started Feb. 2005
Wake Up -
Surround us. Research by Ted
Public Speaker,
Little Rock Architect, ret. computer guru
at my new, simplified web site: - - > >
< < < - - - You're visitor:
This introduction NOTE is for YOU !
I'm retired architect, importer, publisher, computer guru.
I studied 9-11 for a year to find that much in news & government reports is an intentional distraction to keep us away from the real truth.
Then I looked further at income tax, property tax, postage rates.
I saw I can know what's not commonly known.
We just have to study it.
There are many easy references on the internet, through You Tube and from my web sites & or extensive library collection.
If you study, you can sort out what is true and what is not.
Popular, main stream ideas are not the deeper truth. But, .... You can know the truth.
The Truth will make you free. John 8:32
We are all busy: spouse, family, job, travel, hobbies, etc. Who questions the news ?
When you study 9-11, Sandy Hook, Oklahoma City bombing, etc.
You'll find facts that completely disprove what the government & media cover
stories told us.
When you realize they are lying, then you must decided - you must learn what is going on in the world, and why they deceive us.
There are many obvious deceptions all around you right now. You can see & understand them.
Consider your name.
Look at your Driver's License, your Certificates of Title to your home & car.
Bank accounts, tax & property tax bills.
Why do they always
Spell your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ?
John Doe, is a living man with rights.
JOHN DOE, is a fictional name, a corporation created when the government learned he was born.
The government created that name and owns the ALL CAP name and all property registered to it.
If you either do or are suspected of breaking any of 64 million UNITED STATES CODES, the courts or attorneys can threaten or fine, jail, tax, and or sell your property.
You can claim your property, but not to the ALL CAP NAME.
You, the living wo/man, have rights, that no attorney will tell you.
They built a system of courts to threaten all of us so that we do what they want, submit to them.
What do they want ?
The attorneys, politicians, courts, the corporations, the government, They all
are working hard to take from individuals and concentrate wealth and power in
the hands of governments and corporations, that they control.
They say it is for the public good, but when they take your property, how did you benefit ?
As long as we believe what we were taught, we are stuck, vulnerable, and robbed.
When you decide to learn the truth, you can step out of their trap.
You must learn. No other person can represent you.
The attorneys know their laws, the US CODES & Statues, but they do not know common law defenses !
Common law, via the US Constitution, is where you can win.
If you get entangled in a court case, tax bill, summons, then you can't get out, without a lot of money (attorney's fees), time and effort.
But, if you first make common law claims of your name, rights, property, then the B.A.R. attorneys cannot violate your natural, God given and constitutionally protected rights.
We were not taught this. Our rulers want complete control over us.
The one flaw of their B.A.R. private legal system is when individual people wake up and learn to protect their own rights.
My web site is the source for 1,000s of people to get a glimpse of the many deceptions around us:
Moon Landing Hoax, Sandy Hook hoax, Oklahoma bombing, 9-11 & many deceptions in news..
This site gives specific information about
law and your rights.
This site is aimed at helping you find other people who are learning and changing their lives.
I teach how you can get and use this information.
I do not sell anything. I have been doing this, living on my savings, for the last 11 years.
Many will laugh and say "All this is not true !"
Then they have no defense.
You can investigate anything here and easily determine it is real, relevant, important & true.
If you avoid these many subjects, then you are vulnerable to all the plights and seizures other people suffer, who did not prepare for the evil deception that now surrounds us, yet unseen by most.
Consider the ALL CAPITAL NAME, or zip codes.
See how
I mailed 7,200+ letters for 2 ¢ postage.
I don't use zip codes, nor 2 letter state abbreviations, because those indicators give federal jurisdiction to people accepting those letters.
I live outside of Washington DC so I am
not subject to their laws called UNITED STATES CODE.
The UNITED STATES incorporated in 1871, and only has control over DC & anyone who submits to their authority. As a corporation, they can only deal with other corporations: United Airlines, I.B.M. corp., JOHN DOE. They can't deal with live wo/men.
It is voluntary to deal with them..
I stopped volunteering.
The deceptions are everywhere.
Cancer, illnesses ? There are simple cures, like baking soda and maple sugar cancer cure, that have been used and recorded since 1,800 years ago in Asian texts.
The pharmaceutical industry is focused on capturing, suppressing all natural, simple, no toxic, inexpensive cures, to require us to depend on costly drug remedies that mitigate the symptoms but drain money from the patients.
Many subjects are riddled with deception: energy, history, law, technology, war, debt, banking, many fields are controlled by a few people at the top, all inter-linked by secret societies to control most of us.
Ignore this, be subject to therm.
Explore this, be able to find sources you trust, understand and believe.
First understand our problems to find a remedy.
To believe illusion that our problems come from enemies in foreign countries that we have to kill and destroy is a distraction to hide the plundering liars, thieves and killers among us in our own country, running our governments, corporations & universities.
They are acting on all of us here and now.
There is on-going a revealing, as more and more court cases, news, web sites are exposing all this internal evil that is inner woven in our country now.
Be warned.
Be subject to them in innocence, or step from them and live with knowledge.
My people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6
Be victim or Be Victor !
Anyone can contact me in any way.
toby a @ abodia.com
I think you can learn fastest on this web site.
Learn to use the search line on the main site.
Contact me for help on using this web site.
I cannot tell you everything,
but I can suggest how you can learn from this site.
I seek people who awake to the truth and
will work with us to awaken others and to find and apply solutions.
I don't give or sell information.
I share what I find in the world !
Please start here:
When information is different then you "already know"
it is easy to mock and reject it.
If you choose to consider the hidden realities,
then you can avoid many problems.
It’s easier to fool people than to convince them
that they have been fooled. - Mark Twain