Accepted for value and Returned for Discharge' or other appropriate commercial paper by or through my exemption.


Articles - - - - Subjects: government corporations, real money

12.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That State of WEST VIRGINIA does not operate under the U.S. Bankruptcy (see Senate report No. 93-549, 12 U.S.C.A. 95 a,) pursuant to HJR-192 as established by Congress, June 5, 1933.

13.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am not one of the people, being above the state corporate government, one of the sovereign people and therein not named in the statutes of the State of WEST VIRGINIA.

14.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That ALL officers and employees of the STATE OF WEST VIRIGNIA and THE FJDCC, and any associated corporations / organizations, particularly with similar names, are under `Oath of Office' to support and defend both U.S. Constitution (ratified in 1787) and your W. Va.State Constitution.

15.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the officers and employees of the STATE OF WEST VIRIGNIA and THE FJDCC are bound to support Amendment in Article I, § X, (No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver coin a Tender in Payment of Debts).

16.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the "giving a note does constitute payment." See Echart v Commissioners C.C.A., 42 Fd2d 158.

17.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the use of a (Federal Reserve) `Note' is not only a promise to pay.  See Fidelity Savings v Grimes 131 P2d 894.

18.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That Legal Tender (Federal Reserve) Notes are good and lawful money of the United States.  See Rains v State, 226 S. W. 189.

19.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That Federal reserve notes are not valueless. See IRS Codes Section 1.1001-1 (4657) C.C.H.

20.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That (Federal Reserve) `Notes do operate as payment in the absence of an agreement that they shall constitute payment.' See Blachshear Mfg. Co. v Harrell, 12 S.E. 2d 766.

21.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the (judgment) liability came from of what `state', the de jure state ('The State') or the de-facto state ('This State'), a mere corporation, and that any reference to West Virginia is not a corporation.

22.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I, a Secured Party has access to `lawful constitutional money of account' to `pay debts at law' without becoming a tort feasor.


Articles of CONSTITUTIONS, Jurisdiction, Bond, Commercial Paper

23.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the United States Constitution operates upon me, a living human.

24.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am a party to the social compact known as the United States Constitution.

25.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am a signatory to the United States Constitution.

26.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am a party to any contract or agreement to the Federal Corporate government or sub-agencies called `States.'

27.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the Federal statutes and STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA statutes operate upon me..

28.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am a resident of the United States, and a “citizen” of the UNITED STATES and or it’s corporation(s) formed initially by US Congress on 22 February, 1871, or any derivative thereof.

29.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am a resident of the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, or any derivative thereof.

30.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the UNITED STATES and the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, by becoming a corporator did not lay down its sovereignty and take on the character of a private citizen and that it can exercise no power which is not derived from the corporate charter.  (See The Bank of the United States v Planters Bank of Georgia, 6 L Ed., 9 Wheat 244.  Include a certified copy of the corporate charter of each.

31.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That my rights did not exist before the creation of the `State.' (see Hale v. Hinkle, 201 U.S. 43@ pg. 74 (1905)

32.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That there are clauses in the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA’s Constitution that subject a private man to their statutory jurisdiction.

33.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That any of FJDCC who were required and / or have taken any Oaths, and did so when required, and properly filed in all places required, contemporary with completing the Oath(s) as per all laws, stating that they will uphold and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the State of WEST VIRGINIA, and or any other oaths or pledges, inclusive of all members, officers, judges of the said FJDCC, as evidenced by documents from those (custodians) required to hold copies. Note any oaths, honorary titles, titles of nobility, allegiances, benefits, gifts, remuneration sources involved with FJDCC’s judges in their life, to determine any bias. An error in the lawful wording, execution, witness, or recording of an oath may renders it void.

34.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the State of WEST VIRGINIA or Federal government is not operating under a National Bankruptcy or National Emergency as declared in 1933 and the guaranteed freedoms and governmental procedures, on behalf of me, have not been abridged or breached.  (see Senate Report 93-549, 1973, 1St para.)

35.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That pertaining to this court case, that all those involved in the adjudication have posted an indemnity bond to indemnify their  actions as to any injury that may befall me.  Note surety name and contact, terms, values and terms of coverage, when and where it is filed and send a certified copy.

36.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That pertaining to this court case, that the judgment did not become `commercial paper' to be deposited into any bank, or converted into a depositable item for the commercial benefit of the Plaintiff in the case.

37.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the verdict and / or  judgment, as handed down by the Jury Foreperson and presented or enforced by FJDCC and / or anyone or corporation for the United States, State of WEST VIRGINIA, stipulated and identified the `liability' of the statute(s) as they/ it applied or operates on me.

38.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you, or any others operating for the United States, the State of WEST VIRGINIA, the FJDCC did not violate my "Due Process of Law".

