The Republic is coming back soon.

27 Sept. 2024

Ohio Republic's representative


Critical Information finally in the public space

Tim Turner, former President of the Republic, could be so frank and open.  The Republic is coming back very soon, and the corporation, at all levels, is going away!

He has been talking to the military and we, in the Republic, have been steadfast with a path being sped up to prepare. 

Everyone needs to join the Republic so you will be an elector when the paper-balloted Lawful election takes place.   We need a minimum of 30,000 electors to vote in each State in order for a State to be admitted to the union as a State.  You do not have to take an office to do this.


By the way, this is the original Republic, it has been stood up, and is recognized internationally, and by the military.  It is also in regular communication with them.


Hang tough and know that this long hard road is going to be worth it!!  We believe, as we have been told, that everything will most likely pivot once this switch is flipped.  The banks are being moved under the new treasury.  The “Dollar” will not collapse but the Federal Reserve “fiat dollar” will! 

God willing we are finally going to get to the finish line.  Get ready!




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