Little Rock - home of Ted Elden ©

This web site publishes information about alleged actions in law regarding the sale of a home.

The simple summary so far is that the lawyers, the courts, many who are involved in this event,
refuse to answer basic questions.

Thanks for your interest.

Click titles on left to see further information.

It is fascinating to learn history, and law,

to see that much of what is on going today,

is beyond true law,    it is merely presumption.

Knowledge is YOUR key to freedom.

Documents shown here are publicly available from the Kanawha County Court.

Any may find, see, and or obtain a copy or even a certified true copy. I hold the originals, even of the documents that were delivered by service process to those so listed in the documents.

Silence by government is Deadly

"Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation and takes on the character of a mere private citizen [where private corporate commercial paper {Federal Reserve Notes} are concerned].... For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as an entity entirely separate from government." {This Emphasis added} Clearfield Trust Company v. United States,318 US 363 Bank of United States v. Planters Bank, 9 Wheaton (22 US) 904, 6 L. Ed. 24

"Silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a legal or moral duty to speak, or when an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading... We cannot condone this shocking conduct... If this is the case we hope our message is clear. This sort of deception will not be tolerated and if this is routine it should be corrected immediately" U.S. v. Twell, 550 F2d 297, 299-300 (1977)

"Silence is a species of conduct, and constitutes an implied representation of the existence of facts in question, and the estoppel by misrepresentation. When silence is of such a character and under such circumstances that it would become a fraud on the other party to permit the silent party to deny what his silence has induced the other party to believe and act upon, it will operate as an estoppel. Carmine v. Bower, 64 A. 932

"The question of Jurisdiction in the court either over the person, the subject matter or the place where the crime was committed can be raised at any stage of a criminal proceedings; it is never presumed but must be proved; and it is never waived by the defendant." United States v. Roger , 23 F. 658 (W.D. Ark. 1885).
"Jurisdiction once challenged cannot be assumed and must be decided." State of Maine v. Thiboutot , 448 US 1, 100 S. Ct. 2502 (1980).

The plain language of the Internal Revenue Code, particularly of Section 6331,
compels the conclusion that a notice of levy is not a levy.

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Lord Camden: "If it is law, it will be found in the books; if it is not to be found there, it is not law." id 627, in Boyd v US , 116 US 616 (1886).

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From what I can see, nearly everything that surrounds us is acting like a private, for profit, foreign corporation,

including courts, cities, counties, states and even the federal government, as initially established 21 Feb. 1871, and before.  For some years, I have been asking the courts and government this very question.  No one has ever said that I was wrong in a lawful affidavit.


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