Elden’s Recorded Affidavits           at Kanawha Co. Court Bk, pg. # & or West Virginia’s Sec. of State’s UCC Office  13 Aug. ‘13

Misc. Book 37, 966                 04-23-2007.        Change of Domicile, Why a State Citizen NOT U.S. Citizen, Why Domicile is voluntary, 133p

     "Legal Notice of change in Domicile/ Citizenship Records and Divorce from “United States”, Cert.Mail 7004 2890 0004 3984 2190, p133, to US Pres. Bush, US SoS Cond. Rice, US AG Alberto Gonzales, W.Va. AG & SoS and Kan. Co. Clerk Vera McCormick

Misc. Book 39, page 952-4     11-12-2009.        "Attention No Trespass"  Notice / of Foreign Law/ on Private Land, Contact Scavullo, 2p

Misc. Book 40, 408-10            07-23-2010.        Henry Theodore Elden © Common Law Copyright on name, HTE-May03-1966-CN,3p,

Misc. Book 40, 429-31            08-03-2010.        "Common Law Copyright Notice" on Ramu ©, Thought Print ©, HTE-May03-1966-CN RR-TP, 3p

Misc. Book 40, 448-53            08-12-2010.        "Memo of Law on Sovereignty vs government 6 pg.

Human Rights: to travel, be exempt from private corporations jurisdiction, history of government & courts, - Why be Sovereign - Secure Party Creditor

Misc. Book 40, page 449+      Chas. News notice, copyright name 1 p   + original copyright in Chas. News 4/29/2009

Misc. Book 40, page 479+      05-20-2010+      Cert. News ad; 5.6, 5.13, 5.20 of 2010, Copyright on name, executing UCC Financial Statement (383726),    .                                                                            4-29  5-05   5-13 (383726 legal ad # +)

                                                Legal Ad, Elden @ legal notice, Copyright (name +), UCC-1 filing, Rights & Sovereign

Misc. Book 40, 454-56            08-12-2010.        IRS & OBM Office letters confirm 1040 Inc. Tax form is bogus, 3p

Misc. Book 40, 457-60            08-12-2010.        Why be Sovereign, 4p a Secure Party Creditor

                                                Human Rights Affidavit: to travel, be exempt from private corporations jurisdiction, history of government and courts

Misc. Book 40, 461-67            08-12-2010.        Right to Travel, Case Law on Drivers License, 7p

Misc. Book 40, 468-78            08-12-2010.        Warn Highway Patrol, 11p, total 31p,

Misc. Book 40, 480-1              08-12-2010.        UCC Filing, - WV Sec of State show No liens filed against on Elden or Elden corp.7p+

                                                                           also D. Barnes, Misc Book 40 Page 383, copyrighted his name and file his UCC 1

Documents recorded at Courthouse, Aug, 2010 & in legal ad in Charleston Daily Mail, Aug 16, 23, 30 of 2010

- 1 Elden's UCC recordings 08-25-2010 Legal Filings INDEX  - 2 Commercial Security Agreement - 11 pg.doc - 3 Schedule A- Collateral- 25 Aug- 2 pg

- 4 Collateral Supplement- 2 pg                         - 5 Hold-Harmless-and-Indemnity-Agreement HHIA- 2 pg   - 6 UCC HTE- Terms- 4 pg- WV Code- Gris.doc

- 7 UCC 3 amendment WV SoS MT.pdf          - Sample Legal Notice for NewsPaper                                                TE Docs. Rec. pg.

Misc. Book 40, 512                 08-26-2010.        UCC Comm. Security Agreement HTE-May03-1966-SA, newspaper & notices of Elden Copyright

Misc. Book 40, page 512        08-26-2010         "Elden's Public Notice & Legal Filings", 22p Comm. Security Agrmt 11, Collateral Sup 2, Hold Harmless 2, Define Glossary 4, Filed for rea + 1

SoS UCC Book 6907             08-26-2010.        UCC 1 Fin. Stmnt. 2010 38 333 056, HTE-May03-1966-SA at W.Va. SoS

UCC Book 12, 257-63            08-26-2010.        UCC 1 Fin. Stmnt. 2010 38 333 056, 7p, Sec. Agreemnt, Hold Harmless, Sec. Party Creditor, Kan.Co. Crt.

Misc. Book 41, 385-87            11-02-2011         Wheeling Cond. Accpt. of Value, CAFV Index & Method 2 Nov. 2011, 3 pg, 68p total

                                                                           388-90 R. Beaver, contract w/ Elden, 2p

Misc. Book 41, 391-400          11-02-2011         CAFV 1st Jud. Circuit Court Judgment, Wheeling, Proof of Claim, 10p

Misc. Book 41, page 385        11-02-2011         "Affidavit"  B.Miller, Wheeling Cir.Ct, CAFV, 2 Nov.’11, Beaver Copyright & Comply, 11+22 Oct B Miller, p 49 So. Chas. Police, p 55 + Memo of Support, Void in Law, Challenge Judgment, Relief of Judgment, 68p

401-7 Index, 402 Admin Remedy, pts, 403 Fed Rules of Civ. Proc, Rule 60, Judgment

408-10 Memo in Support of Priv. Admin. Process CAFV, Rule 60,

411-5 Void in the Law, 416 Challenge Jurisdiction, Maxims in Law

420-3 1st Jud. Court, 10 June'11 notary inquest 422, 1 July, 2nd notary request, 424-6 Cert. of Dishonor

