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more of Truth Seekers
I / we can help, but you must work:
think & learn - or neither of us will have a benefit.
We all know different things, from our education & experience.
Sometimes, some of us learn things that are different then we were taught, that most know, what authorities tell us. On occasion, some have tested or researched the new information to find, that it is true and has benefits.
Such is my story. I studied 9-11 long and hard to find many excellent authorities, public records, witness, evidence, that proved to me that not only is the main stream news & government wrong on many things, they are intentionally wrong to keep us from knowing a deeper truth.
Then I looked at Waco, TX, Branch Davidicans, Ruby Ridge- Randy Weaver, Oklahoma City Bombing, and many others things to find the same pattern. Local news showed important details that national mainstream covered up, excluded.
So I move on. After some years of study, I've learned there are patriotic, heroic, intelligent people all over America who have found these more precious truths. You can find and use them too. But there are also very powerful people, leaders, politicians, government, and behind the scenes, corporate leaders, bankers, and elites who rule our world not through guns and fences, but simply in limiting our information. They elites (money powers) support those who repeat their preferred limited and distracting news and history, to keep the greater, the empowering truths away from most of us.
Our world is built on popular themes, concepts, groups, action, news.
Of the few who stumble upon the greater truths, all about them scorn and ridicule them. You must learn how to stand on your own, even though most around you mock and scorn you as if you are wrong or endangering yourself or others. I think of Rudyard Kipling’s Poem “If” (if all about you are losing their head and blaming it on you.)
Those who mock you simply have not the courage, time, effort, conviction to see the deeper truths, and they want you to honor and support their world.
Few can understand that the longer we live in these lies, the more we will all
be hurt, coerced, controlled, and held slave to further the agenda of the super
rich, who profits and controls us to their advantage.
Most all that learned, I can see, is in fact a mirror, a distraction from reality. Most of the things I'd learned and long held as facts simply dissolved when I learned how to research, read, study and dig deeper.
Yes, I have stood alone for a long time, but as I am prone to talk without being defeated, I have actually found and gathered many others who are also on this journey to safety and to truth.
So here we go. I offer you some guide points.
I know we all have different experience, different education, different skills. You may find and or follow any leader, some charge money or want something from you. I try to share all I can for free or small donations, but I myself am stressed to my limit financially. Any donation you might send me would be most appreciated.
How can we communicate, how can I help ?
I am very skilled at using computers and internet, and I hope to get you to do that too. If you require someone to talk to you, hold your hand, give you books and videos, then you may have to find another helper. I have 1,500+ (digital) books in my hand and 1,000s of articles. I cannot get everything to you in a form that you'd like, to read on your couch or in the park.
I can get you some information via computers, i.e. on CD, DVD, or thru web sites of e-mail.
But my techniques are excellent and when you learn, then you too can get great information and learn how to apply it.
I am sorry you must learn some of the techniques I teach, but when you know them, then you can more quickly get and grasp what I have to share. I cannot put all I have on the internet for you, because some things I may have but one copy and or I don't have the copyrights to share. So some things, I may have to send by mail.
Basic Computer Skills - Tips return to top - - - ^
I have built a web site L for lessons. Please go there and learn basic computer skills, keyboard short cuts, get from the internet Total Commander and learn how to use it.
I need to know exactly what equipment, software and skills you have to talk to you. The longer you do not have the tools I recommend, the harder it is for me to talk to you.
Many would love me to personally assist them in many ways. I cannot. I can teach, but I cannot serve everyone. When you learn my techniques, then you can teach yourself and do more.
You must learn how to learn and then how to act.
You can deliberate, take 1 day, or 10 years to cover my materials. I don't care, but as I go deeper and deeper, I cannot remember or have all the simple introductions I once had. I have at least 100,000 files on my computer and I have no one who holds or manages them. 10 people I know have 10 different files. I am the only one with the full library. I want others to have what I have, but they cannot / will not get the materials until they know how to use them and also when they want them.
I & you may have to read many things you think are not relevant. As you begin to see how all the pieces fit together, then you may see how they are relevant.
In my research, I accepted (as possible) many things I did not believe. But I did not stop. As I assumed they might be relevant, I read and retained them. Then as I researched, I found many others confirming things and I got much deeper. So when I got very deep on some subjects, then I could see that many of the things I had read and not believed are really true.
Those who will not go deeper - because - they don't believe some things - their friends or associates don't believe its, etc. just slow me down. I cannot prove everything, some things you need to learn how to prove to your self.