39.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That no one involved or associated with the FJDCC (clerk(s), judge(s), jury, attorneys, etc.) in the State of WEST VIRGINIA or in the United States, acted to subject me into `involuntary servitude', or involved collusion, conspiracy, or fraud to injure, threaten or violate my rights, property, livelihood, reputation, and / or interest.

40.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That all Motions signed and submitted in the above mentioned case by any appointed attorney are not void for fraud if I am not the `subject', nor the `object' of the statute(s) or if liability to the statute(s) has not been proven.

41.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the attorney who represented and defended me in his `private capacity' applied his nexus to COMMON LAW UNALIENABLE RIGHTS AS ASSOCIATED TO THE ORIGINAL JURISDICTION.

42.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That during deliberations, the Jury was not given additional instructions by anyone outside the jury to effect the outcome of the verdict and cause the Jury to have false thoughts about the magnitude of fault, it’s source, and the value of the injury, i.e. the awarded judgment.

43.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I acted willfully, with full knowledge and intent to cause injury, that I did cause injury to each plaintiff, and that I was notified, in clear writing, by each plaintiff, (without distracting, exaggerated or false statements that might confuse me) as recorded as evidence in court documents to the possible injury to each plaintiff, that my actions were discrete, separate and independent of my duty to act for my corporation, that at the time of the action, I was aware they were causing “supposed” emotional injury to each plaintiff, and or that I had been so noticed formally in writing directly from each party so “supposedly” harmed.

44.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That every statement from FJDCC, at any time, to me, spoken and / or written was complete, accurate, true and uncontested, so that I would never have any reason to be confused and or doubt the truth of what I was told.

45.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I made voluntary confessions to this supposed crime and or injury caused.

46.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I did not request any attorney or anyone to bifurcate this trial.

47.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I was not prosecuted with prejudice intent, and to serve as an example in any way for this herebefore unusual and unique court case, suing for loss of something that was not the property of the claimant.

48.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the charges are not excessive.

49.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the judgment was not based on prejudice and bias against me.

50.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you did not engage me via your free will choice with intent and full knowledge of the legal and commercial consequences should you violate my secured Right(s), Title(s), or interest(s).

51.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you engaged me as a personal surety for the corporate fiction; State of WEST VIRGINIA, jointly and severally, and, that you do have the authority to bind your employer/principal to any liability, injuries or otherwise as may be stipulated, agreed to or confessed to by you.

52.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That FJDCC knew the limits, restrictions, whether statutorily, constitutionally, territorially, personum, subject matter, politically or otherwise pursuant to your `Oath of Office,' that you are bound to observe and do as an agent for the corporate fiction; State of WEST VIRGINIA

53.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you knew that, in any manner, to coerce, force, threaten, compel, intimidate, mislead, deceive, demand or impose or misapply any statute, law or otherwise constitutes trespass and/or an injury of constitutional impermissible application of statute.

54.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you are obligated to produce any documents, evidence, discovery or otherwise as requested; i.e., PROOF OF CLAIM(s), Proof of Fact, Proof(s) of Law, Proof of Contract or whatever that prove your claim(s) as to any jurisdiction, demand for payment or otherwise to bind me to the corporate fiction; STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA and / or UNITED STATES.

55.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That, your acts of enforcement of any statute or force applied against me for private gain and benefit to the corporate fiction; FJDCC and or the State of WEST VIRGINIA, where no contract is in place, is not a criminal act on your part.

56.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That pursuant to; "All that government does and provides legitimately is in pursuit of its duty to provide protection for private rights, which duty is a debt owed to its creator, WE THE PEOPLE, (Wynhammer v. People, NY 378) ... and the private unenfranchised individual; which debt and duty is never extinguished nor discharged, and is perpetual.  No matter what the government/state provides for us in manner of convenience and safety, the unenfranchised individual owes nothing to the government." (Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43) that you and  the federal corporation and any of its franchises (municipalities, counties and states) have all consented to pre-lien for said debt and duty and any stipulated violations and/or injuries to me.

57.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you knew, upon full disclosure by your principal, that `this state' is an artificial corporate jurisdiction and is defined as "the air and water of your state above the land and water of the state, `the state' being the Original Organic Jurisdiction within which I am an inhabitant there upon.

58.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That, you, and all the legal professionals, are competent, highly trained, highly paid and certified by your principal corporation, within `this state' in knowing your capacities and limits within the scope of your office, position and/or duties therein.

59.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you did not enter into a contract with DEBTOR NAME involving the reasons for and or resolve of this court case and or judgment.

60.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That a section of your State Corporate Charter, and / or of FJDCC and / or  a supervisor or otherwise above you authorized you to violate the contract, misapply the statute and cause injury upon DEBTORS NAME.

61.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That your violation of the Charter, the contract, your refusal to protect me or your misapplication statute(s) was not your own voluntary private act.

