
I, known as Ted Elden, the flesh and blood living man am not aware of any response or rebuttal to this letter or notice.

As so, you have defaulted to what I said in this writing.  I now give you 10 days again to rebut any or all of the items discussed in this writing.

This original writing is completed, autographed and retained.  Copies will be posted into a USPS blue mail box on Charleston, West Virginia on or after 10 December 2019, A.D.

   Autographs below are of living people giving witness to this writing being created by the living man known as Ted Elden and will be sent by U.S. post, to names and mailing locations as noted on this writing.

These mailing address have been updated:

Shelley Moore Capito.

c/o 500 Virginia Street E., Suite 950


West Virginia.           [ 25301

David McKinley. c/o .

2239 Rayburn HOB.


District of Columbia.       [ 20515 ].


by Ted Elden.


Other people witnessing that Ted Elden created this letter and we will mail it in U.S. post this day..