Get another leader if you have to have everything proven to you. However, you could learn how to do the type of research that I and other do so you could learn how to know, and or prove to your self that something is true.
For an example, when I see some concept, law, act, policy, I collect items, fact, phrases, within it like; the date, the senator, the title and or wording from the documents. I search the internet for more on that subject, then when I find that many others also refer to this and I begin to trust and know that it is real, true, happened and or has a benefit and or is significant.
Learn through Reason return to top - - - ^
I have published a free book on the internet.
Go there, find and read the book. You can learn how a 12 year old child or older who can simply read, think and type (ask internet a question) can Pierce the Veil of Secrecy and learn these deeper truths.
I believe that until you learn how to do your own research, then no person can convince you of anything.
You must learn how to do the research yourself, else all other efforts are without merit.
When I or anyone tells you something, you will doubt. You will fall back to popular news and authorities, what most think or believe, you will be caught up in the world of deception, lies, illusions.
Your only salvation, that I can see, begins when you realize you alone have to be responsibility to figure out what is happening in the world to take your own direct actions to save yourself from many who would harm you.
I trusted news, government, many authorities for 50 years. But then I found that many people (rich elites) are out there to steal my rights, property, health, wealth and more. Many highly paid and predominate people are simply doing the will of those above them. They probably don't even know that they are helping the super rich and hurting all the rest of us, against our laws and against common sense. Yet when people get money, privilege and or benefit, they close their eyes to knowledge, responsibility, common sense, reason. They so hunger for the benefit.
So let's begin.
Tools & Methods to Learn return to top - - - ^
When you have gotten and learned how to use the free Total Commander Program, read my book, A New Reality, explored my basic web sites, and many links
Contact me again and affirm all the above that you have done.
Then I will give you other help.
I cannot help you if you will not learn; learn how to use your word processor, know to read pdf files, how to use Total Commander, and how to search the internet, specifically as would Sherlock Holmes in following clues and particularly as I prescribe searching for a "quoted phrase" as I explain as a Thought Print ©
If you are prepared and committed to help yourself, I think I can help you further and faster.
Do not contact me until you have completed
all the items I mentioned above.
Ted Elden
You do not have to read all my web sites,
you do need to master you basic tools:
internet searchers, Thought Print ©, Total Commander, MS Word (or MS Word reader- free) pdf files
and even some ability to look at jpg or graphic files will help.
I can help people of any age, but my experience is the younger people, say from 12 to 24 year old people are much easier to teach then older people
2 reasons.
The young kids are more familiar with the computers and the internet.
and the old people are fixed on many ideas that are not true.
They young have yet to form an opinion.
Old(er) people cling to people, jobs, property without thinking deeply.
You have to be prepared to let go of the things around you as you reach for thru, and then you may learn and act to preserve those things.
If you blindly cling to things without knowledge, you will be forced to do things you don't want and you may lose things, property, rights that you could have kept if you had simply learned of this New Reality.
Google or search internet for Total Commander
Down load, install and learn basics of this program.
I use not Google, because Scroogle
does not keep a record of the web sites I visit.
Confirm to me what you do have in computer hardware, software, skill etc.
I have to find a way to work around what you do not have.
Do you have mp3 players (in computer or portable unit)
Do you have a CD player (in computer or stand alone)
Do you have a DVD player (in computer an or stand alone)
Do you run MS Windows, do you have MS word, adobe reader (installed & know how to use)
You can get a free MS Word Reader. I can get you things you need.
I cannot / do not sell as much is not mine and or is free on internet.
Sometime it is easier for me to do things for you then to show you how to do them yourself.
I can do in minutes what many take hours to do.
If it takes hours, most would quit.
Learn you can go faster, and get much benefit in short time.
I've read 10s of 1,000s of books & articles to have the view I have.
I try to take you the short cut to the conclusion, but you must learn some extra things on the way, that later will prove useful.
If you resist my guidance, I will tire and will instead work with others who are more motivated and interested.
You can follow my lead on a public computer / internet like at a library, but you must have some way to store, keep and or print.
A thumb drive is handy way to collect things from one place and keep them (with you) and or use later.
I personally find paper a waste of time. I have to manage many papers. I lose them, they get jumbled. But if I keep my files in a computer and or digital world, I can find what I need to read, print, mail.
I use a scanner to put documents into and or back into my computer. I convert many to pdf and or MS Word files. You may only be able to scan in images, which makes them harder to find, manage, read, prints.
Redemption Process return to top - - - ^