62.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That date, cause and event as to when did FJDCC’s liability to enforce that contract to protect the Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness of me and the rights of DEBTOR NAME in total attach?  QUESTION; if FJDCC was not authorized by a supervisor or otherwise by one above them to violate the contract, misapply the statute and cause injury upon DEBTOR’S NAME, do you TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY for your actions? And if you do, then I herein accepts your full liability and herein enter a Claim on all your property and reserves the right to file such Claim upon you via your silence or agreement via the UCC.

63.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you know and are aware of the Original Organic Jurisdiction described and empowered under `Constitutional and related documents' and of the federal and state `fiction of law' jurisdictions which provide the same legal, lawful, political, commercial and ecclesiastic protections, of which I herein charge you to act there under in my behalf.

64.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That, in FJDCC’s engaging or commencing any matter or action against me that, pursuant to your Oath of Office, or otherwise, that you preserved the Original Organic Jurisdiction guaranteed to protect my `Liberty, ` `Property,' or other `secured' rights under the `Republic' State and Federal Constitutions.

65.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  that a contract made by a corporation beyond the scope of its corporate powers is unlawful and void. McCormick v Market Natl.  Bank, 165 Us 538

66.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  that the FJDCC operates only as a public government function serving first the We the People, and is not associated with any corporation structures, officers, employees, and / or incorporated under any other corporate structures such as the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA (corporation) and the UNITED STATES (corporation). Provide copy of original charter, incorporated / corporate papers, any and or all legal papers on the origin, changes, associations, evolution of the ownership, purpose, terms, jurisdiction of FJDCC.


Other Articles

67.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I cannot exercise my `exclusive' remedy being a Tort Claim for the moral wrongs committed by you, including but not limited to `constitutional misapplication of the statute/law, breach of agreement, conspiracy (two or more involved), Take notice of violation of State and Federal statute/law on `Tender of Payment,' violation of Nygarrd v. Continental, violation of equal protection of the law, denying public policy, discrimination of the application of limited liability for the payment of debt and / or breach of contract (agreement), and / or other violations known or unknown.

68.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you, possibly having superior knowledge of the law and access to the `proof,' can provide such proof to the points raised herein to inform me, the Secured Party, on how  I can lawfully resolve the judgment from the court and or lawfully `pay debt(s) at law' with real money and not be tricked into becoming a tort feasor.   Otherwise, I, a Secured Party/ Creditor must ask, "What is my remedy?"

69.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That FJDCC and or WEST VIRGINIA is or is not a corporation incorporated under another organization, possibly the UNITED STATES corporation which began about 1871. Include charters, articles and corporate papers explaining the evolution of West Virginia as a government and or corporation from it’s inception through it’s history.

70.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That you have not presumed falsely conditions about me, a Secure Party Creditor, regarding any of the following; my name, my residency, citizenship, my rights or lack thereof, legal entities, Debtor’s name, a Cestui Que Vie Trust or any legal entity created on the registration of a birth certificate, or regarding a name or term, like my name, yet spelled in all capital letters, and or any supposed legal entity or corporation(s), particularly the confusion of once government functions, now operating in full or in part as private, foreign corporations for profit, surrendering their sovereignty to deal in commerce (US SC).

71.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That  each and every part is untrue or concede: as defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, legal fictions are an 'artificial entity/creature,' created under the laws of various entities, like the STATE of WEST VIRGINIA and or UNITED STATES for legal and / or commercial reasons, and to be governed by man’s laws.

72.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That some corporate structures may be privately held, have Officers, Board of Directors, employees, and / or may not be bound to support Article I §X, as a 'State created entity,' in that "No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver coin a Legal Tender in payment of Debts."

73.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That corporations may coerce people in America, who do not knowingly volunteer, against their rights.

74.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the FJDCC named me, the living human as the accused, the defendant and not HTEj as the accused.

75.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am party to the FJDCC court, that I can be a paid representative for others who would appear before the court and that I can effect or make rules and stipulations for and in the court, that the FJDCC is not a private court, exclusive to the realm of B.A.R. attorneys.

76.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the judge's office was created by law.

77.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I accept, understand, or participate in the united States corporation, its functions, employees, officers, jurisdiction, etc. with full knowledge and consent to the meaning thereof, and that no public documents and or filed affidavits, refute this. 


78.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That this is wholly or partially untrue; a legal, binding, contract needs to have: an offer, consideration and acceptance, being mutually signed in agreement, with full knowledge and disclosure, by two or more competent, consenting parties. Living people may freely contract. Fraud, lack of full disclosure, is grounds to dissolve any contract. Only sentient, mature adults of age may lawfully enter contracts. Contracts may be made between living people and or corporations. Only an authorized representative of the corporation may bind the corporation in a contract.

79.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That a government (or any organization) can go bankrupt and but not be a corporation, (a sub part and / or a subject to a larger organization) and that bankruptcy does not yield and point to creditor(s) who own and / or control the bankrupt organization by debts owed to the creditor(s) from the organization.

