Greatest War Stories of all time
There have been arrests in the last five years and that military tribunals are taking place around the world. 2.7 million Cabal members were executed in September 2021.
Greatest War Story
The sequel continues ...
PART 2:w
"The Greatest War Story of All Time", World Awakening
"The last great foray of the Illuminati was to fake a Covid-19 crisis and vaccinate everyone to reduce the world population to 500 million and gain control. That will tear them to pieces. The EBS will give you everything that is said about Covid- 19, many real doctors, nurses and researchers have a lot of information on the internet in the form of articles or videos Simply put, Covid-19 is a bacteria and can be easily cured with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.
Also, vaccines are a poison with many harmful chemicals, they kill you slowly, the more injections you get, the closer you are to death!
Please note that medical professionals who advertise this "experimental chemical mixture", which is NOT a vaccine, will be prosecuted in the future under the "Nuremberg 2.0" international legal system.
Understand that the patient must be informed that any drug or injection is EXPERIMENTAL, otherwise, the caregiver may be accused of this crime and held responsible.
Please understand that there have been arrests in the last five years and that military tribunals are taking place around the world. 2.7 million cabal members had been executed in September 2021.
As for the safety of everyone's money and finances, there will be a complete takeover of the planet's finances - this is QFS (a quantum financial system that cannot be hacked). Everyone in the world will have an account in this system. To reset, GCR (Global Currency Reset) and RV (Currency Revaluation) are reset, countries that have been completely unfairly devalued, such as Iraq, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.
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