Rogue_State from
..."But what are they and all of us to make of the horror of Iraq and the many other Iraqs the U.S. government has been responsible for? How are we to understand the fact that since World War Two the United States has attempted to overthrow more than fifty foreign governments, it has dropped bombs on the people of around thirty countries, has attempted to assassinate some sixty foreign leaders, helped to suppress dozens of populist or nationalist movements, has tortured many thousands, and seriously and illegally intervened in one way or another in virtually every country on the planet, in the process of which the U.S. has caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair."
..."And our noble leaders use another weapon much worse than cluster bombs—depleted uranium, which goes into the tips of shells and missiles. And when these weapons hit a target, radioactive dust fills the air, to be breathed in by anyone nearby and for some distance, including American soldiers. Depleted uranium poisons the air, the soil, the water, the lungs, the blood, and the genes. It has been associated with a long list of rare and terrible illnesses and birth defects. The widespread dissemination of depleted uranium by American warfare—from Serbia to Afghanistan to Iraq—is clearly a crime against humanity and should be an international scandal and crisis, like AIDS, and would be in a world not so intimidated by the United States. If this is sort of news to you, do a Google search for depleted uranium and be ready to be shocked and infuriated."
Elden comments:
No, you skeptics, not all on the internet is truth, nor all news is truth.
But the things we show are easy for any human being to find, witnessed by millions, evidence in reports, photos, facts, military and government.
The truth is obvious for those who are brave enough to look at it.
Cowards pray their limited newspaper view is true and accurate,
covering up all the atrocities the US is doing, so they feel no part of the evil they sponsor, support and condone in their silence and refusal to look at the information.
You have to consider something to understand it. To consider these things, it is obvious that the truth is kept far from the main stream press who controls TV, news, books, video and all sources, yet readily apparent to the few truly patriotic American.
A patriot is aware of his government, and fights first in word, then in deed to look at the hidden evil.
A drone is one who takes a gun at the deception of the elite to kill other people so that the elites prosper in wealth & power. These soldiers are not fighting a moral imperative, but thieves in the night for the evil elites that deceive the many thru the media.
Although we were taught we live in a free country with a free press, any thinking person can out step that deception. If you don’t alert others to this problem, then the net continually closes on all of us.
The truth will set you free.
On Alex Jones yesterday his guest warns of Infraguard.
It’s the FBI working with local companies so that the companies can be the local eyes
and ears of the FBI. In exchange the companies get free reign when
martial law is enacted when the next big event happens. Some business
owners even say they were even told they have the permission to shoot to
kill during any martial law situation.
Elden comments:
(Just like Katrina again, stealing the homes & properties from those who tried to protect their land.)
Taking the guns from those who try to defend their own property.
Everyone thinks to align with the government is good,
giving them special privileges and protection.
I think just the opposite,
They are selling their souls for perceived immediate benefit,
but putting the rest of us in harms way without clear goals