80.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That, in FJDCC, any officer, employee or any one, who is required to complete and file an sworn, witnesses, recorded oath has done so when required, as per all pertinent laws, and that any custodians of those documents did produce a verifiable certified true copy and / or explain why it (may have or) has been unavailable from numerous notarized and certified inquiries over recent years, when some records should have been in place for nearly a decade. This relates to all people involved with the FJDCC and the W. Va. legal systems. Oaths may be flawed if misworded and / or their official record is missing.  FJDCC’s and W. Va. parties have been notified repeatedly of possible problems with FJDCC’s oath(s). Sec. of State, AG, Supreme Court Admin. Office, yet, none have intervened. If an oath is flawed, is not the official’s decisions, jurisdiction, and / or power flawed or void, as with court cases in many states ?  When and why would any elected W. Va. Official be exempt from US Constitution’s (1787) & W. Va. Constitution’s requirements.

81.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That this is wholly or partially untrue; that on February 21, 1871 Congress passed the "Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62. It was titled: "An Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia." Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, they created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.   Thus the UNITED STATES government is incorporated, a corporation having limited jurisdiction to it’s territories.  Other organizations have incorporated into the UNITED STATES corporation, such as but not limited to States, counties, cities, courts, businesses.

82.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That this is wholly or partially untrue; the only immunity any agent has is when they act within their jurisdiction, and they (governments) have no jurisdiction over real, live, breathing, human beings.

83.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That disproves the FJDCC, in the referenced court case, displayed a flag, here described. "Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, §§1, 2, & 3; President Dwight David Eisenhower, by  Executive Order 10834, August 21, 1959; 24 F.R.6865; a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides. The President of the United States designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military. The placing of a fringe on the national flag, …  are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but are within the discretion of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy." 34 Ops. Atty. Gen. 83. President Eisenhower, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides."        What meaning does that flag have in reference to laws applicable in that court and / or the preservation and or loss of rights of those so tried and judged there ? How would a lay person, or jury member, ever know of the meaning, the true public disclosures, and specifically, how was I and those associated with the FJDCC so informed of it’s meaning and implication ?

84.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the FJDCC, or any variation or association, is not a private, for profit corporation.  What is their jurisdiction and how did they inform me of my rights in their court ? 

85.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That plaintiff’s witness against me, Yolanda Tam Fredeking, did not commit perjury in her sworn disposition testimony in stating essentially that I took professional photos of her wedding, and, after it was over, she had nothing.  Dispute up to five separate witnesses who say that they have seen or have evidence that Tam received at least one hundred (100), and probably in excess of four hundred (400) photographs, negatives, and video tapes. Tam only contracted for the creation of one hundred and forty (140) proofs. (Mike, AG- Consumer, Bailey, Tam;’s Atty, Beaver)

86.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That plaintiff’s witness Jim Murphy did not commit perjury in his sworn disposition testimony in not including any information about a significant law suit he filed concerning a car accident, in which case he claimed serious, costly physical injury, yet the court found nothing in his favor. I retain photos of Murphy dancing jubilantly at his step son’s wedding – hardly the behaviors of a severely physically injured man. Show the full details, discussion and information of this law suit that was included in the FJDCC’s record and was heard by the jury, showing his propensity to overstate, exaggerate and possibly to fraudulent present evidence to courts for monetary reward.

87.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the defendant was fully informed of the limits and the authority of the FJDCC in references to him, the living, breathing, human.  Who and when was this specifically explained, to wit, I knowingly consented, signed and agreed to their jurisdiction, their adjudication, and / or contracted with them, to whit a judgment was rendered..

88.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the FJDCC, and any related officers, or employees is not connected to any corporations, such as the State of West Virginia Corporation and or the United States Corporation or any variations thereof, and that all their officers and / or employees are current and complete in all aspects of law, particularly with the executing and timely filing requirements of their oaths.

89.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That Judge Ronald Wilson has no honor, rewards, remuneration, privileges, titles, oaths other then to the FJDCC, a public government, and not to or of any private organization, corporation. Prove by listing list all other affiliations, oaths, allegiances and furnish certified true copies therefore, and full records to each and every one of his offices, elections and / or appointments.  Disclose records of any; people, person(s), organization, corporation from whom he was / is connected and show any evidence he did or may have received any; benefit, honor, remuneration.

90.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the W. Va.: - FJDCC, - Sec. of State, - Attorney General and - the Supreme Court Admin. Office have no obligation to furnish to the public records or notification of their absence, as to filed oaths of office of their associates.  When government (or anyone) has a moral duty to respond, and they do not, this constitutes fraud according to US Supreme Court.

91.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That, as I often requested in word and correspondences, that Richard Beaver challenged the FJDCC on their jurisdiction over me, that the FJDCC record holds the specific arguments, to my every possible right and freedom and how they were debated, articulated, presumed, lost, and / or compelled to be abandoned, that Beaver made these arguments on my behalf in a timely fashion to be included in the FJDCC’s review and / or decisions. Once jurisdiction is challenged, and proven lacking, it dismisses the case and all actions taken.

