History of Money.doc
Story of Money
- Google Search
Research by Ted Elden ©
Quotes on Money - How it works !
How Money Works Elden's Summary
I want the Earth plus 5 % (money loaned at interest)
Carton depiction of how Goldsmith, or Bankers come to create, manipulate, & acquire huge vaults of money. (and control our lives)
I thought I understood money,
until I became aware of basic principles I
had not thought about.
When you elect to understand (learn) about money (you can learn) You can walk away from any debt; home, auto, college, credit card. Living in the lie enslaves you, empowers them. You can be free of your (assumed) financial obligations, by learning ! Knowledge is Power. - Summary at bottom !
Story of Money goldsmith - google search
11. The Goldsmiths 1-3_ R.D. Bradshaw
"Some History
The story of banking and paper
money evidently started with
ancient goldsmiths. In the early
days, it was a known axiom that gold and silver ..."
12. YouTube - The Goldsmiths Tale
"24 Apr 2009 ... The
story of the
goldsmiths and the birth of
fractional reserve banking from the documentary
Money as Debt."
17. A History of Money and Banking Secrets That Banks Dont Want Published
"$6700 in loans outstanding,
$5000 in total notes circulating and the
goldsmith has pocketed another $2000, totaling $6000 thus far. A History
of Money and ..."
MONEY. Reflect with me for a moment
upon the nature of money, ...
This process of the goldsmith/bankers
got a boost when the king of England ..."
6. The History of Bartering and Money
"The history
of money -- step by step. Please
note the theme of this story:
.... Goldsmith's receipts.
Despite Marco Polo's discovery of paper
money in China ..."
Chapter 26 — The Goldsmith Who Became a Banker, a True Story
"Chapter 26 — The
Goldsmith Who Became a Banker — A
True Story. français .... The
goldsmith himself had really
created a monetary circulation, at a great ..."
In This Age of Plenty, by Louis Even – index to former chapter
4. THE HISTORY OF MONEY Rothschild Banking
"The history
of money. Revolution, political
curruption and Rothschild Banking. ... Here we find
goldsmith's offering to keep other
people's gold and silver ..."
8. I Want the Earth Plus 5%. truth about money, credit and the ...
"The other
goldsmiths were doing the same
thing. They created money out
..... This story was placed on
the Internet to be used as an educational tool only. ..."
10. The Story of Currency (Barter, Capital, Cash, Money, Credit, )
goldsmith also made
money by lending out his gold to
fellow townsmen, ... It's an entertaining cartoon which illustrates this
story in more depth. ..."
16. Story of money and what causes inflation | Reason for Liberty
"6 May 2008 ... Article
explaining the story behind
creation of money and the causes
... Let's get back to San Andreas, the gold smith of San Andreas made ..."
Summary: For ages, some have
acquired the right to manage money – like
private banks of Federal Reserve. When any one makes a
loan, that creates new money. The banks don’t lend money or risk anything.
They give you credit, then you repay with money, forcing a
continual percentage of the population to go bankrupt to pay back the interest
the banks never created or put into circulation, yet they demand back.
Bankers foment wars for huge
Ted Elden © ted@abodia.com
c/o 2 Ramu Road © 304 344 2335
Charleston West Virginia [ 25314 ]
Truth Seekers www.abodia.com/t
Exploding the Myths about Money at www.WebofDebt.com
Summary: Our money system is not what we have been led to believe. The creation of money has been "privatized," or taken over by private money lenders. Thomas Jefferson called them “bold and bankrupt adventurers just pretending to have money.” Except for coins, all of our money is now created as loans advanced by private banking institutions — including the privately-owned Federal Reserve. Banks create the principal but not the interest to service their loans. To find the interest, new loans must continually be taken out, expanding the money supply, inflating prices — and robbing you of the value of your money.
Not only is virtually the entire money supply created privately by banks, but a mere handful of very big banks is responsible for a massive investment scheme known as "derivatives," which now tallies in at hundreds of trillions of dollars. The banking system has been contrived so that these big banks always get bailed out by the taxpayers from their risky ventures, but the scheme has reached its mathematical limits. There isn't enough money in the entire global economy to bail out the banks from a massive derivatives default today.
Web of Debt unravels the deceptions in our money scheme and presents a crystal clear picture of the financial abyss towards which we are heading. Then it explores a workable alternative, one that was tested in colonial America and is grounded in the best of American economic thought, including the writings of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. If you care about financial security, your own or the nation's, you should read this book.