        22 Oct, & 22, B. Miller, First Dist. Circuit Court

            p36 Stribling to Brenda Miller, You’re in Default, No response received. 10 June, 1 July 2011

            p40 Certificate of Dishonor- Opportunity to Cure, 11 Oct 2011

427-30 1st Jud. Circuit, Send a true bill, offer to settle, 431-2 1st Jud. Circuit, refused offer to settle.

            p43 1st Jud. Cir. Crt. Judgment Request for Bill 11.04

433-37 Co Chas. Police

438 Elden's Public Notice of copyrights, Secure Party Creditor, OMB 1040 form is bogus for Inc Tax.,

     439-44 So Chas. Police Proof of Claim

445-9 p61 W. Va. Auditor & Kan. Co. Sheriff- Send bill on Land/ property Tax, refused, settled offer to pay ! 28 Oct. ’11

            p47 Oct 22 Thanks refused offer to pay

            p49 So. Chas. Police, p47 Oct 22 Thanks refuse payment.

            p55 Memo in Support, Void in Law, Challenge Jurisdiction

450-2 p66 Thought Print to see Banks bought control of news in 1917

Misc. Book 41, 654                 01-20-2012.        Public Notice of Reservation of Rights", 1p

Misc. Book 41, 788-811          03-01-2012.        Bankruptcy Crt., Private Admin. Process, req Judges Oath, Cert of Dishonor, 1st Jud. Circ. Default, 12p

Misc. Book 41, 802                                           P 15 Proops, I do not understand,  p17

Misc. Book 41, 804                                           Fault, Opp to Cure, Proops, 24 Jan. ’12, Non Response 29 Feb.’12 Misc. 41, 806

Misc. Book 41, 808                                           Judge Pearson Seeking Oath, Jackson

Misc. Book 41, 811                                           Wheeling 1st Jud. Circuit Court, Brenda Miller – Dishonor (08-11.2012 +)

Misc. Book 41, 812                 03-01-2012.        Chris Regan - Cease & Desist, misuse of copyrighted material

Misc. Book 41, 815                                           Letter to Proops on Bankruptcy

                                                                  Bankruptcy Hearing Notes, “Notes on Hearing February” Bankruptcy Case ELDEN vs VICKERS

Misc. Book 41, page 808        ++                       Reservation of Rights, to Judges Goodwin, Copenhaver, Jr.

Misc. Book 41, page 846-7     03-08-2012..       Default on 1st Judicial Circuit Court Judgment, Wheeling "Certificate of Default" 24 Jan. ‘12

Misc. Book 42, page  61                                    "Will & Personal Testament", 37p

Misc. Book 42, page  69 +      +                         Authorized Rep HTE-13June’12/ Am R.., Private Sec. Agreement p 29

Misc. Book 42, page 666        +                         + Lawful Notice, “Legal recording of document”

Misc. Book 42, page 636-65   01-25-2013.        "Acknowledgment, Deliver and Acceptance of Deed" Land Patent record previous deeds, 30-2 p                                           Notice of Ack. Accept Deed, Land Desc., Homestead, Public Notice

Deed Book 2854, 370-407      07-30-2013.        Land Patent, refilled as deed, with further witnesses of public notices, 38p

Judgm Book 309, page 241   03-21-2013         Sanitary Board Judgment, $ 242.86, Has since been released

Misc. Book 42, page 897        04-29-2013         W. Va. Sec. of State, UCC No lien on Elden Henry Theodore Jr. except by HTE, 15p, UCC Wash.

+Misc. Book 42, page 909                                 + UCC File, Bldg. Disc, 15 p

Misc. Book 42, page 914        04-30-2013         UCC Fin. Stmnt, Terminate IRS 668 Notice of Lien, p5

Misc. Book 42, page 918        +                         Notice of Lien +, Lawful Recording of Documents

+UCC 6907  12  257                                          UCC Financial Statement, File 2010 38 333 056, 7p, Security Agreement, Hold Harmless, Secure Party Creditor

             22 July 2010 4 Aug  Named:  HTE-May03-1966-### / notz notarized

22 Jy    ADCE           Affidavit of Denial of Corporation Existence -

22 Jy    ASSPE         Affidavit of Truth and Notice of Status as Secured Party and Creditor - / notz

22 Jy    CA                Commercial Security Agreement -

22 Jy    CN                Common Copyright Notice -Kan.Co.Crt. Misc. Bk 40 Pg 408, 23 Jy

3 Au      CN RR TP   Name & Ramu Road © & Thought Print © “ Bk 40 Pg 429, 8 Aug '10

                 Legal Ad in Chas. News. 1 x / week starting weeks of 9 Aug.

             Comm. Copyright of Name, Road, TP, and notice of no trespassing & Human Rights 22 22 Jy  DOS Declaration of Sovereignty -

4 Au      HHIA            Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement

22 Jy                         Instructions and Greetings

22 Jy                         Notice and Warning to Highway Police Enforcers F

22 Jy    NRS             Notice of Rescission of Signatures - / notz

22 Jy    UICR            Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right - / notz

3 Au      RPA             Revocation of Powers of Attorney - / notz

22 Jy    SchA-SA      Schedule A for Security Agreement

22 Jy    SAT              Sovereignty Affidavit of Truth - / notz

22 Jy    SDTN           Stat-Dec of True Name and Notice and Dec of Law and Juris -

             Notice and Warning to Highway Police Enforcers

.22 Jy    PA                    Private Agreement – (not recorded +)    see Restore-AmericaNow

Recordings regarding alleged 1st Judicial District Circuit Court in Wheeling:

Recorded Affidavits under the name Elden © at the Kanawha Co. Courthouse

FTLIEN             55         393   date           668 Notice of Fed. Tax Lien, 1p this has been discharged, and never received proof of claim      1p