92.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That Mr. Beaver had a signed, written contract, signed by an authorized agent of his firm  and me, stating all aspects of his defense for me, his objectives, intentions, limits of his service, noting my support and agreement for him to represent me, and his monetary charges.  Present copies of his True Bills in Commerce, signed by an authorized corporate officer which were presented and paid by me. Present the written contract from the court record.

93.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That this is not true or concede: I have recorded at the Kanawha County Courthouse, a document I got from the W. Va. Secretary of State’s UCC Office’s document, that shows no liens have ever been recorded against me or my company. This seems in direct conflict with the FJDCC’s claim against me. Explain why the tow records are not ocnsistent.

94.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That this is not true or concede: The thirteenth amendment (Passed by (US) Congress May 1, 1810 - Ratified December 9, 1812) of the US Constitution, requires that none with a Title of Nobility, i.e. a B.A.R. attorney, can be a United States Citizen, and there fore is ineligible to run for public office and or be elected and hold office.

95.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That this is not true or concede; A natural person is a human being who is mentally competent and of the age of majority. This is a human being in the legal world with inalienable human rights and fundamental freedoms that de jure governments must not only recognize and protect, but cannot pass a law that will abrogate, abridge or infringe upon them.

96.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That this is wholly not true; since about 1938, (Erie v Thompson) the US courts have ruled only contracts are enforceable, and crimes are handled as commercial contracts, with fines or penalties. To the courts, is this not true: No contract means no fault, no crime, no penalty ?


97.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That each and every part is untrue or concede;  a contract is:

- an agreement between two or more parties, - with stipulated terms, fully disclosed,

- signed with full knowledge and agreement by all sentient, authorized parties.

Failing to fully disclose all information about a contract, it’s stipulations, it’s conditions and or ramifications, constitutes fraud, of which there is no statues of limitations. Values over five hundred dollars must be in writing. Any element lacking, compromised, or in fraud dissolves the validity of the contract.

98.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I violated John and Karri Vickers’s free will, voluntary right to contract for stated purposes and terms, agreeable to both them and me and mutually signed in memorial in a written agreement, possibly in the court record, and that they have any right to exempt themselves for each and all of the provisions therein.

99.  PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I ever previously promised to pay the judgment.

100.   PROOF OF CLAIM;  That it is lawful for the State to demand anything from us other than gold or silver coin. The legal tender laws only apply to debts founded on a contract. Judgments and taxes are not founded on contract. Please take judicial notice that there is no gold or silver coin in circulation. It is impossible to pay. The law does not require the impossible.

.PROOF OF CLAIM;  That FJDCC is an organic part of the federal Justice Department? Are they prosecuting me upon your own recognizance, or did somebody authorize you to?

101.   PROOF OF CLAIM;  That in any one involved with the FJDCC, is not a Mason, and / or has pledged allegiance, oaths or receive honorarium, remuneration, or benefit from any one or organization other then the FJDCCC, including either party to this court case, or their council, etc.

102.   PROOF OF CLAIM;  That I am presumed to know the law, however, it is physically impossible for me to read the over 60 million statutes plus everything ever published in the Federal Register. Take judicial notice that I do not know the law.

103.   PROOF OF CLAIM;  That the statute don’t say the clerk shall record ALL orders. I order this case dismissed.

104.   PROOF OF CLAIM; That I, personally and not my company, was willingly and knowingly under written and signed contract (whose terms were fully disclosed) and obligation, that clearly stated that I was to be responsible to predict and understand the emotional reaction of each of the plaintiff’s parties to the actions that I undertook.  That that contract and or the formal written, notarized communications I received directly from each party advised me that I did, would or may be causing them harm and that I acted after I was so informed, in defiance of their precaution, and that their claim of injury has been proven by physical facts and evidence, and one or more independent and separate witnesses (and not just by their own - possibly bias - testimony). and that they could not have mitigated their “supposed” injury by simply making a clear statement as to the resolve of my photos & negatives by taking control of the “supposed” items of harm – the prints and negatives by either telling me to discard them and or by offering to buy them for a mere $ 300.


This request of `PROOF OF CLAIM' (CAFV) is supported by Affidavit(s) and such Affidavit must be rebutted `point for point', otherwise, all the facts stand, the record as true, complete and certain.

When presenting your proof of Claim, to all points, point by point, complete, truly, accurately, having all evidence from any who contribute to the response, each party signing under penalty of perjury, that to the best of their knowledge and believe that all responses are complete and accurate in reference to the original statements here listed. Always use full and complete sentences and responses, so that the original questions do not have to be read, to fully understand the complete response to the questions.

Due to the time sensitive nature of this private matter, you are to respond with complete `PROOF OF CLAIM' within thirty (30) days by certified-priority-return-mail.

