Benjamin Fulford- Ditty from Telegram
Benjamin Fulford backup, [9242024 1:47 pm] pm Telegram.
Cables]; P Diddy arrest was for the protection of Kamala Harris.
Hillary Clinton( CIA operations
There is a major infighting going on inside the Department of Justice. [Department Homeland Security] (DHS) and [FBI].
I had given you drops already that P Diddy was secretly arrested during Trump Administration and Diddy had become a triple agent [forced]. Turncoat .
(all his videos and servers and collection of famous people having sex and the full intel of CIA operations using Diddy to extort thousands of people and hundreds of top celebrities and U.S. Top elites were all copied and Trump's (military) control over white hats in the FBI. DoJ recorded everything)..
P Diddy was forced then &now to play a part that is leading to massive corruption of [Department of Homeland Security] (DHS) the deep state [FBI ] division*CIA ops (Clinton Obama Regimen).
A massive fight over Sean Puffy Combs has erupted behind the scenes between agencies and within agencies ( infighting white hats and black hats in the agencies).
The FBI (white hats- not all FBI are black hats-) investigation has been taken over by [Department of Homeland Security]
On the orders of the highest ranking orders connected to Biden [Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala] Harris Hillary Clinton(CIA) Obama operations.
There is major panic through Hollywood and who is on the sex tapes and major fear who will be revealed.. From Kardashians ( Kris Jenner is inside the sex videos), to top Hollywood A Listers actors and producers and corporations but these names aren't what the CIA [DHS ] Clintons Obama are worried about.
The names [they] and videos they are worried about coming out in the CIA sex freak off extortion sec blackmail P Diddy operations is
Kamala Harris She is in the videos)) Jeffrey Epstein is in the videos Bill Clinton with Chris Tucker in the sex freak offs is in the videos.
This is why Department of Homeland Security took over the investigation and indictments of p Diddy.. The deep state knew P Diddy was a turncoat and expected to cause chaos in the 2024 elections with information coming out against Kamala ( and how Hillary Clinton in the early 2000s tricked Kamala Harris into attending the P Diddy parties and eventually being in the secretly filmed sex freak off parties where thousands of underage teens were performers through the decades with private rooms for younger kids and elites sexual desires).
The infighting inside the FBI, DHS and doj is due to obvious corruption happening in their organizations and white hats are creating chaos inside the agencies threatening through secret channels to expose the corruption of their agencies
Behind the scenes Trumps (military+ white hats FBI. DHS ops+ intelligence) already knew these events were going to happen and Obama CIA[ds] FBI CIA DHS was going to step in and try to secure p Diddy away from the public and from talking).
Here what's going to happen.
The first investigation of P Diddy will result in the deep state dismantling his credibility because they are preparing for the 2025 second Trumps white hats indictments of P. Diddy that is going to connect to the aftermath coup of 2024 - 25 March deep state [CIA] Obama globalist operation and near civil war planned chaos.
After Trump and military restoration of order in late spring 2025 ... Trumps new formed department of justice and FBI divisions are going to expose the real Diddy saga and prosecute and bring in the real investigations.
These investigations are going you connect [Epstein] [banks connected to Blackrock] [the military coup] collision course .
[collusion course] [coup]
The coming near civil war and U S. Chaos hitting and massive massive massive massive aftermath will show the united states citizens the truth of a deep state world globalistcoup against the united states and it's citizens.