What's Happening - Simplified

 by Ted Elden

Government boils down to a group of people, typically a few to govern the many.

Government want to appear to be friendly, adaptable so the citizens cooperate with them.

Citizens want government to provide services like constitution says, security from foreign (or domestic) enemies, govern value of money, establish justice/ law/ courts.

Government wants (more & more) to know everyone's identity and much personal, private info. - where you live, - who you talk to, - how you get & spend money (& or property).

Now here is speculation.

Sometimes some one (government ?) exaggerate, distract, suppress or fake something to get citizens focused on an issue, then persuade that the govt. has the solutions to help the citizen.

INFORMATION is the key here.  Some things we ASSUME are true are not and the opposite.

News use to tell us what's going on, but now news, govt. universities, they have all been taken over, grants, bribes, payoff to create any "news" item.   

(Illuminati - Secret Societies) Federal Reserve like Central World Banks has devised a way to just print money while you & I have to earn money.

With near infinite money, they can control governments, news, education, medicine, courts, …

Most citizens just trust news as they don't want to research the topics them selves.  The citizens just agree with news and yield (with resistance ?) to any government action.

Older, close minded adults will not investigate so news has grown to dominate everything in our world.

Events occur (or are orchestrated), then the Main Stream Media concocts a version of the news, shaming any other interpretation.

Most Americans live under false illusions.  JFK & RFK assassinations, Sandy Hook, 9-11, moon landings.

With those false ideas, other lies are derived.

It is easier to agree with the high & mighty (government) then to find different truths & stand firm against a compliant crowd, mob who believe government.

Rather than fix our problems (immigration ?) most people just try to avoid the problem, first by ignoring the problem. 

As long as people can avoid the truth, they feel no fear of the problem.

As we avoid seeking truth, we lose freedom, value (home, retirement, savings), health, truth.

From age 16 to 60, I NEVER thought about these things.  Most Americans also do not think about these things.

You have to first see the idea, then realize it is happening.

As long as you ignore the idea, then the government makes quick work stealing our God given, constitutionally protected human rights.

Yes, you trust government over me, fine, but consider the ideas.  At some point I think you may understand better what is happening.

Hosea 4:6 We suffer lacking truth.

John 8:32 Truth frees us.

I came to seek truth as I accidentally investigated things I already knew.

It ain't so much what we don't know that's the problem; it's what we do know that just ain't so. - Will Rogers

To help other people I gather & post on abodia.com, mail 2 ¢, host conferences on what I/ we find.

I share 1,000s of files.

Comments welcome.

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Ted Elden .