As I have asked before, to the Clerk of FJDCC, please send a current balance owing on this judgment, to whom it should be paid, complete with full name, organization and mailing address, form of payment required (if any) and a True Bill in Commerce, with original wet ink signature by an authorized representative. Send a certified copy of any contract that requires that this judgment be paid.  May I present payment or discharge directly to someone ? Who can accept it and when might I find him predictably at what location, like the courthouse, and during which days and what hours ? and a phone number, to confirm the possible delivery of the settlement.



I want to resolve this matter, but can do so only upon your `official' response by you in providing the above Proofs of Claim in this matter as to the prosecution being lawful, proper and `constitutional.'

Please be advised that it is my good faith intent to rectify this and all future matters, presentments or otherwise, commercially, and discharge (pay) the Judgment as soon as possible in behalf of the Debtor/Ens legis.

I understands my Right to exhaust his administrative remedy/ process in this commercial matter.

Your presentment has left me somewhat confused, as I conditionally accept for value your Judgment, I agrees to perform to it, i.e., pay or discharge it, I can only do so only upon the condition that you provide 'Proof(s) of Claim as to the Judgment, monetary conditions within this State, form of payment and other points raised under necessity.

I remains confused by the indictment brought against the Juristic person HENRY THEODORE ELDEN, JR. © that was applied to me, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, Secured Party, Henry Theodore of the family of Elden ©.

This redraft, or Conditional Acceptance of the maker's or issuer's original presentment, as enumerated herein (non-adversarial), is intended to cure any/all jurisdictional or other defects in process, service of process, venue, and/or subject matter jurisdiction and is redrafted in good faith and not to cause delay(s).

You are required to send the 'Proof(s) of Claim to me, (via the address given above) and, if applicable, in Notary Protest, to another designated person or notary.

Should you fail or refuse to provide complete  PROOF(s) OF CLAIM within the time specified in this private matter, you certify your dishonor in the matter and consent and establish:

- a Notarial Protest may be exercised (performed) pursuant to your default and dishonor.

-  You stipulate, agree and confess:

-  to the points or facts raised herein, as they operate in my favor, the Secured Party, and presumption will be taken by and through your silence and tacit agreement that the "Judgment" is only laid upon a `corporate fiction/entity known as the Debtor/Straw-man; an Ens legis, and such `entity' is identified with a name similar mine, but appears in capital letters.

- You failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted,

- You bind yourself(s) for damages via fraud and misapplication of statute and otherwise stated above via law suit or Tort Claim under necessity in violation, if any, and/or upon Oath of Office,.

- you damaged and injured this private man and have stipulated to all the facts that operate in my favor; that this private man herein is not subject to the Judgment, that you lacked jurisdiction and authority to cite me, that you misapplied the statute, or otherwise to commit fraud and cause injury to me.

-  that I, a Secured Party, can exercise the remedy provided by Congress via HJR-192, that is, to discharge debt(s) `dollar for dollar' via `acceptance for value and returned for discharge' or other appropriate commercial paper.

- that I, a Secured Party, may proceed to exercise exclusive remedy of your default, agreement, misapplication of statute, etc.  via Tort Claim and or can only accept for honor (and Value) the Judgment.

- this `Conditional Acceptance' becomes the security agreement under commercial law.

- that I may discharge the debt/liability under necessity via exemption of the Secured Party Creditor.

- Your insufficient response will constitute additional grounds upon which to impose a private personal liability upon and against the original presenter's property and/or rights in and to property,

- You give permission for a lien to be filed against you for said default, damages, and dishonor. Said damages are estimated in excess of $50,000.00. Final amount will be calculated prior to lien and notice to you by invoice, per your agreement by your silence as stated. Per your failure, refusal and/or silence.

I herein have the right to exercise exclusive remedy via Tort Claim for any and all agreed, stipulated and confessed injuries including but not limited to violation of Oath of Office (to US Constitution (1787), the Supreme Law of the Land), violation of Due Process of Law, Misapplication of statute, constitutional impermissible application of statute and law, fraud, fraud of scienter and otherwise. You bind yourself(s) for damages via fraud and misapplication of statute and otherwise stated above.


NOTICE: Constitution Discussion

ARTICLE VI - U.S. CONSTITUTION; This Constitution, and of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof... shall be the supreme law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

"As a matter of due process, an offender may not be sentenced on the basis of mistaken facts or unfounded assumptions." Townsend v. Burke, 334 U.S. 736, 740-741 (1948)

"Ignorance of the law does not excuse misconduct in anyone, least of all in a sworn officer of the law." In re McCowan, 177 c.93, 170 P. 1100. (1917)

"An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government." Brookfield Const. Co. v. Stewart, 284 F. Supp. 94.

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."  --Marbury v. Madison,   5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

MEMORANDUM OF RECORD; "... an instrument embodying something that the parties desire to fix in memory by the aid of written evidence, or that is to serve as the basis of a future formal contract, the designation of the written agreement, which must exist to bind the parties.