Sam – I have other DVDs like Monopoly Men, particularly with this
Hosimer: > > Dennis Kucinich speaks to the participants of the 2009 American Monetary Institute's 5th Annual Monetary Reform Conference:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ted Elden - Truth Seekers www.abodia.com/t
more ... On Money
"The Secret of Oz" - www.SecretofOz.com
from www.monetary.org/federalreserveprivate.htm
Most Americans understand that the Fed controls our money system, but they believe its part of our government, as would be expected of any organization holding that much power over the destiny of our country. Americans also erroneously believe the banking business consists of accepting deposits from clients and then re-loaning them to borrowers at a higher rate of interest. Though the number is definitely growing, most Americans have no idea that money (or more accurately interest bearing bank credits - purchasing media which serves as money) is created by the banking system when loans are made, through the fractional reserve provisions. This is understood by few novices, and often economists and even bankers fail to comprehend that they function as part of a money creation system, when they issue credits, and deposit them into their client’s accounts when loans are extended.
Therefore most Americans would be surprised to learn that almost all of what we use for money is not issued by our government, but by private banks. They have been “allowed” to form erroneous assumptions about our money and banking system that are far from reality and that serves to shield from closer scrutiny, whether the Fed is truly operating in the public interest or advancing more private agendas, either on purpose or by default.
From www.monetary.org/briefusmonetaryhistory.htm
In summary, after Revolutionary war, the Colonies could do what they wanted, recorded, set as law.
They did little to assure that private interest should take over the money & credit of the nation.
They fought, shed blood for independence and yet, (constitution) did not stop the gap that private interest could come to rule their economies and their nation.
Limited US Money "Powers"
Having been sold the idea of money as a commodity, in particular gold and
silver, the Convention took minimal monetary actions. The entire Federal
monetary powers in the Constitution are:
" Art.1, sec. 8. The Congress ... shall have power ... to borrow money on the
credit of the United States ...
to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin ... to provide
for the punishment of counterfeiting."
Regarding the individual States, the Constitution declared:
"Art.1, sec.10. No State shall coin money nor emit bills of credit, nor make
anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts..."
That’s it folks. Note that the monetary power was explicitly denied to the
individual states. Alexander Del Mar, the great monetary historian and once head
of the US Bureau of Statistics, described this result in his 1899 book THE
"Never was a great historical event followed by a more feeble sequel. A nation
arises to claim for itself liberty and sovereignty. It gains both of these ends
by an immense sacrifice of blood and treasure. Then when victory is gained and
secured it hands the national credit - that is to say a national treasure over
to private individuals, to do as they please with it! ... Americans of the
revolution had before them ... the historical examples of Greece and Rome. In
all these states the main contention from first to last between the aristocratic
and popular factions arose out of and centered in the monetary system; that
greatest of all dispensers of equity or inequity. ...
They had only to take care that the seed they planted was genuine and
uncontaminated. Nature was certain to do the rest. Well they planted; and now
look at the fruit and see what it is that they planted! They planted financial
corporations ... they planted private money ... they planted financial
exemptions from public burdens...In a word they planted another revolution."
Of all subjects, we are taught very little about money, it's creation, manipulation, etc. We are taught to fear depression, recession, etc. but who controls or world.
Money is not what you think. Watching You Tube videos on Money as Debt or Story of Money gives you simple background.
Yes, it is more complicated then that, but without a basic understanding of how private banks create, manipulate your money, you cannot get to the greater understanding.
Understand the simple, then go as deep as you want.
Assuming that government or others are working to your advantage, just allows them to steal and steal from you.
Until the general population comes to some understanding of how the banks are stripping us of right, money, assets, security, and manipulating our news, our world, our wars.
Until we get a basic understanding, and awaken others, there will be no reform, just more of the same.
My personal
thinking is not how you vote,
but what you know. To others just say "Know !"
As you come to some knowledge, you should at least encourage others to think more deeply of our world.
The great deception is to think that foreigners on the other side of the world hurt and threaten us.
The traitors, the terrorist are right here among us,
in fancy suits, buildings yachts and more.
As you accept their fraud, you promote it.
Knowledge, learning is cure for our problems.
Stop living in the illusion our enemies are far away and must be killed. (war)
Elden has much information on web or in hand as to how to absolve any debt you may have.
Much is derived from www.Real-Debt-Elimination.com
Debt is slavery. You can be free !
Knowledge is Power. Power to regain your freedom.