AS TO SIGNATURES; See accommodation - UCC-3-419.



Be it known to all courts, governments, and other parties, that I, Henry Theodore of the family of Elden ©, am a natural, freeborn Sovereign, without subjects. I am neither subject to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subject to me. I neither dominate anyone, nor am I dominated.

My authority for this statement is the same as it is for all free Sovereigns everywhere: the age-old, timeless, and universal respect for the intrinsic rights, property, freedoms, and responsibilities of the Sovereign Individual.

I am not a "person" when such term is defined in statutes of the United States or statutes of the several states when such definition includes artificial entities. I refuse to be treated as a federally or state created entity which is only capable of exercising certain rights, privileges, or immunities as specifically granted by federal or state governments.

I voluntarily choose to comply with the man-made laws, which serve to bring harmony to society, but no such laws, nor their enforcers, have any authority over me. I am not in any jurisdiction, for I am not of subject status.

Consistent with the eternal tradition of natural common law, unless I have harmed or violated someone or their property, I have committed no crime; and am therefore not subject to any penalty.

I act in accordance with the following U.S. Supreme Court case:

"The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no such duty [to submit his books and papers for an examination] to the State, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land [Common Law] long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution. Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law. He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights." Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 at 47 (1905).

Thus, be it known to all that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. And furthermore, I do not accept the liability associated with the compelled and pretended "benefit" of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement.

As such, the hidden or unrevealed contracts that supposedly create obligations to perform, for persons of subject status, are inapplicable to me, and are null and void. If I have participated in any of the supposed "benefits" associated with these hidden contracts, I have done so under duress, for lack of any other practical alternative. I may have received such "benefits" but I have not accepted them in a manner that binds me to anything.

Any such participation does not constitute "acceptance" in contract law, because of the absence of full disclosure of any valid "offer," and voluntary consent without misrepresentation or coercion, under contract law. Without a valid voluntary offer and acceptance, knowingly entered into by both parties, there is no "meeting of the minds," and therefore no valid contract. Any supposed "contract" is therefore void, ab initio.

From my age of consent to the date affixed below I have never signed a contract knowingly, willingly, intelligently, and voluntarily whereby I have waived any of my natural common law rights, and, as such, Take Notice that I revoke, cancel, and make void ab initio my signature on any and all contracts, agreements, forms, or any instrument which may be construed in any way to give any agency or department of any federal or state government authority, venue, or jurisdiction over me.

This position is in accordance with the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Brady v. U.S., 379 U.S. 742 at 748 (1970):

"Waivers of Constitutional Rights not only must be voluntary, they must be knowingly intelligent acts, done with sufficient awareness of the relevant circumstances and consequences."

Birth Certificate. The fact that a birth certificate was granted to me by a local hospital or government agency when I entered this world is irrelevant to my Sovereignty. No status, high or low, can be assigned to another person through a piece of paper, without the recipient's full knowledge and consent. Therefore, such a piece of paper provides date and place information only. It indicates nothing about jurisdiction, nothing about property ownership, nothing about rights, and nothing about subject status. The only documents that can have any legal meaning, as it concerns my status in society, are those that I have signed as an adult, with full knowledge and consent, free from misrepresentation or coercion of any kind.


Discussion of Human Rights, as I understand them.

Constitutional Amendments provides: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Declaration of Citizenship. Any document I may have ever signed, in which I answered "yes" to the question, "Are you a U.S. citizen?" - cannot be used to compromise my status as a Sovereign, nor obligate me to perform in any manner. This is because without full written disclosure of the definition and consequences of such supposed "citizenship," provided in a document bearing my signature given freely without misrepresentation or coercion, there can be no legally binding contract.

I am not a "United States" citizen subject to its jurisdiction. The United States is an entity created by the U.S. Constitution with jurisdiction as described on the following pages of this Affidavit. I am not a "resident of," an "inhabitant of," a "franchise of," a "subject of," a "ward of," the "property of," the "chattel of," or "subject to the jurisdiction of" any corporate federal government, corporate state government, corporate county government, corporate city government, or corporate municipal body politic created under the authority of the U.S. Constitution. I am not subject to any legislation, department, or agency created by such authorities, nor to the jurisdiction of any employees, officers, or agents deriving their authority therefrom. Further, I am not a subject of the Administrative and Legislative Article IV Courts of the several states, or Article I Courts of the United States, or bound by precedents of such courts, deriving their jurisdiction from said authorities. Take Notice that I hereby revoke, cancel, and make void ab initio any such instrument or any presumed election made by any of the several states or the United States government or any agency or department thereof, that I am or ever have voluntary elected to be treated as a United States citizen subject to its jurisdiction or a resident of any territory, possession, instrumentality or enclave under the sovereignty or exclusive jurisdiction of any of the several states or of the United States as defined in the U.S. Constitution in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 and Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Declaration of Citizenship. Any document I may have ever signed, in which I answered "yes" to the question, "Are you a U.S. citizen?" - cannot be used to compromise my status as a Sovereign, nor obligate me to perform in any manner. This is because without full written disclosure of the definition and consequences of such supposed "citizenship," provided in a document bearing my signature given freely without misrepresentation or coercion, there can be no legally binding contract.

I am not a "United States" citizen subject to its jurisdiction. The United States is an entity created by the U.S. Constitution with jurisdiction as described on the following pages of this Affidavit. I am not a "resident of," an "inhabitant of," a "franchise of," a "subject of," a "ward of," the "property of," the "chattel of," or "subject to the jurisdiction of" any corporate federal government, corporate state government, corporate county government, corporate city government, or corporate municipal body politic created under the authority of the U.S. Constitution. I am not subject to any legislation, department, or agency created by such authorities, nor to the jurisdiction of any employees, officers, or agents deriving their authority therefrom. Further, I am not a subject of the Administrative and Legislative Article IV Courts of the several states, or Article I Courts of the United States, or bound by precedents of such courts, deriving their jurisdiction from said authorities. Take Notice that I hereby revoke, cancel, and make void ab initio any such instrument or any presumed election made by any of the several states or the United States government or any agency or department thereof, that I am or ever have voluntary elected to be treated as a United States citizen subject to its jurisdiction or a resident of any territory, possession, instrumentality or enclave under the sovereignty or exclusive jurisdiction of any of the several states or of the United States as defined in the U.S. Constitution in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 and Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2.

According to the Ninth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

"The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
   and the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Thus, my understanding from these Amendments is that the powers of all U.S. and State government officials are limited to those specifically granted by the U.S. Constitution.

I further understand that any laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules, and procedures contrary to the U.S. Constitution, as written by its framers, are null and void, as expressed in the Sixteenth American Jurisprudence Second Edition, Section 177:

"The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows:

'The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted.'

'Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it...

I have articulated, authored, created, signed, notarized and recorded other documents at the Kanawha County Courthouse, and the W. Va. Secretary of State’s Uniform Commercial Code office, further clarifying legal positions  about myself, my rights, my copyrights, my property and my knowledge.  Be cautioned to know them well before infringing on my rights. The Common Law copyright of my name(s) and fines for trespass and / or unauthorized use of it is clearly defined. Charleston newspaper carried multiple listing of my legal ads which publically stated information and public record references about my statement(s) recorded in the Kanawha County Courthouse Miscellaneous Book 40, starting at page 408, filed on 7-27-2010 including copyrights (originally filed in 2009), UCC Filing File # 2010 038 333 056, initiated 26 August 2010. I have articulated my rights, notarized, recorded, published, and by this writing give you clear notice.

Please respond by U.S. Mail to Henry Theodore of the family of Elden © at current temporary mailing address at beginning of this affidavit.

Thank you in advance in this matter.


Printed, signed and mailed this third (3rd) day of May 2011 A.D.

Subscribed and sworn, without prejudice, and with all rights reserved,

By: My Hand and Mark as Subscriber           autograph:

                                                                                                Henry Theodore of the family of Elden ©– Affiant,

Principal, by Special Appearance, in Propria Persona, proceeding Sui Juris.

Secured Party Creditor, private man, Preserving all rights and liberties,

Authorized Representative and Attorney-In-Fact in behalf of HENRY THEODORE ELDEN, JR., Ens legis,



The following Notary Public in and for WEST VIRGINIA,(state), witnessed the personally appearance and signature of the above-signator, Henry Theodore of the family of Elden ©, the flesh and blood, living human being, known to me to be the one whose name is signed on this instrument by personal knowledge and or proved to me, and he has acknowledged to me that he has executed the same..


Printed Name:_____________________ Subscribed to and sworn before me this third (3rd) day of May, 2011 A.D.



My Commission Expires:     /     /        Common Law Seal:


I am the custodian of this document.

I, ™ Ollie Clifford ©, a West Virginia notary, certify that this is a true copy and or duplicate original of this document.

Notary Public in and for WEST VIRGINIA,(state),    Date:   3  May, 2011


Signed:_________________________________________  My Commission Expires: 25 August, 2015



I certify that on this 3rd day of May, 2011, a true and exact copy of the aforesaid Motion was sent, first class registered U.S. mail prepaid as follows:

Document sent via certified mail # 7010 1670 0001 1311 4850 to (principals / agents) to:

First Judicial District Circuit Court, Ms. Brenda Miller, Clerk or Acting Clerk

Ohio County Courthouse, Fourth Floor, City / County Building, 1500 Champaign Street, Room 403

Wheeling, West Virginia [ 26003 ]       _________________________________

Darius Barnes ©, All Rights Reserved


Copies may be filed in Kanawha County Courthouse, presented and / or mailed  to an associate(s), and / or Notary.

Basic information from the original Judgment notice:




CASE 02C-290























APRIL 7, 2009





Not used:








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